The tall man married

This may sound strange, but the tallest man in the world is on cloud nine after meeting the woman of his dreams. Sultan Kosen growth of 2, 52 meters, he abandoned the search for love, because women were afraid of its growth, until he met dibo Merwe. Yesterday, finally, there was a wedding. The wedding took place in Turtsii.

Reminiscing about his long search for love, the man said: "It is a pity that I did not found a girl as high as I am. But with my fiancee, I found a man for himself. " His dream came true, and now he is looking for themselves car. Kosen was the tallest man in the world in 2009 and reached almost celebrity status, so the wedding the couple had many notable person.

Among the guests could meet politicians, including President Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as well as religious leaders and high-profile businessmen. Kosen also hit the Guinness Book of Records as the man with large hands - 27, 5 cm and big feet - 36, 5 cm in dlinu.

A man suffering from a rare disorder called pituitary gigantism, causing his body produces growth hormone. Doctors believe that his condition was caused by a tumor on the pituitary gland, which was removed in 2008 godu.

To ten years Kosen stunted, but when there was a tumor, its growth began to increase rapidly, and only stopped last year. During his visit to the UK last year he was teased all children, it was difficult, but he is still proud to be so high.