Style rules from the director of Hermes

1. Watch for men, which perfumes for women. They can reveal their identities or emphasize the lack of taste. Buy watches for the weekend, others for their suits, and others - for the sport. Wear them according to the sense of self.
2. Scarf. Wrap it once or twice around the neck, but do not overdo decorative. It should look careless and not feminine.
3. Men make a mistake when sacrifice their individuality in favor of a fashion trend, to the detriment of the image and stature. Funny to see fat guys in suits slim line.
4. Sweaters never enough. Bought a variety of which will only find: from fine cashmere or jersey for the summer, three-dimensional, large knitting for the winter. And color - yellow, red, blue, green, you can wear depending on his mood.
5. Leather Jacket Bomber Hermes - a mandatory attribute of stylish men.
6. The correct proportions - that's the basis of style. Vymeryat clothes millimeter, the only way you will choose the most convenient cloakroom.
7. Style - is a matter of personal charm, not nationality. Do not think that the French are more adorable than the Americans. Just men dress up in France with more personality, they are easy to mix seemingly incompatible things. Serge Gainsbourg, for example, is easy to wear shoes of snakeskin with jeans, blazer and white shirt - this is the charm.
8. At the weekend and holidays please be a simple shirt, two cashmere sweaters, polo shirts three and one pair of jeans. From shoes or moccasins preferably light sandals.
9. Do not be afraid to be creative and passion in a relationship. Do for a loved one something special. My husband once flew from New York to Paris only in order to have lunch with me.
10. Age - not a hindrance style. Jeans with a t-shirt can be worn in 20, and 60. To do this, just to be in good shape. But this is a matter of personal effort.