A Chinese man with a knife in his head

Chinese news portal "Guangxi News" reported an unusual case. Man after being wounded in the head with a kitchen knife was able to independently go to the hospital for some medical pomoschi.

Surprising was the fact that the wounded man had behaved calmly and patiently waited in the queue to see a doctor at a hospital in Jilin Province. On the reaction of visitors to a medical institution in the emergence of such a patient is not informed. Photo of Chinese in minutes sold for microblogging. Members jokingly called him "brother from Yanji calm." Journalists responded quickly to the news. How did they find out after getting stabbed in the skull, the Chinese do not lose consciousness, their own access to health facilities. Eyewitnesses claim that the victim looked cheerful, and his behavior can not be said that he was in pain. Coupled with a knife sticking out of his head, it looked strange.

To take courageous Chinese doctor said that after the X-ray was clear - a man's life is not in danger with respect. The blade of the knife struck the parietal bone, but important parts of the brain, fortunately, were not hurt. In the department of neurosurgery unusual patient was removed from the blade head. After a successful operation the man was discharged from the hospital.
Source: novostiua.net/proisshestviya/47502-kitaec-s-nozhom-v-golove-sam-prishel-k-vrachu.html