"Empire of Temptation" .There is an opinion

Looked "Jobs» ...
Honestly, I did not like the movie, especially I became disgusted with Steve Jobs himself. I do not know how believable plot of the film, but if you proceed from him, the bastard Jobs complete with a huge ego, bloated bombast, with swinish attitude to his daughter and their partners founders of Apple.
More on the background bastard More Jobs and everywhere in the film stumbles this pathos ... Almost every scene, every replica under terrible pompous music speaks that «Apple» great god Steve and a couple that there is something brave and crazy -That there seeking and blah-blah-blah-blah. And so almost the last quarter of the film.
I generally not a fan of this corporation, they may be the richest in the world, but I have and there is nothing of their products and will not be. And it's not about money, but in dull pathos. Most users of iPhones do not know all the possibilities of your gadget, just Fota in the mirror with it much better than with the usual smartphone ...
All the patients as they ride him, I remember when I came out iPhone 5, in America, people were queuing for days to get this phone, so we have not even sat for a meal during the siege of Leningrad. People turned into zombies some, sometimes sitting on a bus or in a queue of some, all in their phones, play or sit on the social networks. I remember lying in the hospital, often sent to a clinic at the hospital, for putting anything, I went there with a book, looking at me like people to look as if I were a dragon with led ...
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