
child born with a rare genetic disease, can not sleep at night because of the "scale", which is dotted with his body, and that brings him great pain. Among the residents of the eastern Chinese province of Zhejiang eight Pan Hyanhang known as the "boy-fish." From head to toe covered with itchy baby thick crusts diamond shape, which are separated by deep cracks that makes his skin look like fish scales.

Ban Hyanhang born with a rare genetic disease ichthyosis, because of which all eight years of his life he had to live with the unbearable pain. Very often, the boy case of extreme bouts of mange. According to the Argentine newspaper El Periodico, the mother of Pan she said that her son wants to be healthy and never be scratched.

Severe skin disease, which caused severe skin lesions, affected the shape of his eyelids, nose, mouth and ears, and also limits the movement of the arms and legs. According to the Foundation for ichthyosis patients annually with some form of the disease more than 16,000 babies are born. Among children with ichthyosis are cases with a variety of severity of the symptoms.

Today, modern medicine can not offer people suffering from this disease, any effective remedy. All that can be doctors, is to alleviate the suffering of their patients. In particular, doctors believe that cold water can reduce the symptoms of overheating and thick cream to prevent cracking of the skin. Currently, doctors are looking for other ways to treat the boy.

Ban - not for the first child, who turned out because of his illness on the front pages of newspapers. In 2012, the year a documentary film entitled "The boy, whom everyone calls the fish." The picture tells the story of 18-year-old orphan from the Vietnam Minh Ana, who is also suffering from ichthyosis.
Source: fedpost.ru/lydi/43325-malchik-ryba-s-nog-do-golovy-pokrytyj-cheshuej-mechtaet.html