Around the world on the machine. Report 22. New York
Do not break a big subject
Julia and Alex got to the States first, and decided to settle near our desired port in Newark. In fact, it is a suburb of New York, although formally the other states - New Jersey.
By the way, if you tell the Americans "Jersey," he does not understand what it was about. Here, they say, "Josie." And there are surprises for our hearing will be many not "Texas" and "Tekses", not "Be-Em-Ve" and "Bi-Em-Double-U." Brands and names of their own, it would seem, are international in nature, but in fact require the same translation as the other word. Once in the States, in the beginning of trying to book "End Cola hamburger," but sooner or later you get used to the local "Coke End Hembёge."
Our motel - classic American genre: the first floor, entrance from the parking, the windows at eye level. If you open the window, all the passers-by will not help to look inside, coming by. Therefore, it is always shuttered. All the same, no one uses them - air conditioning works.
For breakfast, there are fed pancakes with maple syrup.
The motel is surrounded by warehouses, parking for trucks, garages, spare parts and shinomontazhki. There are, of course, and homes, yet some are boring and the same type.
Americans, like the French do not want to strain especially when parking in reverse. But they brought up the reverent respect for the property of others. Therefore, they put themselves cushions bumper.
Aesthetes who do not want to spoil the appearance of cars, can buy Rollaway nashlёpku and remove it in the trunk when it is not needed.
Suddenly, from a distance came the melody like the sound of a music box. We look around, trying to figure out how it sounds, and see how the angle of the leaves with an ice cream truck, and from all households the children run to him!
Such a feeling that was in the past forty years.
And we, meanwhile, sit in the bus, pay six dollars and twenty minutes transported to the liveliest place in Manhattan.
Manhattan - is the central area or, as I say, downtown New York City. That's really where the anthill!
Posted in [mergetime] 1332515494 [/ mergetime]
Thousands of people in the street, and all somewhere to flee in a hurry.
Advertising so that my head is spinning, particularly on the number of moving, flashing images.
Almost everything you see in the photo, not just billboards and big screens that constantly blink, changing one image to the other.
Unprepared tourists too heavy to be in this deafening, crowded place - the brains melt.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332515579 [/ mergetime]
Around solid skyscrapers. They are so close that you can see between them is only a narrow strip of sky.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332515612 [/ mergetime]
Because they can not catch navigator signal from the GPS satellites and is not running.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332515634 [/ mergetime]
Although there is no need, because Manhattan is simple like a chessboard. It is divided into equal cells straight one-way roads. If you move one of them, every 50 meters are intersections with perpendicular streets, carefully numbered in order. On top of this is clearly seen.
Find the angle of some fifth Street is as simple as get from E2 to E4.
The only exception - Broadway, which goes diagonally across the island. This does not prevent navigate, but at intersections can see such bizarre skyscrapers-irons.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332515732 [/ mergetime]
One side looks like an ordinary building, but if you bypass it with an acute angle, the time will seem as if the house is flat. As if we were faced with not a house, but only one of its walls. It is said that came to a sharp corner, you need to get as close as possible to the building and then do both walls will not be seen, and the house will turn into a huge column. It will be interesting to check somehow. By the way, this unusual skyscraper was built in 1901, when everything is still on vehicles with the driver went!
And now, by the way, a yellow cab - the most common vehicles on the streets of Manhattan.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332515764 [/ mergetime]
Air and so red-hot, and the machine just add heat, radiating it in all directions.
But the naked cowboy, walking with a guitar on Times Square, it is not distracted from the heat - it's his stage persona
Posted in [mergetime] 1332515798 [/ mergetime]
Everyone who was in Times Square, always saw him - he was ten years old in summer and winter walks here as permanent guard at the mausoleum. During this time, he was officially recognized as the second most popular tourist attraction in New York. Immediately after the Statue of Liberty. Feeling universal love, Naked Cowboy, even became a candidate for mayor of the city, with a guitar singing passers his election program. He probably hoped that the statue will not go to the polls, and the rest he can easily outdo. Not a bit of it! Either the townspeople did not take him seriously, or simply afraid of losing their attraction, making it the mayor. In general, the way he goes on naked, singing songs and earning rumored to be about a thousand dollars an hour on tourists.
After sitting a little on Taymc-ckver, go toward Fifth Avenue. Along the way we hear somewhere around the corner to loud music. We make a few steps and suddenly, without even waiting to get on a great holiday.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332515831 [/ mergetime]
... And maybe even a carnival ...
Posted in [mergetime] 1332515854 [/ mergetime]
Firs, yes it is a gay pride parade!
Posted in [mergetime] 1332515883 [/ mergetime]
Recently in New York State have allowed same-sex marriages. And they all took to the streets to thank your Governor.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332515916 [/ mergetime]
Participants were a lot. Endless River flowed it through the streets.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332515943 [/ mergetime]
We tried to just look modestly standing in a corner.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332515965 [/ mergetime]
