Village Pizza
Milk - 250ml
Sugar - 2st.l.
dry yeast - 1paketik (11gr)
butter - 125g (melt)
flour - 350-400gr
salt - 1 / 2ch.l.
cottage cheese - 250g
greens - 100g (I have green onions and dill)
boiled chicken - 1pc (200-250gr)
cheese - 100g
salt, black pepper
semolina - 1st.l.
1. Prepare testo.Dlya this mix in the cup 0 5CT warm water (or milk) + 1st.l. flour + sugar + yeast 1st.l. Leave in a warm place for 7-10minut to Opara rose hat.
2. In a bowl sift the flour, pour the warm milk, melted butter and brew, add sugar and salt. Put the dough in a warm place for 1-1, 5:00 before the increase in the amount of 2 times, obmyat and leave again to rise (more about 30-40minut).
3. Divide dough into 2 pieces, roll each into a circle about 1cm thick and place on a baking tray, the laid parchment (obtained following a diameter of about 28cm, in my baking placed only 1, so bake for 2 times).
4. Prepare nachinku.Zelen finely chopped, mixed with cottage cheese, add salt and black pepper. Chicken fillet disassembled into fibers. Cheese grate.
5. The circle of dough sprinkled semolina (it is necessary to keep the dough from soaking). Spread over the surface of the test cheese with herbs, then chicken and sprinkle with grated cheese.
6. Bake in the oven heated to 200gradS for 20-25minut until golden tsveta.Priyatnogo appetite!