In Suvorov
The end of the eighties of the last century. About a fifth year cadet possession unmotivated wedding reflection. That is someone you need to find at least ubeysya. Woman desirable. Because of the choice of a boy at the time the cadets could be very bad. And at once.
In general, an urgent need to get married. Do not shoot, of course, but also with spermotoksikozom that something must be done. Layoffs have and what to do with them? Do not thump same vgluhuyu. This, again, on the result of the distribution can affect.
And a fifth-year student Sasha solves the problem in the military clearly. Promptly met. And while she did not have time to recover, offers his hand and heart. Well, what else the military offer. Stunned by the onslaught of the girl accepts the offer. Followed by a second stage of the operation - meeting with witnesses and discussing the details of the upcoming action. And in the process of discussion suddenly turns totally unexpected thing. Potential future bride is much more like the future is not a potential suitor, and brought by the witness. And that corresponds to the total return. And blame mows other.
Well, Che do? Situation, let's say, a supernumerary. But a few things in those military schools still taught. In particular, take a punch and make quick and innovative solutions.
In this girls youngest sister was. Exactly the right age. And that (as it turned out) stared at Sasha with mute adoration. But did not dare. Well, how. Sister. So, when Alexander's military clearly and unambiguously suggested youngest daughter to marry him, she, poor thing, almost lost her senses.
Played two weddings at the same time. All rules, fifteen years already live.