But we are constantly approached, we gave souvenirs, magazines and even the beads pinned to Lesha.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332515996 [/ mergetime]
All touted to replenish their ranks.
Surprisingly, the gay parade is held not only on themselves gay - his open support of many "peaceful" residents and even business. For example, a hotel chain Kimpton.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516025 [/ mergetime]
Or a major media company Time Warner.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516055 [/ mergetime]
Even the producers of vodka.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516082 [/ mergetime]
It is difficult to imagine that in Russia any brand of vodka would be a sponsor of the gay pride parade. Who drink it, then it will be?
In general, the parade went on his way, and we moved toward the Brooklyn Bridge.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516108 [/ mergetime]
Legs give way already, had covered many miles on foot.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516134 [/ mergetime]
Yes, and already dark.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516155 [/ mergetime]
We sit on the subway and go back toward Times Square. Upstairs, we find ourselves in a completely different city than was an hour ago!
Getting to the motel and sleep.
In the morning we meet Oleg Oksana. In our motel there is only one bed, but all it is a pity to pay another $ 70 a night to stay in a second room. Let's try one four bed fit, especially since it king size - two by two meters and occupies half the room.
In general, I must say, living in the United States bites. The cheapest options start at $ 60- $ 70 for a double room per night. And the most common price - $ 99. And that motels and hotels are even more expensive usual. Well, we have the same kopeck piece as it is now found only two beds. Tomorrow, try, and yet full of other problems, especially with the machine. And to address them need a phone.
Soon it becomes clear that mobile is also a complete disaster. All States sit on annual contracts. Abonentku pay $ 50- $ 70 a month, get in the bargain any iPhone for ridiculous $ 49, and further use of the unlimited calls, SMS and internet. Without American identity namber have a social contract with us so no one will conclude, especially for two weeks! Prepaid tariffs are either absent or very unfavorable. For example, for $ 15- $ 20, you can connect to the ATT without a contract, but there will be no Internet, and calls will cost 30 cents a minute, including incoming. Verizon without a contract does not connect. It remains only to T-Mobile, where he found the only acceptable tariff with unlimited calls, SMS and the Internet for $ 50 a month. However, even here there are drawbacks. First, T-Mobile - a 4G network, where our modems, third generation iPhones can operate at the lowest rate - GPRS. Second, the calls and SMS to Russia blocked. In general, spending on simkarty $ 50 and get a solid compromise.
So even simkarty to buy this, we have an hour to walk to the shopping center, and then the same amount back. All cities, except for big cities like New York, it is not suitable for those who have no car. Imagine that all shopping centers transferred outside Moscow, but the buses do not go there, the underground, too, and no crossing the Ring Road, a single. How to get? That is roughly the same pattern: gone beyond his quarter - was once on the road naked. No sidewalks, no transitions, but some bridges tunnels. Yes, and the heat is. Naturally, all Americans move around a small dashes from the car to the shop and back. And if someone does not have the car, it carries the father, mother or the school bus. All other options is not here. It is said that in the southern states, where the constant heat over forty, while deprivation of rights for alcohol, you have the opportunity to make vital routes (home, work, shops) and ride on them without a license. But we have a more complicated situation.
After returning from the store with a backpack, look as usual: ...
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516214 [/ mergetime]
So even in the stores bullied: Dr Pepper is a jar dollar package of twelve cans - five bucks, two packages - eight, three - eleven and five - twelve!
And somehow stupid to buy at least five boxes, even if came for one jar.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516236 [/ mergetime]
But in the stores you can find a lot of new for us vkusnyashek, which we, of course, try to try. Take the Dr. Pepper - similar to Coca-Cola, but leaves a bright, unique aftertaste. It is a pity that in Russia, this is not made.
But familiar to us here Leis chips are eaten with cheese sauce of the same brand - very tasty.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516258 [/ mergetime]
And another familiar word:
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516285 [/ mergetime]
The well-known name of "spam" appeared thanks to the annoying ads of this particular ham. The fact that she had insanely long shelf life, and during the Second World War, States have implemented it the whole world.
When the war ended, warehouses crammed with these companies were canned for years to come, and their sales started most intrusive advertising campaign in the history of mankind. Word SPAM was everywhere: in newspapers, on signs, trams, rooftops and windows. Spam has been around, and it was impossible to hide from it anywhere. That is why years later, when the mass e-mail distribution, they immediately reminded people spam. On the palate, by the way, do so, but do not eat a lot.
In general, throughout the day to address issues we eat snacks and suffer from garbage.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516312 [/ mergetime]
During dinner, we make plans for tomorrow. We decided to go back to Manhattan, because Oleg Oksana there were not yet!
During our absence, Times Square was transformed: all smokes, cars overturned, a crowd of onlookers.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516337 [/ mergetime]
And it turns out, advertising the next Transformers. And here is the transformer is in full growth.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516376 [/ mergetime]
