A brilliant publicity stunt

It was in the glorious city of Rivne.
Was there in the mid-90s a small gun shop, which is in dire need in clients.
Active vvalivanie H's sums in advertising did not give a tangible result.
But as they say necessity is the agile tricks ... or whatever it is - on the sly agility?
Brilliant idea visited store manager, and he has delivered to his gun shop usual batch of conventional bandanas ... but with an unusual pattern on it ... instead of drawing such a decent sported Nazi swastika!
Sewn in China ... and in Asia related to the swastika is somewhat different than ours, and not associated with the targeted killings of millions of innocent civilians, genocide and meticulous people.
Chinese sewed - we bought - hucksters who cares, right?
But the director of the gun shop was not Chinese, not even a Jew. He was a specialist PR!
Naturally themselves rags were not planned in active sales, but lay on the counter.
The second step was to attract the director through a friend - friends - distant acquaintances, this group of goods of the Head of the Jewish Community of Rivne. Or rather the Chief Rabbi of the region.
Seeing what is sold on the counter, Mr. Chief Rabbi exactly rushed into the fray!
Rabid anti-Semites, magicians and other patriots - I ask you to stop reading, or your worldview imposed Levashov and Trehlebovym - crash!
It is worth noting that this man (Rabbi) converted to Judaism at the time when the Communist Party of the Soviet Union became unfashionable, and the international Jewish programs in the impoverished country after the collapse were very good source of income. Former underling of the usual petty officials, threw his party card, passed the procedure of adoption in Judaism, determined in such a way to rake in more money. In fact, in Judaism can join any, at the same time making sure that the plan of world conquest they have somehow not observed. (It's a secret only for the Magi and other fashikoff - other normal people know this is so).
After going through the experience of competing struggle in the Party cell, our former Ukrainian Jew who became achieved high altitude ... but remained the same stupid and short-sighted intelligence officer without bud ...
Therefore, instead of what would solve the problem of how to make intelligent Jews - say ayyayyay alone Director - our rabbi raised his usual high and howling in the press.
Well, it is impossible to official drum head that there is some other solution to the problem, but to howl.
Another is clear that Ukraine - a country hundreds of years of forced other countries - has lost the experience of self-government. And all that is done in the government - pinched from other countries. Well, do not like the Nazis in Germany and the swastika - and we do not like to shout it! And the louder the better!
All Ukrainian press was filled with articles, where the first column and a large font name adorned the gun shop, and just below - the address.
Learned about him, even those who did not want to know ...
Of course raided verification bodies and other upyrsky unit tests, but the store manager confronted them with dignity.
Advertising was mad, so shopping has become very profitable.
The truth is - as expected - bandanas with Asian swastikas were buried in the garden, and disappeared forever from the counter ...
And now pure arithmetic - advertising director for a year cost about 10,000 at the Baku that was not very effective. And then he paid just something u.ё. 1500, and then for that would pay off the checks ...
Learn citizens ...