Pearl sportscasters

In the midst of the match in the heat of emotion and excitement of sports commentators, is to lose professional composure and begin to rave, scream and issue such a pearl, which then go for a long time on the network, lifting the mood not only sports fans.
Some phrases have become winged, and stories - anecdotal. Not only football fans know the episode with Nikolai Ozerov: commentator thought that the ball flies through the gate, and he cried out, "Mr. oh-l!", But there was no goal.
- 6: 0! This is more than "what a pain ...»
- Juli Lopez effort on goal! Juli is his name.
- Do Varlamov on the shirt third number, and shorts 9th ... What is the reason I can not explain it, but hardly the size.
- It - Koeman. You probably know his curly legs.
- The players who have no offspring, it is not recommended to get up into the wall when the free-kick Roberto Carlos.
- Passing something good, but the field is over!
- Well, you know, for this you have to hit the scoreboard! Sorry, face.
- I am sure that the entire male population glued to their television screens not a good life, and in bolelschitsky ecstasy.
- Under his arm, like soap in the bathroom, slipped the puck.
- Because padosti that scored takomy silnomy and gpoznomy sopepniky, Baggio hung on shutters.
- Ahead of German women and a half kilometers. It's not even a tram stop, and the distance from the river port to God knows where (biathlon).
- And the ball, breaking the last obstacle between the legs shot, flies into the goal.
- Davydenko immediately took an opponent. He decided not to drag out indefinitely.
- Apbitp pulled out of his pants Delete an.
- Igpoki are in the wall, depzhatsya known for that.
- Defense fray as plaster.
- In the second half they shine only in the eye.
- Side apbitp ppinimaet kpasivye poses. Perhaps he panshe studied ballet.
- We hope that Nedved everything will be fine, although they carry him feet first.
- Dynamo today act without the usual blue panties.
- How taped closed up its gates saturnovtsy.
- Ay-ay-ay-ay-ay! You agree with me?
- Well, where are you to pass the ball! I cry to you, he is the game!
- Figure skating is also an art, it is not even football!
- Protection of limping on both legs, almost on her knees.
- Argentina breaks Serbia even as Tuzik warmer, he rips her vanities, and as tears old housewife jersey small pets cloth. Quietly, methodically, while managing to ensure that a pan had not yet burnt.
- I've been knocking on the head, on the monitor, on the books. What is there still around wooden, my God!
- By myachy odnovpemenno potyanylis pyki golkipepa and bald Fabpitsio.
- Here he is holding an opponent for pants, his shirt, his sides ... virtually anything that can be holding.
- Fate plays with a man, and a man playing football.
- Footballer Sami Nasri comes to the gate and hit the target. Commentators exchanged remarks:
- Information, exit to the gate Nasri!
- That he did.
- Yes ...
- Um, I'm sorry.
- Rather than play football, went to take the bottle!
- Footballers easily run on the field, and you try to intelligently comment on their actions.