We go to Central Park and on the way encounter the store M & M's. Who would have thought that the topic of candy you can nasochinyat three floors of gifts and souvenirs!
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516400 [/ mergetime]
Here you key chains, magnets, bags, T-shirts, mugs, caps, pillows, headphones, in general, the whole range of gift and everything about M & M's.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516420 [/ mergetime]
But the most interesting - a wall candy.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516441 [/ mergetime]
Full length standing dispensers, which are served by huge pipes em-and-EMC-s of different varieties. Hundreds of variations - not all pereprobuesh. We, of course, can not go quietly, and pour yourself kulёchek
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516465 [/ mergetime]
Come to Central Park. The entrance is surrounded by remora offering trishaw ride or take a great hire. Smiling send them to Morocco and proudly go inside. People around, of course, is full, but after Times Square is peace and quiet. Birds singing, squirrels jump. Many of them are absolutely not afraid of people - fit, help themselves. There can be seen from afar - all large, smooth, well-fed. And those that hide forever, the bushes are worn thin and small. Such is the natural selection today.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516489 [/ mergetime]
We were treated to a protein-and-uh-uh catfish.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516509 [/ mergetime]
In the US, we are constantly pursuing the strange feeling that we were in a place where actually fall for the first time. So this park is no exception - entered here, we understand that we know here every moss-covered stone. At first surprised, and then realized - it is in the movies! Most of what we see in movies and on TV, shot here in the States. Naturally, many landscapes seem familiar. For example, here's the view from the park skyscrapers, was beaten in dozens of famous scenes
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516530 [/ mergetime]
And about himself in New York and say nothing - it is removed more than a thousand films that we watched as a child and continue to watch now.
Thanks to Hollywood all easily recognize the typical American stairs
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516549 [/ mergetime]
And these characteristics hydrants.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516569 [/ mergetime]
All our journey across the United States will take place with the feeling that all this is we've seen. And sometimes even remember where. For example, here is Bruce Willis drove a taxi directly in the park.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516594 [/ mergetime]
Generally, New York, of course, different. The park smells of pine needles, and the area - in the urine. On Broadway, noisy, dirty and crowded, and the surrounding streets - quiet clean and comfortable.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516616 [/ mergetime]
The greens are planted wherever possible.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516637 [/ mergetime]
And where possible.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516657 [/ mergetime]
And if not for the hard rhythm of life, and a high population density, three times the Moscow, it would probably be the cozy town.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516679 [/ mergetime]
It is interesting to climb higher and look at it from above. Fortunately, in New York City has no shortage of skyscrapers. For example, the tallest building in Manhattan, the 102-storey skyscraper Empire State Building has an observation poloschadku where you can get up and take a look.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516698 [/ mergetime]
View, of course, fantastic.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516720 [/ mergetime]
It is surprising that after the famous tragedy, the city is still full of planes. We would be banned.
... Although we have and so banned.
Incidentally, the Empire State Building also crashed planes - in the 45th year, he accidentally flew an American bomber. One of the engines broke through the tower and fell on an adjacent building. Lifter survived after falling into an elevator with 75 floors and got into the Guinness World Records.
And in those years, the tower began to enjoy great popularity among the citizens who have decided to commit suicide. But when began to jump from here once a week, everyone realized that it was time to put the fence.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516743 [/ mergetime]
It is difficult to say at what time of day is best to come here - in light or dark. Perhaps the perfect catch up half hour before sunset to see both day and night view.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516765 [/ mergetime]
This town, as well as in Moscow, never sleeps.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516789 [/ mergetime]
And we sleep.
In the morning in the nearby town we find a double room with two beds for $ 80. Not all the hosts, by the way, are allowed to sleep four people in a double room, but cute Indians, the owners and staff of this motel do not mind. We move here.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516816 [/ mergetime]
- There is a supermarket, you have a car?
- No.
- Oo-oo-oo-oo ... I do not know then. Walking is very far away.
It's a pity. We make another circle around the neighborhood, but found nothing. On the way back we stop the same American and asks:
- Well, you find a beer?
- No, - I say - not found.
- Well then, let's go, I'll take you - puts into his Dodge Ram and taxis to the store.
On the way to trying to communicate, but to understand his English is simply unrealistic. He speaks as if he took a mouthful of gum. And here, by the way, many people speak in such a manner szhevyvaya the beginning and end of each word, saying only clearly stressed vowels. Sometimes we understand them, and sometimes - not. The easiest way to communicate with the same foreigners like us - Hindus, Mex. They try to speak slowly and clearly.
In the shop we buy a box once the Crown (24 bottles for $ 17) and throws it into the back of a pickup truck.

