Travel to New Jersey
Recently turned my old dream - I finally rolled in the cockpit of the American truck. While only in the neighboring state and back, but it has plenty of experience, more than 600 photos and confidence that all this must necessarily be repeated. Only the next time somewhere far away. On the other end of the country, for example. And yet, for the first time after spending the whole day in the cabin of the car, I was not only tired, but on the contrary was full of energy and ready to go, go and go.
About a truck on which I was traveling, I had a separate post. This time my friend Yuri had the task to go from Brooklyn to pick up the goods in New Jersey, and then back to New York. So he usually does, but this time he had a good reason. I could not miss such an opportunity and went with him. Today will be the first part. Departure from New York and the road to the storage terminal. Then talk about the loading, the way back and the truck stop. Let's go.
The main problem of transportation in a truck in New York is to choose the right path. If I, for example, a trip to the area of Kennedy Airport is a short trip on the highway, the driver of the truck is painful prodiranie through endless traffic lights and traffic jams. I'm going there for 15 minutes, and the truck at least an hour. Plus all the way he will be zooming, cut and throw under the wheels of one of the worst drivers in America. If even ordinary truck can travel far for all the roads and streets of New York, the travel options for a large truck with a semitrailer less. The main problem is the height of bridges and overpasses, and the lack of room for maneuver. Do not get under an overpass each drive, and not on every street corner will turn in the right direction. All this, plus the broken roads, making New York in general, and Brooklyn in particular, one of the least favorite places among truck drivers in the United States. Some drivers from other cities simply refuse to go to Brooklyn, and some transport companies pay extra money for the extra trip there.
2. We are faced with the same problems and it was a most unusual route for departure from what I've seen.
3. At the Crossroads of Mexicans are waiting for any job.
4. Mustang.
5. Chinese-collector bottles.
6. pushed for Brooklyn we finally taxied to a normal way.
7. In front of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. Scoreboard reports on the upcoming New York Marathon and accompanying ceilings streets, and that trucks can only go on the upper level of the bridge.
8. The upper level. On my car I'm driving is usually on the bottom.
9. High landing opens a previously unknown perspective. From the window of my Volvo all this simply can not see - prevents the fence. In the photo Upper New York Bay. Away cargo port cranes Newark-Elizabeth.
10. Brooklyn Areas Fort Hamilton and Bay Ridge. In the background, the panorama of Manhattan.
11. On the other hand see the open ocean and ships going through the channel Ambrose.
12. At the congress from the bridge have to pay the fare. For our truck is worth $ 75. At $ 15 per axle.
13. Then began Staten Island and endless repair its central transit route Staten Island Ekspresuey.
14. The truck driven by what looked like a giant electric motor.
15. Where repair, there are always traffic jams.
16. While crawling in traffic photograph thick concrete pad under the reconstructed part of the highway.
17. The machine for filling cushions.
18. Dirty gruzovk from the construction site.
19. Semi-trailer with a crane.
20. On Staten Island Gёtlas leave on the bridge, built in 1928.
21. Since it is clearly visible lifting railway bridge Arthur Kill - the bridge with the longest section of the lift in the world.
22. In the foreground, an oil storage company NYT. On the other side of the container terminal cranes Howland Hook and ocean kontreynerovoz NYK Line. On the horizon are seen the skyscrapers of Manhattan.
23. In New Jersey, we gather on the toll road in New Jersey Turnpike.
24. Then the system records the number of interchange at which you stopped at the highway and then the number on which to eat it, and the results will charge you the correct amount. Those who do not have a transponder for automatic payment, have to take a ticket.
25. Garden State (Garden State), namely the so-call themselves New Jersey, is not Garden. Around the continuous production.
26. Pull over to the Turnpike, we finally get into the world of trucks. A road has two parts - for passenger cars and for all. Trucks go where for all.
27. I tried to take pictures of truckers, but the venture nearly failed.
29. New Jersey Turnpike. In this part of it, seven lanes in each direction.
31. Over the road hanging electronic signs and placards. Speed mode varies depending on the weather and road conditions. Who signs the maximum. 65 miles is 104 km / h.
32. To the right on the asphalt goes comb, at arrival on that wheel will emit a loud noise. If you fall asleep, it wakes you up.
33. Cistern. And I could not understand what it is transported.
35. Jura asleep at the wheel :) (just blinked)
36. View from the passenger seat. Although there is no longer the seat, but the real seat with air suspension. On the mounds are gradually sway from what I began sleepy.
37. On the windshield transponder to pay for roads and navigator with maps for trucks.
38. Turnpike endlessly repair and remodel.
39. There is already finished and will soon be opened to traffic.
40. Overtaking.
41. The truck with the roof spoiler. In large sailing trucks and things like that help to improve the stability on the road and reduce fuel consumption.
42. Truck with its own loader.
43. From the gentle rocking in his chair finally overcame me and I offered to fetch a cup of coffee in the service area.
44. At the entrance all the trucks are sent to a separate parking lot.
45. As I ran for coffee, Yuri turned on the engine in the refrigerator, to the time of loading it was necessary subzero temperature.
46. This is not a truck stop, but there is also a lot of trucks. Someone went for coffee, as we are. Someone just got to rest.
47. Our truck is yellow.
52. After drinking coffee and eating a sandwich, we return to the track.
53. The counter-flow.
54. machine with optional rear trunk.
55. Inconspicuous black Dodge, traveling with all the stream suddenly turned on emergency lights and began to stop something neponravivshiysya his car.
57. The exit of the Turnpike.
58. The world outside has changed dramatically.
59. Information board informing about how taxpayers' money is spent.
60. Platform with an excavator.
61. The sign "Throw speed" with the image of the brake pedal.
62. Spend five minutes - stay alive.
63. Information support for repairs.
64. Then we moved to another highway. Already free.
66. The only old machine that met me on the road that day.
67. We are ahead of finch.
68. Then he moved out and the highway.
69. Outside the window, pulled the fields and farms. Sell firewood.
70. Gardens.
71. Here are selling firewood (fayervud) and the old Pontiac Firebird.
72. Ahead of any work.
73. The culprits turned out to mash tower energy company that repaired the wire.
75. The three shots in a row.
77. This is not New York.
78. It is not New York.
79. Passed meet.
80. Sign.
81. And in the midst of all these fields up and down scurry trucks.
82. Sprinkle.
83. Not all the houses look well-groomed.
84. The sign prohibiting jake braking. Can anybody explain the details. I understand that this kind of engine braking, but do not really understand the principle.
85. Outside, the scenery continues to "not New York."
86. As in other countries fell.
87. The nursery trees.
88. When we arrived at the destination, it is at the center of a small village.
89. It looks all very well, but I just strained multiple cameras in boxes on poles. It appeared that a settlement with the black population. It looks like something unusual. I'm used to that either black gadyushnik and cameras on poles, or a decent place, white and no cameras. And there is something incongruous. In general, again, not New York.
90. Having dealt with the address went to the other side. Two minutes later we began to appear solid for trucks and houses went huge building logistics terminals and warehouses.
91. We are at the end. That's our terminal.
Source: samsebeskazal.livejournal.com

