I asked the cook if it was possible to re-freeze the meat, her look and answer I will never forget.
Small tricks in the kitchen save time and make us more experienced. Surely. cooking It’s not just a strict recipe when cooking. It is also creativity, a manifestation of ingenuity and constant practice. This is how experienced cooks become: with the help of brains and ingenuity.
Some complex dishes are easily replaced by simple analogues. If, for example, you plan a quick snack, why bother with unnecessary actions? Just about such “cookie life hacks” we would like to talk with you today.
Let's start cooking. Even though it's not season, there's a great way to clean up quickly. potato. Take a deep pan, pour into it potatoes and 4-5 tablespoons of salt of large grinding. Put it in cold water, about half of it. Now you need to cover the pan with a lid and shake well for 3 minutes. All, at the bottom there will be a salty peel, which the salt will remove on the principle of abrasive.
As we all know, shredded boiled eggs in salads or soups do not need a beautiful slice. But the very cutting of eggs as an action takes energy and time. So why torture yourself? Just use it. pottery! With sudden movements, you will grind a whole bunch of eggs in seconds without straining at all.
The easiest way to get juicy - cut off a sheet of paper for baking, lubricate it with oil, salt, spices. Carefully, like an envelope, wrap your breast in it. Put on a dry pan and cook 5-7 minutes. All juices will remain in the chicken, and the pan will not even have to be washed. The same trick can be done with fish.
Storage of any green. Let's get my green and shake it a couple of times. We place it in a half-liter jar or a glass, and cover it with an ordinary plastic bag on top. If after a while a lot of liquid appears in the jar, it must be drained. Due to excess moisture, plants can begin to rot. The greens remain fresh and fragrant for up to two weeks.
Wash the potatoes and tie them in a disposable bag. Place the bundle in a regular microwave for 7-10 minutes. After this time, you will have fragrant, delicious on the table. coated potatoes. No more red tape!
Often boiled liver is put in the filling for cakes. But not all blenders can handle it. In order not to spoil expensive equipment, just take and rub the liver grater. It is easy and always effective. Saving time.
Re-freeze the meat categorically can not! Even for minced meat. The protein in such meat has already disappeared, it will taste disgusting, and even there is a huge chance of the presence of pathogenic microorganisms. If you see that the restaurant served you a steak that resembles a sponge in the cut, ask the waiter to remove it. This is exactly the case.
If you don't. fat And you don't know where to put it, we have good advice. Put the skins in a bag and store them in the freezer. And when you cook cold, throw them in the future broth. There are many gelling substances in these skins that will help make your chill thick and mirror smooth.
By the way, old and bacon It'll be useful. It can be twisted on a meat grinder and stored in a jar, in the refrigerator. Now fat can be added to the preparing borscht. It will give the dish a richness, tenderness and especially rich taste. A wonderful supplement that many people throw away.
Rice cereals often have ubiquitous bugs. To prevent this from happening, you need to put a couple of clean metal bottle stoppers in a package of rice. Bugs. No more trouble.
Sugar and celery It will improve the taste of minced dishes. For one kilogram of meat enough tablespoon of sugar. And dried celery will make cutlets, dumplings or whites even more appetizing.
A banana skin helps the meat to boil. Just drop the wash. skin In a pot where you cook beef, pork or lamb. As a result, the meat will be very juicy and saturated.
These simple tips will facilitate your culinary activity. Some things you can make faster, and some things taste better. Sometimes our tricks can be combined. In short, act on the situation.
Probably every user of the site "Site" He knows some tricks that are well applied in practice. We would be very interested to learn something new. We invite you to share your experience in the comments. Don't be shy!

Some complex dishes are easily replaced by simple analogues. If, for example, you plan a quick snack, why bother with unnecessary actions? Just about such “cookie life hacks” we would like to talk with you today.
Let's start cooking. Even though it's not season, there's a great way to clean up quickly. potato. Take a deep pan, pour into it potatoes and 4-5 tablespoons of salt of large grinding. Put it in cold water, about half of it. Now you need to cover the pan with a lid and shake well for 3 minutes. All, at the bottom there will be a salty peel, which the salt will remove on the principle of abrasive.
As we all know, shredded boiled eggs in salads or soups do not need a beautiful slice. But the very cutting of eggs as an action takes energy and time. So why torture yourself? Just use it. pottery! With sudden movements, you will grind a whole bunch of eggs in seconds without straining at all.

The easiest way to get juicy - cut off a sheet of paper for baking, lubricate it with oil, salt, spices. Carefully, like an envelope, wrap your breast in it. Put on a dry pan and cook 5-7 minutes. All juices will remain in the chicken, and the pan will not even have to be washed. The same trick can be done with fish.
Storage of any green. Let's get my green and shake it a couple of times. We place it in a half-liter jar or a glass, and cover it with an ordinary plastic bag on top. If after a while a lot of liquid appears in the jar, it must be drained. Due to excess moisture, plants can begin to rot. The greens remain fresh and fragrant for up to two weeks.

Wash the potatoes and tie them in a disposable bag. Place the bundle in a regular microwave for 7-10 minutes. After this time, you will have fragrant, delicious on the table. coated potatoes. No more red tape!
Often boiled liver is put in the filling for cakes. But not all blenders can handle it. In order not to spoil expensive equipment, just take and rub the liver grater. It is easy and always effective. Saving time.
Re-freeze the meat categorically can not! Even for minced meat. The protein in such meat has already disappeared, it will taste disgusting, and even there is a huge chance of the presence of pathogenic microorganisms. If you see that the restaurant served you a steak that resembles a sponge in the cut, ask the waiter to remove it. This is exactly the case.
If you don't. fat And you don't know where to put it, we have good advice. Put the skins in a bag and store them in the freezer. And when you cook cold, throw them in the future broth. There are many gelling substances in these skins that will help make your chill thick and mirror smooth.

By the way, old and bacon It'll be useful. It can be twisted on a meat grinder and stored in a jar, in the refrigerator. Now fat can be added to the preparing borscht. It will give the dish a richness, tenderness and especially rich taste. A wonderful supplement that many people throw away.
Rice cereals often have ubiquitous bugs. To prevent this from happening, you need to put a couple of clean metal bottle stoppers in a package of rice. Bugs. No more trouble.
Sugar and celery It will improve the taste of minced dishes. For one kilogram of meat enough tablespoon of sugar. And dried celery will make cutlets, dumplings or whites even more appetizing.

A banana skin helps the meat to boil. Just drop the wash. skin In a pot where you cook beef, pork or lamb. As a result, the meat will be very juicy and saturated.
These simple tips will facilitate your culinary activity. Some things you can make faster, and some things taste better. Sometimes our tricks can be combined. In short, act on the situation.

Probably every user of the site "Site" He knows some tricks that are well applied in practice. We would be very interested to learn something new. We invite you to share your experience in the comments. Don't be shy!
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