Julia and Alex got to the States first, and decided to settle near our desired port in Newark. In fact, it is a suburb of New York, although formally the other states - New Jersey.
By the way, if you tell the Americans "Jersey," he does not understand what it was about. Here, they say, "Josie." And there are surprises for our hearing will be many not "Texas" and "Tekses", not "Be-Em-Ve" and "Bi-Em-Double-U." Brands and names of their own, it would seem, are international in nature, but in fact require the same translation as the other word. Once in the States, in the beginning of trying to book "End Cola hamburger," but sooner or later you get used to the local "Coke End Hembёge."
Our motel - classic American genre: the first floor, entrance from the parking, the windows at eye level. If you open the window, all the passers-by will not help to look inside, coming by. Therefore, it is always shuttered. All the same, no one uses them - air conditioning works.

For breakfast, there are fed pancakes with maple syrup.

The motel is surrounded by warehouses, parking for trucks, garages, spare parts and shinomontazhki. There are, of course, and homes, yet some are boring and the same type.

Americans, like the French do not want to strain especially when parking in reverse. But they brought up the reverent respect for the property of others. Therefore, they put themselves cushions bumper.

Aesthetes who do not want to spoil the appearance of cars, can buy Rollaway nashlёpku and remove it in the trunk when it is not needed.

Suddenly, from a distance came the melody like the sound of a music box. We look around, trying to figure out how it sounds, and see how the angle of the leaves with an ice cream truck, and from all households the children run to him!

Such a feeling that was in the past forty years.
And we, meanwhile, sit in the bus, pay six dollars and twenty minutes transported to the liveliest place in Manhattan.
Manhattan - is the central area or, as I say, downtown New York City. That's really where the anthill!
Posted in [mergetime] 1332515494 [/ mergetime]
Thousands of people in the street, and all somewhere to flee in a hurry.
Advertising so that my head is spinning, particularly on the number of moving, flashing images.