About a truck on which I was traveling, I had a separate post. This time my friend Yuri had the task to go from Brooklyn to pick up the goods in New Jersey, and then back to New York. So he usually does, but this time he had a good reason. I could not miss such an opportunity and went with him. Today will be the first part. Departure from New York and the road to the storage terminal. Then talk about the loading, the way back and the truck stop. Let's go.
The main problem of transportation in a truck in New York is to choose the right path. If I, for example, a trip to the area of Kennedy Airport is a short trip on the highway, the driver of the truck is painful prodiranie through endless traffic lights and traffic jams. I'm going there for 15 minutes, and the truck at least an hour. Plus all the way he will be zooming, cut and throw under the wheels of one of the worst drivers in America. If even ordinary truck can travel far for all the roads and streets of New York, the travel options for a large truck with a semitrailer less. The main problem is the height of bridges and overpasses, and the lack of room for maneuver. Do not get under an overpass each drive, and not on every street corner will turn in the right direction. All this, plus the broken roads, making New York in general, and Brooklyn in particular, one of the least favorite places among truck drivers in the United States. Some drivers from other cities simply refuse to go to Brooklyn, and some transport companies pay extra money for the extra trip there.
2. We are faced with the same problems and it was a most unusual route for departure from what I've seen.

3. At the Crossroads of Mexicans are waiting for any job.

4. Mustang.

5. Chinese-collector bottles.

6. pushed for Brooklyn we finally taxied to a normal way.

7. In front of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. Scoreboard reports on the upcoming New York Marathon and accompanying ceilings streets, and that trucks can only go on the upper level of the bridge.

8. The upper level. On my car I'm driving is usually on the bottom.

9. High landing opens a previously unknown perspective. From the window of my Volvo all this simply can not see - prevents the fence. In the photo Upper New York Bay. Away cargo port cranes Newark-Elizabeth.

