Unique dog

Tonic - an unusual dog with a face like a man, instantly became popular after her picture appeared on the Internet. Most animal lovers would agree that dogs have certain traits that are similar to human beings, such as the ability to feel emotions such as joy, fear, and even empathy. However, rarely meet a four-footed friend who'd had such a strong resemblance to a man.

Tonic - a two-year dog that is a cross between a poodle and shih tzu, who now lives in the city Mishauaka, Indiana in the United States. She was brought to the agency for the animals from the shelter for euthanasia, located in Kentucky. Although strange looking animals are always spread rapidly in the online environment, in this case the attention of a large number of people can bring doggie favor. Tonic needs a master, and the agency provides all the required dog vaccinations to prepare him for life in the new house. In the database of pets through which you can take the animal to education, states that "Tonic - very nice establishment that does not have a lot of experience dealing with people, but he gets along with other dogs."

But how is the dog's face has become a "humanoid" appearance? Of course, dogs and humans have some common genes and our two species have a common ancestor who lived back in the Cretaceous period. In addition, dog breed Shih Tzu grown for their flat faces. But a humanoid appearance Tonic has a lot more to do with a person's appearance than to the physiology of the dog. The reaction to the unusual dog pictures range from admiration to perplexity. There are even suggestions that it was the result of failed experiments in cloning. In any case, it seems Tonic lucky and he will find a host of applications since its adoption is quite a lot.
Source: www.infoniac.ru/news/Sobake-s-chelovecheskim-licom-nuzhen-hozyain.html