With heart in abdomen

24-year-old man who has lived his entire life with a heart protruding from the abdomen, will finally be able to walk normally and stop at the same time to choke. Rongming Huang (Huang Rongming) of Henan Province in China underwent surgery, which should change his life. A man lay on the operating table to correct a heart defect and move the body from the stomach into the chest kletku.

With rare disease Huang lived 24 years old, but recently, doctors reported that his condition deteriorated rapidly and he needed emergency surgery. Congenital displacement of the heart - an incredibly rare disease and occurs often in babies of five million. Most patients die shortly after birth. Huang's parents could not afford to pay for an operation to move the heart of a son in the chest. To raise funds for a costly medical procedure failed after the media brought the issue to his attention. "This is a dream. I'm going to lead a normal life like everyone else ", - said the young man in an interview Chinadaily.

Before the operation, a man's heart is easily visible under a thin layer of skin. It was possible to observe how the bulging upper abdominal organ is reduced. When the boy was born, the doctors did not think he would survive. Parents Huang admitted that they sought to protect her son when he was a kid, and even forbade him to play with other children, fearing that he would die.

Due to the illness of a young man suffering from severe shortness of breath. When he rose to his feet, he began to turn blue. In addition, he was constantly under the threat of sudden death that can come from anyone, even the slightest impact on the unprotected heart. This year, a young man asked for help from the Union Hospital of Henan Province. His doctor Dong Ninguo was surprised that Huang was able to live so long.

Surveys have shown that the condition of the young man rapidly deteriorating, and he needs immediate surgery, the cost of which was estimated at 200,000 yuan (about $ 33,000).

History Huang has attracted media attention and has been well covered in the local media, resulting in a required amount was able to collect over six days. The operation lasted over 10 hours and was completely successful. Now his belly flat and heart defect corrected.
Source: pixanews.com/medicina-i-anomalii/kitaec-zhil-s-serdcem-v-zhivote.html