IPhone Battery

With the release of more and more new versions of iOS theme of saving the battery is becoming more urgent. Android smartphone owners in this issue for a long time already "eaten a dog", now it is the turn of apple smartphone owners. Even if you consider yourself a power user - still read the tips below ...

1 Turn Avtoyarkosti.
Avtomaticheskaya regulirovka BRIGHTNESS screen pomozhet znachitelno prodlit time afterwards the ustroystva.

2 Do not ispolzuyte service Determining mestopolozheniya.
Every time you turn on ispolzovanii services mestopolozheniya blok GPS, kotorye Pumping capacity battery with udvoennoy siloy.

3 Disconnect dostavku uvedomleny.
Disabling uvedomleny prodlit time afterwards the akkumulyatora iPhone. IT'S not pomeshaet polucheniyu novyh data tom if prilozhenie otkryto. iOS pozvolyaet vyborochno otklyuchit programmy menu Nastroyki - & gt; Uvedomleniya.

4 LOCKING iPhone.
LOCKING vashego iPhone while afterwards the completion of the reaction predotvratit ustroystva random prikosnoveniya on the screen and reduce raskhodovanie battery. 5 Increase the interval Check of pochty.
So whether you neobhodimo proveryat pochtu every 5 minutes? Increasing the interval Check of novyh letters sohranit charge akkumulyatora iPhone.

6 Switching off Push in pochte.
Po tomu same principle. 7 Shutdown schelchkov keyboard.
Charge ustroystva potreblyaetsya at ozvuchivanii kazhdogo tapa Po keyboard. * 8 ispolzovaniya vibration.
Mnogie games and programmy ispolzuyu vibration function. Turn off within the program or from the phone settings.

9 Closing fonovyh prilozheny.
Starting with iOS 4, iPhone pozvolyaet run prilozheniya in fone. Excellent function, Nr Semidetached prilozheniya Pumping capacity charge akkumulyatora in fonovom mode. Close programmy kotorye you do not ispolzuyte.

10 Ispolzovanie Airplane.
Poskolku iPhone postoyanno trying ustanovit soedinenie with sotovoy network in rayonah low urovnem signal or action is zony sotovoy network energopotreblenie vozrastaet. For ekonomii charge the iPhone in Airplane Mode switch ("Mode iPod").

11 Turning off 3G.
3G faster Nr potreblyaet bolshey energy. If you have a 3G ogranichennoe The covers or you do not require fast data download, verily, turn off this feature in nastroykah. 12 Turning off Wi-Fi.
If you do not ispolzuete Wi-Fi, turn off obyazatelno etot parameter nastroykah. iPhone will not waste valuable Tuning fonovy charge on Wi-Fi networks.

13 Disable Bluetooth.
If you redko ispolzuete headset or avtomobilny komplekt, otklyuchite Bluetooth for ekonomii charge.

14 Turning off the equalizer.
Ispolzovanie equalizer vo time vosproizvedeniya music on the iPhone mozhet reduce the time afterwards the akkumulyatora. 15 Turn off the iPhone.
If you okazalis in rayone low urovnem signal or not prosto ispolzuete telefon - switch off the ego. These rules prostye podhodyat all modeley iPhone, including the iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 / S, iPhone 5 and even the iPhone 2G. Note: legacy modeli iPhone 2G and 3G is not podderzhivayut nekotorye features new versions of iOS, for example mnogozadachnost.
Source: 24gadget.ru/1161054045-kak-prodlit-vremya-raboty-batarei-iphone.html