Besides, who does dharma, artha inevitably comes, ie, prosperity or second goal of family life.
This goal is well known to us and desires, but few of us understand that Artha always comes after the dharma. Otherwise, we can not even use their wealth for good. Each of us is faced with such examples, when a person earns a lot, but can not use it, enjoy earned. That unhappiness with relatives, the disease ... This condition is equivalent to the poverty line. And sometimes vice versa, a little money, but enough for all. It really is the state of prosperity.
♥ After artha, prosperity comes next goal Kama - pleasure.
And it is important, on what we are focused: on their rights or responsibilities. Let us remember that if I demand from someone their rights, I have not yet earned. Rights - it is always a consequence of good performance of the duties. And if the "true" lady proves that she a true lady, this means that it is not a true lady.
♥ And the fourth goal - Moksha, liberation.
News for someone not very pleasant, but we ever leave. Each will take its route that he was making all his life. Someone goes to the next grade, someone will be in the second year, someone will go down. In the Vedas, these routes are well described, for example, it is said that a man who commits adultery with the wife of his friend, will be responsible for this act three lives (in the first, he will go to hell realms, the second will be the pig, and the third - a eunuch). A spiritual teacher insult punishable by such a disease like epilepsy. And there's your explanation. Otherwise, what's the point in that one baby is born and gets into a pious family, and from other refuse from birth or from birth he is ill cerebral palsy. In every life and every death and subsequent life has a meaning. Unravel it, to realize - a problem we, as intelligent people.
© Marina Targakova.
Than an open heart - the wider the smile
♥ first. The family created for the execution of the Dharma, which is one of the values - the highest path.