Almost everything you see in the photo, not just billboards and big screens that constantly blink, changing one image to the other.
Unprepared tourists too heavy to be in this deafening, crowded place - the brains melt.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332515579 [/ mergetime]
Around solid skyscrapers. They are so close that you can see between them is only a narrow strip of sky.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332515612 [/ mergetime]
Because they can not catch navigator signal from the GPS satellites and is not running.
Posted in [mergetime] 1332515634 [/ mergetime]
Although there is no need, because Manhattan is simple like a chessboard. It is divided into equal cells straight one-way roads. If you move one of them, every 50 meters are intersections with perpendicular streets, carefully numbered in order. On top of this is clearly seen.


Find the angle of some fifth Street is as simple as get from E2 to E4.
The only exception - Broadway, which goes diagonally across the island. This does not prevent navigate, but at intersections can see such bizarre skyscrapers-irons.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332515732 [/ mergetime]
One side looks like an ordinary building, but if you bypass it with an acute angle, the time will seem as if the house is flat. As if we were faced with not a house, but only one of its walls. It is said that came to a sharp corner, you need to get as close as possible to the building and then do both walls will not be seen, and the house will turn into a huge column. It will be interesting to check somehow. By the way, this unusual skyscraper was built in 1901, when everything is still on vehicles with the driver went!
And now, by the way, a yellow cab - the most common vehicles on the streets of Manhattan.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332515764 [/ mergetime]
Air and so red-hot, and the machine just add heat, radiating it in all directions.
But the naked cowboy, walking with a guitar on Times Square, it is not distracted from the heat - it's his stage persona

Posted in [mergetime] 1332515798 [/ mergetime]
Everyone who was in Times Square, always saw him - he was ten years old in summer and winter walks here as permanent guard at the mausoleum. During this time, he was officially recognized as the second most popular tourist attraction in New York. Immediately after the Statue of Liberty. Feeling universal love, Naked Cowboy, even became a candidate for mayor of the city, with a guitar singing passers his election program. He probably hoped that the statue will not go to the polls, and the rest he can easily outdo. Not a bit of it! Either the townspeople did not take him seriously, or simply afraid of losing their attraction, making it the mayor. In general, the way he goes on naked, singing songs and earning rumored to be about a thousand dollars an hour on tourists.
After sitting a little on Taymc-ckver, go toward Fifth Avenue. Along the way we hear somewhere around the corner to loud music. We make a few steps and suddenly, without even waiting to get on a great holiday.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332515831 [/ mergetime]
... And maybe even a carnival ...

Posted in [mergetime] 1332515854 [/ mergetime]
Firs, yes it is a gay pride parade!

Posted in [mergetime] 1332515883 [/ mergetime]
Recently in New York State have allowed same-sex marriages. And they all took to the streets to thank your Governor.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332515916 [/ mergetime]
Participants were a lot. Endless River flowed it through the streets.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332515943 [/ mergetime]
We tried to just look modestly standing in a corner.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332515965 [/ mergetime]
But we are constantly approached, we gave souvenirs, magazines and even the beads pinned to Lesha.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332515996 [/ mergetime]
All touted to replenish their ranks.
Surprisingly, the gay parade is held not only on themselves gay - his open support of many "peaceful" residents and even business. For example, a hotel chain Kimpton.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516025 [/ mergetime]
Or a major media company Time Warner.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516055 [/ mergetime]
Even the producers of vodka.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516082 [/ mergetime]
It is difficult to imagine that in Russia any brand of vodka would be a sponsor of the gay pride parade. Who drink it, then it will be?
In general, the parade went on his way, and we moved toward the Brooklyn Bridge.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516108 [/ mergetime]
Legs give way already, had covered many miles on foot.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516134 [/ mergetime]
Yes, and already dark.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516155 [/ mergetime]
We sit on the subway and go back toward Times Square. Upstairs, we find ourselves in a completely different city than was an hour ago!


