Tricks of the Trade for girls!

1) Short legs visually lengthen shoes beige and short little skirt
2) completeness hide hips pants or jeans straight cut
3) if you have a small waist but wide hips, then you are perfect jeans bottoms and belt at the waist
4) Small figures visually diminish, on the contrary, a large increase
5) maxi dresses and skirts make you visually below
6) shapeless clothes disfigures any figure
7) on the thin heel shoes or stilettos with a round nose do the leg visually less
8) Pointed shoes do more leg visually
9) Black tights (no more than 50 d) make your legs for a couple of kilograms slimmer and a couple of inches longer, and in combination with black shoes (or dark colors) will make you owners of the legs from the ears.
10) Bright Tights, on the contrary make fuller legs and shorter. But! With beige shoes longer.
12) Transparent blouse makes your upper open to the public and shows your strengths but also weaknesses
14) If you do not know how to combine things right, then follow the classical canons of fashion and style.
15) The rule of three colors: do not use in its image more than three components, otherwise the risk of appearing ridiculous
16) Hair must be combined with all components of your wardrobe
17) Do not spray perfume on shalt except if you use
some spirits. The smell may persist for months.
18) chubby girls go V-neck, round neckline girls with oval face.
19) Avoid obsession with something, or at risk of being the owner of a wardrobe with only black things or things one style, for example.
20) Treads shortened legs!
21) Dress-case is the same and skinny girls and curvaceous. But on the girls with a slim waist and feminine hips will look better
21) Experiment, love yourself, but do not forget about the other, many people are envious and spiteful, do not let them notice your missteps in the wardrobe!