Big dog died from the United States

in the US city of Tucson, Arizona, died giant Great Dane dog Giant Dzhordzh.

Giant dog died on 17 October. According to the owners of George, just a week later he was about to turn eight let.

The cause of death of the animal is not reported. There is also no information on the date and place of the funeral Dzhordzha.

In 2010, Giant George hit the Guinness Book of Records as the biggest dog in the world. His height at the withers was 110 cm, weight - 111 kg.

According to the owners of the dog, because of the huge size it was difficult to walk and run on standard platforms for dogs razmerov.

However, communication with relatives he replaced an active lifestyle among the people. George attended various television shows, participated in charity meropriyatiyah.

A year ago, the Giant George has a competitor - dog named Zeus from Michigan. The Guinness Book of Zeus, born in 2008, with growth of 112 submitted sm.