Dog is 3 years service on closed traffic police post
After four years of service in the traffic police purebred dog every day comes to a closed position, to patrol a section of road under Neftekamsk.
Canine inspector named Babai for seven years following the situation on one of the checkpoints at the entrance to the Bashkir city Neftekamsk. During this time the dog became a local landmark because of its responsible attitude to work: three years faithful Babai alone keeps order in a closed office.
Canine inspector named Babai for seven years following the situation on one of the checkpoints at the entrance to the Bashkir city Neftekamsk. During this time the dog became a local landmark because of its responsible attitude to work: three years faithful Babai alone keeps order in a closed office.
Dog came to the traffic police on duty on the night shift, when he was a puppy. Since then, he had served faithfully together with law enforcement officers.
- We found it in 2007 - said the DPS inspector Ruslan Zhiyanbaev. - Shelters, reared and decided to call Babai because of his mustache.
Not once rescued dog cops, warning bark of uninvited guests, and attracted the attention of the police to the suspicious car. Bogeyman was a true freelancer local traffic police.
In 2010, the post was closed, but the dog still goes there every morning to work. All day long he does not leave the place of service and waiting for their "colleagues" - DPS inspectors.
Bogeyman easy to meet people, apparently so willing to shake a paw quadruped inspector becomes more and more. Drivers passing by fast stop to greet unusual "traffic cop" and feed him.
Bogeyman takes food, but really comes alive only when a police car pulls up the post. Her dog meets a joyful bark, for the next hour it will work, just like old times.
Canine inspector named Babai for seven years following the situation on one of the checkpoints at the entrance to the Bashkir city Neftekamsk. During this time the dog became a local landmark because of its responsible attitude to work: three years faithful Babai alone keeps order in a closed office.

Canine inspector named Babai for seven years following the situation on one of the checkpoints at the entrance to the Bashkir city Neftekamsk. During this time the dog became a local landmark because of its responsible attitude to work: three years faithful Babai alone keeps order in a closed office.
Dog came to the traffic police on duty on the night shift, when he was a puppy. Since then, he had served faithfully together with law enforcement officers.

- We found it in 2007 - said the DPS inspector Ruslan Zhiyanbaev. - Shelters, reared and decided to call Babai because of his mustache.
Not once rescued dog cops, warning bark of uninvited guests, and attracted the attention of the police to the suspicious car. Bogeyman was a true freelancer local traffic police.

In 2010, the post was closed, but the dog still goes there every morning to work. All day long he does not leave the place of service and waiting for their "colleagues" - DPS inspectors.
Bogeyman easy to meet people, apparently so willing to shake a paw quadruped inspector becomes more and more. Drivers passing by fast stop to greet unusual "traffic cop" and feed him.
Bogeyman takes food, but really comes alive only when a police car pulls up the post. Her dog meets a joyful bark, for the next hour it will work, just like old times.