Getting to the motel and sleep.
In the morning we meet Oleg Oksana. In our motel there is only one bed, but all it is a pity to pay another $ 70 a night to stay in a second room. Let's try one four bed fit, especially since it king size - two by two meters and occupies half the room.
In general, I must say, living in the United States bites. The cheapest options start at $ 60- $ 70 for a double room per night. And the most common price - $ 99. And that motels and hotels are even more expensive usual. Well, we have the same kopeck piece as it is now found only two beds. Tomorrow, try, and yet full of other problems, especially with the machine. And to address them need a phone.
Soon it becomes clear that mobile is also a complete disaster. All States sit on annual contracts. Abonentku pay $ 50- $ 70 a month, get in the bargain any iPhone for ridiculous $ 49, and further use of the unlimited calls, SMS and internet. Without American identity namber have a social contract with us so no one will conclude, especially for two weeks! Prepaid tariffs are either absent or very unfavorable. For example, for $ 15- $ 20, you can connect to the ATT without a contract, but there will be no Internet, and calls will cost 30 cents a minute, including incoming. Verizon without a contract does not connect. It remains only to T-Mobile, where he found the only acceptable tariff with unlimited calls, SMS and the Internet for $ 50 a month. However, even here there are drawbacks. First, T-Mobile - a 4G network, where our modems, third generation iPhones can operate at the lowest rate - GPRS. Second, the calls and SMS to Russia blocked. In general, spending on simkarty $ 50 and get a solid compromise.
So even simkarty to buy this, we have an hour to walk to the shopping center, and then the same amount back. All cities, except for big cities like New York, it is not suitable for those who have no car. Imagine that all shopping centers transferred outside Moscow, but the buses do not go there, the underground, too, and no crossing the Ring Road, a single. How to get? That is roughly the same pattern: gone beyond his quarter - was once on the road naked. No sidewalks, no transitions, but some bridges tunnels. Yes, and the heat is. Naturally, all Americans move around a small dashes from the car to the shop and back. And if someone does not have the car, it carries the father, mother or the school bus. All other options is not here. It is said that in the southern states, where the constant heat over forty, while deprivation of rights for alcohol, you have the opportunity to make vital routes (home, work, shops) and ride on them without a license. But we have a more complicated situation.
After returning from the store with a backpack, look as usual: ...
Posted in [mergetime] 1332516214 [/ mergetime]
So even in the stores bullied: Dr Pepper is a jar dollar package of twelve cans - five bucks, two packages - eight, three - eleven and five - twelve!
And somehow stupid to buy at least five boxes, even if came for one jar.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516236 [/ mergetime]
But in the stores you can find a lot of new for us vkusnyashek, which we, of course, try to try. Take the Dr. Pepper - similar to Coca-Cola, but leaves a bright, unique aftertaste. It is a pity that in Russia, this is not made.
But familiar to us here Leis chips are eaten with cheese sauce of the same brand - very tasty.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516258 [/ mergetime]
And another familiar word:

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516285 [/ mergetime]
The well-known name of "spam" appeared thanks to the annoying ads of this particular ham. The fact that she had insanely long shelf life, and during the Second World War, States have implemented it the whole world.
When the war ended, warehouses crammed with these companies were canned for years to come, and their sales started most intrusive advertising campaign in the history of mankind. Word SPAM was everywhere: in newspapers, on signs, trams, rooftops and windows. Spam has been around, and it was impossible to hide from it anywhere. That is why years later, when the mass e-mail distribution, they immediately reminded people spam. On the palate, by the way, do so, but do not eat a lot.
In general, throughout the day to address issues we eat snacks and suffer from garbage.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516312 [/ mergetime]
During dinner, we make plans for tomorrow. We decided to go back to Manhattan, because Oleg Oksana there were not yet!
During our absence, Times Square was transformed: all smokes, cars overturned, a crowd of onlookers.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516337 [/ mergetime]
And it turns out, advertising the next Transformers. And here is the transformer is in full growth.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516376 [/ mergetime]
We go to Central Park and on the way encounter the store M & M's. Who would have thought that the topic of candy you can nasochinyat three floors of gifts and souvenirs!

