3D-printer in the shape of a pen
3Doodler - this is a real 3D-printer, made in the form factor of the handle. So the winner of this remarkable invention can literally draw a three-dimensional objects without using a computer and software. 3Doodler opens up new opportunities for artists and dizaynerami.
To write using standard 3-mm plastic rods. One meter starting material suffice for more than 10 meters of the finished line. The plastic hardens almost instantly, allowing you to draw without reliance on weight.
Handle weighs less than 200 grams, pre-order on Kickstarter will cost $ 75 (in the package includes two sets of colored plastic rods). 3Doodle supports two-speed "print" - to quickly fill large areas and for fine work. The creators claim that adapt himself to create a simple form can be for a couple of hours, and drawing on the plane does not require any special navykov.
3D-handle will be not only the "write by hand" From the site you can download templates for printing the details on paper that can be "trace" separately, and then assembled into a three-dimensional structure, as a designer. The authors of the project hope that the template library will be constantly updated by users, and contains many hundreds and thousands of models.
Source: mirfactov.com/