The first mention of the use of tea refers to the IV century BC. However, according to scientists, tea drink started to use much earlier than in East Asia.
1. Not all and not always know what you need to brew tea. When the tea only appeared in Europe, in one of the royal receptions of the tea leaves was prepared salad. The food was eaten with pleasure, because nobody wanted to seem ignorant.
2. The Russian Tea appreciated much earlier in Europe for a simple reason: In Europe, tea was delivered by sea, and he came to us from the land of Mongolia. While the sailors had no idea how to keep the tea in the humid holds of the ship. A tea during storage necessarily need fresh air.
3. Tea is not always called tea. In the writings of ancient Chinese philosophy, he is mentioned under the name of "TCE", "toe", "Chun", "Ming" and "cha", which means "young leaf».
4. Drinking tea has benefited the British aristocracy, not only in the sense of good taste and medicinal properties. The fact is that the passion for the new drink is so jaded captured lords that they almost stopped drinking alcohol.
5. In Europe, have long believed that a variety of teas made from different plants. China is hard to keep the secret of its manufacture. In fact, all sorts of black and green tea are made from the same plant - Camellia Sinensis.
6. The iced tea was invented in 1904. The inventor says Richard Blechynden. Since in the US up to 80% tea for sale as a ready-refrigerated beverage.
7. In Japanese terms for "tea" and "eyelash" used the same word. Legend has it that tea tree grown from a young age of the Buddha, who snapped them, and buried in the ground, so as not to sleep during the night meditations.
8. The most extensive tea plantations are located in China, India, Japan, Taiwan and Sri Lanka, formerly known as Ceylon.
9. invented the tea bag is not well-known Lipton and supplier of New York, Thomas Sullivan, who found that the delivery of tea in cans costs unreasonably expensive.
Therefore, in the early XX century, it began selling tea in paper bags. One customer accidentally dropped the bag into the water and found that the work ... the same tea.
10. The appearance of the word "tip» - tips in English - is effectively connected with tea. In the XVIII century tea was taken in the special "tea gardens».
On the table in these gardens were small wooden boxes with the inscription «TIPS» (To Insure Prompt Service - «to provide fast service"). Wanting to get hot tea as soon as possible, a visitor threw a coin into the box.