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516400 [/ mergetime]
Here you key chains, magnets, bags, T-shirts, mugs, caps, pillows, headphones, in general, the whole range of gift and everything about M & M's.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516420 [/ mergetime]
But the most interesting - a wall candy.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516441 [/ mergetime]
Full length standing dispensers, which are served by huge pipes em-and-EMC-s of different varieties. Hundreds of variations - not all pereprobuesh. We, of course, can not go quietly, and pour yourself kulёchek

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516465 [/ mergetime]
Come to Central Park. The entrance is surrounded by remora offering trishaw ride or take a great hire. Smiling send them to Morocco and proudly go inside. People around, of course, is full, but after Times Square is peace and quiet. Birds singing, squirrels jump. Many of them are absolutely not afraid of people - fit, help themselves. There can be seen from afar - all large, smooth, well-fed. And those that hide forever, the bushes are worn thin and small. Such is the natural selection today.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516489 [/ mergetime]
We were treated to a protein-and-uh-uh catfish.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516509 [/ mergetime]
In the US, we are constantly pursuing the strange feeling that we were in a place where actually fall for the first time. So this park is no exception - entered here, we understand that we know here every moss-covered stone. At first surprised, and then realized - it is in the movies! Most of what we see in movies and on TV, shot here in the States. Naturally, many landscapes seem familiar. For example, here's the view from the park skyscrapers, was beaten in dozens of famous scenes

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516530 [/ mergetime]
And about himself in New York and say nothing - it is removed more than a thousand films that we watched as a child and continue to watch now.
Thanks to Hollywood all easily recognize the typical American stairs

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516549 [/ mergetime]
And these characteristics hydrants.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516569 [/ mergetime]
All our journey across the United States will take place with the feeling that all this is we've seen. And sometimes even remember where. For example, here is Bruce Willis drove a taxi directly in the park.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516594 [/ mergetime]
Generally, New York, of course, different. The park smells of pine needles, and the area - in the urine. On Broadway, noisy, dirty and crowded, and the surrounding streets - quiet clean and comfortable.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516616 [/ mergetime]
The greens are planted wherever possible.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516637 [/ mergetime]
And where possible.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516657 [/ mergetime]
And if not for the hard rhythm of life, and a high population density, three times the Moscow, it would probably be the cozy town.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516679 [/ mergetime]
It is interesting to climb higher and look at it from above. Fortunately, in New York City has no shortage of skyscrapers. For example, the tallest building in Manhattan, the 102-storey skyscraper Empire State Building has an observation poloschadku where you can get up and take a look.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516698 [/ mergetime]
View, of course, fantastic.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516720 [/ mergetime]
It is surprising that after the famous tragedy, the city is still full of planes. We would be banned.
... Although we have and so banned.
Incidentally, the Empire State Building also crashed planes - in the 45th year, he accidentally flew an American bomber. One of the engines broke through the tower and fell on an adjacent building. Lifter survived after falling into an elevator with 75 floors and got into the Guinness World Records.
And in those years, the tower began to enjoy great popularity among the citizens who have decided to commit suicide. But when began to jump from here once a week, everyone realized that it was time to put the fence.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516743 [/ mergetime]
It is difficult to say at what time of day is best to come here - in light or dark. Perhaps the perfect catch up half hour before sunset to see both day and night view.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516765 [/ mergetime]
This town, as well as in Moscow, never sleeps.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516789 [/ mergetime]
And we sleep.
In the morning in the nearby town we find a double room with two beds for $ 80. Not all the hosts, by the way, are allowed to sleep four people in a double room, but cute Indians, the owners and staff of this motel do not mind. We move here.

Posted in [mergetime] 1332516816 [/ mergetime]
- There is a supermarket, you have a car?
- No.
- Oo-oo-oo-oo ... I do not know then. Walking is very far away.
It's a pity. We make another circle around the neighborhood, but found nothing. On the way back we stop the same American and asks:
- Well, you find a beer?
- No, - I say - not found.
- Well then, let's go, I'll take you - puts into his Dodge Ram and taxis to the store.


On the way to trying to communicate, but to understand his English is simply unrealistic. He speaks as if he took a mouthful of gum. And here, by the way, many people speak in such a manner szhevyvaya the beginning and end of each word, saying only clearly stressed vowels. Sometimes we understand them, and sometimes - not. The easiest way to communicate with the same foreigners like us - Hindus, Mex. They try to speak slowly and clearly.
In the shop we buy a box once the Crown (24 bottles for $ 17) and throws it into the back of a pickup truck.
