Use headstand — 10 reasons why you should do Sirshasana
Fifty million seven hundred thirty one thousand eight hundred seventeen
Sirsasana or headstand is one of the main and important poses in yoga. Although in itself it is not related to the category of difficult poses, however, its effectiveness is difficult to overestimate. At the same time do not forget about security, after all, stand on head asana is not for beginners; you will need to prepare for its implementation with more simple poses.
How useful headstand?
1. Thanks to the implementation of sirsasana, we draw the effects of gravity in your body as well as the flow of prana, i.e. the internal energy. The mere reference of gravity back plays a huge role in maintaining health and even some rejuvenation of the whole organism. For example, your skin becomes fresher and looks healthier; wrinkles can be significantly reduced, since as a result of this exercise is improved blood circulation in the skin, especially the skin of the face and neck. Along with blood in the upper body (and skin in particular) do nutrients and oxygen, which gives the skin a "radiant" look.
2. For the above reason (the enrichment of the upper body in nutrients) improves blood flow to the head, which has very positive impact on the condition of the hair. Hair will not only become healthier, but also delays the appearance of gray hair. In other words, correctly and regularly performing a headstand, you will be able to preserve your natural hair color and delay the appearance of gray hair on his head.
3. The influx of fresh blood to the pituitary gland and hypothalamus stimulates the activity of these glands, which play an important role in the functioning of the body: they regulate the activity of other glands and secretions (thyroid gland, pineal gland, adrenal glands, gonads).
4. Interestingly, by performing headstands our adrenal glands are cleansed of toxins that creates in us positive thoughts. Ie, regular practice Shirshasana able to not only reduce depression, but even to act as a means of protection from it.
5. Our heart becomes stronger and healthier, because the headstand reverses the flow of blood, and thus gives the heart the opportunity to rest and recover. Venous blood faster and easier returns from the extremities to the heart.
6. Practice sirsasana allows you to deal with varicose and edema in the lower extremities.
7. Increases the digestive fire and bodily heat. The appeal of gravity improves the movement of intestinal contents, facilitating timely evacuation, and stimulates blood flow in the gastrointestinal tract.
8. Other benefits of headstand is to strengthen the core muscles of the body, especially the muscles of the back and shoulders. We can say that the strengthening of the entire musculature.
9. Reduces the risk of ischemic stroke that were identified through studies of people who regularly perform a handstand.
10. Well, the last paragraph: it's just cool to show Shirshasana your friends!
To learn the techniques headstand, it is advisable to consult a qualified teacher or at least a knowledgeable and experienced person for a long time and regularly does yoga. In addition, it is necessary to consult a doctor for any serious illnesses, T. K. and headstand has its contraindications (for example, injuries of the cervical spine, extremely high blood pressure, eye disease, hyperacidity of the stomach )
source: denissvetlichny.ru
Source: /users/1077
Sirsasana or headstand is one of the main and important poses in yoga. Although in itself it is not related to the category of difficult poses, however, its effectiveness is difficult to overestimate. At the same time do not forget about security, after all, stand on head asana is not for beginners; you will need to prepare for its implementation with more simple poses.
How useful headstand?
1. Thanks to the implementation of sirsasana, we draw the effects of gravity in your body as well as the flow of prana, i.e. the internal energy. The mere reference of gravity back plays a huge role in maintaining health and even some rejuvenation of the whole organism. For example, your skin becomes fresher and looks healthier; wrinkles can be significantly reduced, since as a result of this exercise is improved blood circulation in the skin, especially the skin of the face and neck. Along with blood in the upper body (and skin in particular) do nutrients and oxygen, which gives the skin a "radiant" look.
2. For the above reason (the enrichment of the upper body in nutrients) improves blood flow to the head, which has very positive impact on the condition of the hair. Hair will not only become healthier, but also delays the appearance of gray hair. In other words, correctly and regularly performing a headstand, you will be able to preserve your natural hair color and delay the appearance of gray hair on his head.
3. The influx of fresh blood to the pituitary gland and hypothalamus stimulates the activity of these glands, which play an important role in the functioning of the body: they regulate the activity of other glands and secretions (thyroid gland, pineal gland, adrenal glands, gonads).
4. Interestingly, by performing headstands our adrenal glands are cleansed of toxins that creates in us positive thoughts. Ie, regular practice Shirshasana able to not only reduce depression, but even to act as a means of protection from it.
5. Our heart becomes stronger and healthier, because the headstand reverses the flow of blood, and thus gives the heart the opportunity to rest and recover. Venous blood faster and easier returns from the extremities to the heart.
6. Practice sirsasana allows you to deal with varicose and edema in the lower extremities.
7. Increases the digestive fire and bodily heat. The appeal of gravity improves the movement of intestinal contents, facilitating timely evacuation, and stimulates blood flow in the gastrointestinal tract.
8. Other benefits of headstand is to strengthen the core muscles of the body, especially the muscles of the back and shoulders. We can say that the strengthening of the entire musculature.
9. Reduces the risk of ischemic stroke that were identified through studies of people who regularly perform a handstand.
10. Well, the last paragraph: it's just cool to show Shirshasana your friends!
To learn the techniques headstand, it is advisable to consult a qualified teacher or at least a knowledgeable and experienced person for a long time and regularly does yoga. In addition, it is necessary to consult a doctor for any serious illnesses, T. K. and headstand has its contraindications (for example, injuries of the cervical spine, extremely high blood pressure, eye disease, hyperacidity of the stomach )
source: denissvetlichny.ru
Source: /users/1077