10. Brooklyn Areas Fort Hamilton and Bay Ridge. In the background, the panorama of Manhattan.

11. On the other hand see the open ocean and ships going through the channel Ambrose.

12. At the congress from the bridge have to pay the fare. For our truck is worth $ 75. At $ 15 per axle.

13. Then began Staten Island and endless repair its central transit route Staten Island Ekspresuey.

14. The truck driven by what looked like a giant electric motor.

15. Where repair, there are always traffic jams.

16. While crawling in traffic photograph thick concrete pad under the reconstructed part of the highway.

17. The machine for filling cushions.

18. Dirty gruzovk from the construction site.

19. Semi-trailer with a crane.

20. On Staten Island Gёtlas leave on the bridge, built in 1928.

21. Since it is clearly visible lifting railway bridge Arthur Kill - the bridge with the longest section of the lift in the world.

22. In the foreground, an oil storage company NYT. On the other side of the container terminal cranes Howland Hook and ocean kontreynerovoz NYK Line. On the horizon are seen the skyscrapers of Manhattan.

23. In New Jersey, we gather on the toll road in New Jersey Turnpike.

24. Then the system records the number of interchange at which you stopped at the highway and then the number on which to eat it, and the results will charge you the correct amount. Those who do not have a transponder for automatic payment, have to take a ticket.

25. Garden State (Garden State), namely the so-call themselves New Jersey, is not Garden. Around the continuous production.

26. Pull over to the Turnpike, we finally get into the world of trucks. A road has two parts - for passenger cars and for all. Trucks go where for all.

27. I tried to take pictures of truckers, but the venture nearly failed.

29. New Jersey Turnpike. In this part of it, seven lanes in each direction.

31. Over the road hanging electronic signs and placards. Speed mode varies depending on the weather and road conditions. Who signs the maximum. 65 miles is 104 km / h.

32. To the right on the asphalt goes comb, at arrival on that wheel will emit a loud noise. If you fall asleep, it wakes you up.

33. Cistern. And I could not understand what it is transported.

35. Jura asleep at the wheel :) (just blinked)

36. View from the passenger seat. Although there is no longer the seat, but the real seat with air suspension. On the mounds are gradually sway from what I began sleepy.

37. On the windshield transponder to pay for roads and navigator with maps for trucks.

38. Turnpike endlessly repair and remodel.

39. There is already finished and will soon be opened to traffic.

40. Overtaking.

41. The truck with the roof spoiler. In large sailing trucks and things like that help to improve the stability on the road and reduce fuel consumption.

42. Truck with its own loader.

43. From the gentle rocking in his chair finally overcame me and I offered to fetch a cup of coffee in the service area.

44. At the entrance all the trucks are sent to a separate parking lot.

45. As I ran for coffee, Yuri turned on the engine in the refrigerator, to the time of loading it was necessary subzero temperature.

46. This is not a truck stop, but there is also a lot of trucks. Someone went for coffee, as we are. Someone just got to rest.

47. Our truck is yellow.

52. After drinking coffee and eating a sandwich, we return to the track.

53. The counter-flow.

54. machine with optional rear trunk.

55. Inconspicuous black Dodge, traveling with all the stream suddenly turned on emergency lights and began to stop something neponravivshiysya his car.

57. The exit of the Turnpike.

58. The world outside has changed dramatically.

59. Information board informing about how taxpayers' money is spent.

60. Platform with an excavator.

61. The sign "Throw speed" with the image of the brake pedal.

62. Spend five minutes - stay alive.

63. Information support for repairs.

64. Then we moved to another highway. Already free.

66. The only old machine that met me on the road that day.

67. We are ahead of finch.

68. Then he moved out and the highway.

69. Outside the window, pulled the fields and farms. Sell firewood.

70. Gardens.

71. Here are selling firewood (fayervud) and the old Pontiac Firebird.

72. Ahead of any work.

73. The culprits turned out to mash tower energy company that repaired the wire.

75. The three shots in a row.

77. This is not New York.

78. It is not New York.

79. Passed meet.

80. Sign.

81. And in the midst of all these fields up and down scurry trucks.

82. Sprinkle.

83. Not all the houses look well-groomed.

84. The sign prohibiting jake braking. Can anybody explain the details. I understand that this kind of engine braking, but do not really understand the principle.

85. Outside, the scenery continues to "not New York."

86. As in other countries fell.

87. The nursery trees.

88. When we arrived at the destination, it is at the center of a small village.

89. It looks all very well, but I just strained multiple cameras in boxes on poles. It appeared that a settlement with the black population. It looks like something unusual. I'm used to that either black gadyushnik and cameras on poles, or a decent place, white and no cameras. And there is something incongruous. In general, again, not New York.

90. Having dealt with the address went to the other side. Two minutes later we began to appear solid for trucks and houses went huge building logistics terminals and warehouses.

91. We are at the end. That's our terminal.

Source: samsebeskazal.livejournal.com