Girls Christophe Schaller (Christoph Schaller)
This young man is very young, and many may seem that he does not have his style that he usually parodist. Perhaps you are right, however, the beauty of the pictures of this absolutely does not tarnish.
All presented in the works of women are an ordinary student. After Christophe Schaller (Christoph Schaller) only twenty years old and still a student at Berlin University. Permanent place of residence Christoph calls Munich. Photos guy takes a little more than a year, but its growth prospects are already evident. Perhaps, we have a future Rankin or someone else from the gurus of fashion photography. Christophe travels the world and has been in Latin America, China and South Africa. About Europe and say nothing. Photographer visited many places of the Old World.
Photo by Christoph Schaller
All presented in the works of women are an ordinary student. After Christophe Schaller (Christoph Schaller) only twenty years old and still a student at Berlin University. Permanent place of residence Christoph calls Munich. Photos guy takes a little more than a year, but its growth prospects are already evident. Perhaps, we have a future Rankin or someone else from the gurus of fashion photography. Christophe travels the world and has been in Latin America, China and South Africa. About Europe and say nothing. Photographer visited many places of the Old World.

Photo by Christoph Schaller