72-year-old Chinese youth Hu Hai told how to save old age and keep cheerful for many years

Gray hair, wrinkles on the face and a stick in the hands - a typical image of a pensioner in the years. But this description has nothing to do with our hero today, even though he is 72 years old. Hu Hai is from China, and in 2016 he was named Shanghai’s most modern grandfather. The Chinese proves that men over 70 They can look not only young, but also attractive. How he manages to preserve youth and beauty, we tell in today's article.

Men after 70 years Hu Hai was born in 1950. When he was young, his father died. Mom raised the boy and his six siblings alone. Since early childhood, the Chinese was fond of sports. This is one of the keys to health and youth.

Although the man is 72 years old, it is simply impossible to call him an old man. He dresses in youth clothes and likes to be photographed. The Chinese skateboarder also loves physical activity. Hu Hai is a model family man. He has a wife, a 40-year-old daughter and grandchildren.

The body and bodily functions of a man correspond to 40 years. And his mental age is even lower. And this is not just a guess of doctors, but a scientifically confirmed fact. There is a special machine with which people can check their physical age. The Chinese do this regularly. Based on the indicators, the hero can do what 20-year-old young people can do. Amazing!

Genetically, the Chinese age differently. However, Hu Hai is convinced that it is not just about genetics. Younger appearance is the result of many years of work on yourself. Every day a man does yoga and meditates. He also has an unusual habit. He likes to hang upside down with special gravity boots. According to him, this exercise prevents hair loss and wrinkles.

In addition, the Chinese daily eat 1-2 tablespoons of sesame and walnut mixture. Products can be ground in a coffee grinder for the future. The tool helps Hu Hai maintain the strength and shine of his hair. In addition, he takes collagen supplements and other vitamins.

Hu Hai’s advice The hero pays special attention to his nutrition. He eats extremely healthy food and prefers small portions. Hu Hai has never done plastic. Instead of various cosmetics that prolong youth, he uses an innovative tool that he created.

This is a special spray for facial skin care. It includes peony tincture, apple cider vinegar, glycelax (laxative) and purified water. But the proportions of the components Chinese does not tell anyone. To improve his health and appearance, a man uses massage. In its arsenal there is a massage chair, a hand massager and even a special bed.

According to the hero, massage should be done working on each part of the body. He works out the head area and even the toes. It is most convenient to do this with a hand massager. In fact, these are just auxiliary means, thanks to which you can stay young. However, much more depends on the thinking of the person.

The Chinese emphasizes how important it is to think positively if you want to maintain your youth. People who complain about life and do not seek self-development are doomed to rapid aging. Every day a man tries to learn something new for himself. This is how he struggles with old age.

Also daily Hu Hai drinks a glass of miraculous drink. To prepare it, you need to whip in a blender 1 banana, 200 ml of almond milk, 1 teaspoon of spirulina and a little cinnamon. As a rejuvenating agent, the Chinese uses goji berries in combination with honey.

Another rejuvenating drink of the hero is a pea smoothie. It includes 50 g of peanuts, red, green and black peas, as well as water, honey and lemon juice. Hu Hai also eats raisins soaked in apple cider vinegar. He soaks it overnight in a 1:1 ratio. Prepare the product strictly in the amount that you plan to eat the next day.

Hu Hai’s advice is quite simple. The only question is what people are willing to do to stay healthy and young for many years. Tell us in the comments, which of the Chinese recommendations attracted your attention the most?


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