Very optimistic forecast of Yuri Mirov about the future
All Ukrainians and the rest of the world are looking forward to Ukraine’s victory over the invaders. And she's clearly just around the corner. But no one knows exactly what will happen after the war of 2022 or what exactly we should fear. Many They talk about world hunger.Ukraine and Russia were the main suppliers of many resources.
What will happen after the war in 2022, Yuri Mirov recently gave an extensive interview, in which he discussed with the leaders the influence of the position of space bodies on the political situation. So, for example, Mirov has repeatedly mentioned Jupiter in the constellation of Pisces. This usually means serious financial assistance. Most likely, he was referring to the Lend-Lease, not so long ago adopted by the United States in relation to Ukraine.
Yuri Mirov also mentioned the position of Mars, which significantly affects the course of the war. Almost all of April, this planet was near Venus and only in early May moved from this position. Venus in the same house as Mars It's usually overwhelming. They can negatively affect not only politics, but also people in general. Excessive display of emotions It is better to leave it for peacetime. Now you need to do everything with a cold mind and heart.
Not the last significance is the eclipse in the twentieth of May. By the way, around this time, Mars will be in the same house with Saturn. The latter changes its sign quite rarely: once every two and a half years. There is much to be expected from such a change. For example, the aggravation of some chronic problems.
In the second half of May, Mars will be located in the constellation of Pisces. Combined with Venus, it will give us the wisdom that is so important for crisis decision-making. It will also finally break the fog of uncertainty we have been in for so long. Many people will understand what they really want from life and what they need to do to realize their plans.
Yuri Mirov claims that in astrology the importance Three important factors: place, time and people. For example, at the inauguration of the President of Ukraine Mars was in the same house with Cancer. Usually this promises quite difficult times. However, neither tarologists nor astrologers could predict what would happen next.
Vital wisdom and editorial advice Uncertainty is one of the most unpleasant factors in times of crisis. People don’t know what to plan for them or if they have any future at all. Everyone wants specifics on dates and events. Unfortunately, war is unpredictable. Nobody expected anyone. attack by the invaders from 23 to 24 February. For many Ukrainians, the spring has not yet arrived.
However, we try not to be discouraged and wait for better times. The main thing is to stick together and help each other with all your strength. We may not be able to stop this terrible war here and now. We can mitigate the consequences.. To do this, you need to be mentally prepared for difficult times after the victory, as well as support each other morally and physically. We can do this together.
What will happen after the war in 2022, Yuri Mirov recently gave an extensive interview, in which he discussed with the leaders the influence of the position of space bodies on the political situation. So, for example, Mirov has repeatedly mentioned Jupiter in the constellation of Pisces. This usually means serious financial assistance. Most likely, he was referring to the Lend-Lease, not so long ago adopted by the United States in relation to Ukraine.

Yuri Mirov also mentioned the position of Mars, which significantly affects the course of the war. Almost all of April, this planet was near Venus and only in early May moved from this position. Venus in the same house as Mars It's usually overwhelming. They can negatively affect not only politics, but also people in general. Excessive display of emotions It is better to leave it for peacetime. Now you need to do everything with a cold mind and heart.

Not the last significance is the eclipse in the twentieth of May. By the way, around this time, Mars will be in the same house with Saturn. The latter changes its sign quite rarely: once every two and a half years. There is much to be expected from such a change. For example, the aggravation of some chronic problems.

In the second half of May, Mars will be located in the constellation of Pisces. Combined with Venus, it will give us the wisdom that is so important for crisis decision-making. It will also finally break the fog of uncertainty we have been in for so long. Many people will understand what they really want from life and what they need to do to realize their plans.

Yuri Mirov claims that in astrology the importance Three important factors: place, time and people. For example, at the inauguration of the President of Ukraine Mars was in the same house with Cancer. Usually this promises quite difficult times. However, neither tarologists nor astrologers could predict what would happen next.

Vital wisdom and editorial advice Uncertainty is one of the most unpleasant factors in times of crisis. People don’t know what to plan for them or if they have any future at all. Everyone wants specifics on dates and events. Unfortunately, war is unpredictable. Nobody expected anyone. attack by the invaders from 23 to 24 February. For many Ukrainians, the spring has not yet arrived.

However, we try not to be discouraged and wait for better times. The main thing is to stick together and help each other with all your strength. We may not be able to stop this terrible war here and now. We can mitigate the consequences.. To do this, you need to be mentally prepared for difficult times after the victory, as well as support each other morally and physically. We can do this together.
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