Following the lost iPhone, it traveled the world, became a star in China, and even found a best friend!
This story is similar to the plot of a Hollywood blockbuster, it began in February 2014 and later just blew the internet. It all started with the fact that the New Yorker - journalist Matt Stopera - in a bar in Manhattan stolen iPhone. Man, of course, disappointed and even tried to call the stolen phone - iPhone has been disconnected. But Matt did not consider it necessary to seek the offender, thinking that such action and so he took a couple of points from their karma. Therefore, the poor guy just put up with the case, and completely forgotten about the loss.
Soon, the main defendant in this story began - what would you have thought? - Juicy oranges. Do not think I did not lose the thread of meaning, citrus really played an important role ... The fact is that a year after the incident, Matt, relaxing with friends, decided to go to your page to Instagram. What was his surprise when he found out there ... Surprise! Hundreds of newly downloaded images with the lost iPhone. One of the photos showed off some Chinese man on a background of orange trees. It's funny and terrifying at the same time! Matt did not know what to do: whether to laugh, or cry ...
I told this guy out of the ordinary event in his blog. The stranger and continued to publish various photos in Instagram. Matt did not even have time to check for updates.
All Instagram was littered with pictures of orange trees ...
You could also find hundreds of photographs taken during the fireworks.
There were also pictures of someone's little hands ...
And the terrible picture stranger.
It seemed that the Chinese broke no joke ... Just last month, Matt watched the life "Orange Man". As it turned out, the smart phone of the journalist was not disconnected from the service iCloud, which is why pictures of the alleged thieves flowed into the network. Later, Matt decided to turn off the service to the new owner was not able to use the gadget ... it seemed that a detective story came to an end.
But there it was! Strangely, there were kind people who posted transferred Matt publications into Chinese and posted on a popular Asian microblogging service Weibo. Matt did not have time to look back, I became pretty darn popular among Asians. Bloggers vying offered him help in the search for a new owner of the iPhone, which will of fate named "Orange brother". History Matt Stopera broke all ratings in China.
Soon "Orange brother" is still found. Matt even managed to contact him. Chinese Stopera has invited me to visit. The long-awaited meeting was to be held March 18. B>
In the meantime, Matt and his "Orange brother" became best friends and continued to communicate using the service Weibo. "Orange brother" even taught Stopera chopsticks to eat ...
«Orange brother" living in the city of Meizhou, in the south of China. This city does not even know every Chinese. While Matt was flying the aircraft in this godforsaken place, "Orange brother" published on the Internet a very touching photo next to the inscription: "Welcome, Matt!». B>
So fateful meeting took place. Matt Stopera and "Orange brother" were finally able to shake hands. B>
The first topic of conversation was the discussion of the history of the phone. How did you learn from the story of "orange brother", first stolen phone Matt found himself in Hong Kong. From Hong Kong, he went to Shenzhen - the largest mobile phone market in the world. In the end, "Orange brother" got an iPhone as a gift from his nephew. Most of the pictures are a daughter "orange brother" ... This explains why one of the images were captured someone's little hands.
Matt and the family "orange brother».
The symbolic picture about orange trees.
Life - an unpredictable thing. You never know what awaits you around the next bend. Destiny - a wonderful director-producer, who often comes up with plots bigger than in Hollywood! Tell me about this incredible story, worthy of the award "Oscar" to your friends.
Soon, the main defendant in this story began - what would you have thought? - Juicy oranges. Do not think I did not lose the thread of meaning, citrus really played an important role ... The fact is that a year after the incident, Matt, relaxing with friends, decided to go to your page to Instagram. What was his surprise when he found out there ... Surprise! Hundreds of newly downloaded images with the lost iPhone. One of the photos showed off some Chinese man on a background of orange trees. It's funny and terrifying at the same time! Matt did not know what to do: whether to laugh, or cry ...

I told this guy out of the ordinary event in his blog. The stranger and continued to publish various photos in Instagram. Matt did not even have time to check for updates.
All Instagram was littered with pictures of orange trees ...

You could also find hundreds of photographs taken during the fireworks.

There were also pictures of someone's little hands ...

And the terrible picture stranger.

It seemed that the Chinese broke no joke ... Just last month, Matt watched the life "Orange Man". As it turned out, the smart phone of the journalist was not disconnected from the service iCloud, which is why pictures of the alleged thieves flowed into the network. Later, Matt decided to turn off the service to the new owner was not able to use the gadget ... it seemed that a detective story came to an end.
But there it was! Strangely, there were kind people who posted transferred Matt publications into Chinese and posted on a popular Asian microblogging service Weibo. Matt did not have time to look back, I became pretty darn popular among Asians. Bloggers vying offered him help in the search for a new owner of the iPhone, which will of fate named "Orange brother". History Matt Stopera broke all ratings in China.

Soon "Orange brother" is still found. Matt even managed to contact him. Chinese Stopera has invited me to visit. The long-awaited meeting was to be held March 18. B>

In the meantime, Matt and his "Orange brother" became best friends and continued to communicate using the service Weibo. "Orange brother" even taught Stopera chopsticks to eat ...

«Orange brother" living in the city of Meizhou, in the south of China. This city does not even know every Chinese. While Matt was flying the aircraft in this godforsaken place, "Orange brother" published on the Internet a very touching photo next to the inscription: "Welcome, Matt!». B>

So fateful meeting took place. Matt Stopera and "Orange brother" were finally able to shake hands. B>

The first topic of conversation was the discussion of the history of the phone. How did you learn from the story of "orange brother", first stolen phone Matt found himself in Hong Kong. From Hong Kong, he went to Shenzhen - the largest mobile phone market in the world. In the end, "Orange brother" got an iPhone as a gift from his nephew. Most of the pictures are a daughter "orange brother" ... This explains why one of the images were captured someone's little hands.
Matt and the family "orange brother».

The symbolic picture about orange trees.

Life - an unpredictable thing. You never know what awaits you around the next bend. Destiny - a wonderful director-producer, who often comes up with plots bigger than in Hollywood! Tell me about this incredible story, worthy of the award "Oscar" to your friends.
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13 of the best April Fools' jokes that make you roll on the floor laughing.