They say children

spontaneity, open-mindedness and a vivid imagination help our offspring to find creative solutions in all situations and never lose heart.
In support of this Website gathered several children's statements that the parents shared in the network. Just enjoy.
In the morning, made-up, I get out. Lizaveta Daughter (4 years) saw me with admiration and says:
- Mom, how beautiful you are. I paint like a clown.
Disputes among themselves, at the end I say to her husband:
- Come on you in the bath!
Son (2 ½ years):
- With a light steam, Daddy!
Kids karate (babies 4-5 years). Conducted by Andrew Mstislavovich and Gennady Miroslavovich. Of course, middle Andrei children not pronounce, so it is referred to simply as "Andrew", something to make fun Gennady, - they say, do not deserve.
The story itself: an open class. Break. One of the children separated from the crowd and goes to the "Sensei". Hesitated, asked:
- Gennady Mimosralovich, can I use the toilet?
When the laughter subsided Andrew Gennady gathered all the children and said:
- Since that day I have for you - just Gena! And nothing else!
Katia (6 years) roars at bedtime, then the key question:
- Mom, can I calm down?
We're going in the car. Jumping on potholes. Angered by the voice of the seat:
- Hey! So what you are going? I finger the nose drops!
A six year old son does not understand anything of what he says-year-old brother, and asked: "Mom, are you sure he was Russian?»
My sister Anastasia on the way from the garden to the answer to my question, what to feed, issued:
- What-what ... You'd give rhino in batter!
Daughter (2 ½ years):
- Dad, do not go to work, stay with us.
- Natasha, but if Dad is not going to work, we will have nothing to eat.
- Well yes. Dad eat.
The child looks and performance of opera singer says:
- And when we are in the garden so Orem, we criticized ...
We go from the garden. I ask her daughter (3 years) as well as that. Says:
- Teacher scolded me today!
- For what? You misbehaved?
- No, well. Just when everyone drew, I quietly jumped on the table.
Polina (3 years and a half) of samples from soup beans:
- Mm-m ... inside ...
Roma (4 years) Mom:
- I fear the turtle, it is terrible!
- It is terrible, but good.
- How are you?
Visiting grandmother:
- Try the marmalade, I had bought in the monastery.
Glory (8 years):
- Wow, how did you snuck back ?!
- Vanya, look how much we have today of events: and went to school, and at the book fair and the museum ...
Ivan continues to gleefully:
- And escape!
I am meeting with the five-year son in the park. At the roundabouts near us bustles another toddler probably older, since the grandmother of his to walk constantly exclaims:
- Eddie, more careful! Edward, do not Zaden boy, he had a little!
And further in the same spirit ...
Leaving the park, the son asks softly:
- Mom, Edward - a pet name, huh? A full - Ediot?
Well, my grandmother did not hear ...
Lesch (4 years) asks:
- A woman of Light where the left?
- In Verkhoturye.
- And it is on this planet?
Sitting at work. He calls the five-year daughter co-worker asks to call his mother to the phone. Her answer:
- A mother is not it in the bank.
Long silence, then the question should be:
- And she climbed back?
Talking with a three-year daughter:
- How rooster says?
- Ku-ka-re-ku!
- How Ladybug says?
- Moo-y!
- As the frog says?
- Kwa qua!
- How goat says?
- Me-e-ee!
- As Piggy says?
- Good night, boys and girls.
Child (9 years):
- Mom, why all children's hospitals drawn Aibolit? He's a vet!
- Mom, why at the plate so dirty?
- Pope fried eggs.
- What, no pans?
- I do not want to kindergarten, where my kids being bullied, pushed ...
- All right, all hurt? Are you in the garden with anyone not friendly?
- I just make friends with Kolya. He's a good boy, and I was not offended. I told him I put my head on the snow shovel and rap, and he does not run away and do not push ...
Michael Son (3 years):
- Dad, do not kill a mosquito. Suddenly Prince Guidon is flying!
Nephew gave karate. Are the children in the ranks, get acquainted with the coach. It is beautiful, in a white kimono, explains:
- Children, if you have a problem, or some desire, you must go to the coach and bowed, say what you want.
My small leaves, folded handle it right, bow to the ground, all such bewitched, softly:
- Sensei, I want ice cream ...
There was a time in the early nineties, when every corner selling chewing gum «Love is ...». They contained inserts with an interesting definition.
Just imagine a picture of those times: a boy of about 10-12 runs up to the kiosk saleswoman mountain pours stuff (not otherwise carefully selected from the piggy banks) and triumphantly announces order:
- Love ... at all!
Read more children's statements:
Baby pearl
Pearls of children and their parents
Mouths of babes post
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