Pizza on thin base

Water - 125 gr.
Salt - 1/4 teaspoon
Oil - 1 tablespoon
Yeast - 25 gr.
Flour - on the situation ...
The finished dough ...
Dilute the yeast in warm some water
Fall asleep cup flour, add salt in a cup
Add the butter ...
Add diluted yeast
Knead in the bowl as we can
Then hard Mnemonic - until no stick to the fingers
Laying in a cup and cover with a pressing re ... wait until about an hour. The dough should rise 3 times
Glosses over again, divide in half ... Roll out.
Obtain a smooth circle ... or other geometric shape - at will
Now for the sauce ... well, rather they can do until the dough is suitable ...
Take the vegetable set (2 red onions, 500 gr. Tomato)
Stew, fry, add garlic, and of the other seasonings to taste ...
With the blender crush the resulting vegetable mass.
Obtained a biscuit - pizza base - plastered sauce
Lay some meat, you can put mushrooms, tomatoes, cheese - in general, all that is pleasant
Fry for about 20 minutes and get excellent pizza tonyusenkoy based ...