Learned "mommy"

At the time, Lady Janet Martin for seven years as a volunteer at the ranch Cango Wildlife in South Africa. Then she moved to London. It took a long time, and semidesyatitrehletnyaya lady decided to make a voyage to places of military glory of her violent youth. And she wanted to talk with her former pets. All anything, but these pets - huge Nile crocodiles. Grow these ocharovashka up to ten meters from head to tail and are renowned for their vile temper. Among other features - like to include in the menu tucked fellows.
When she was a volunteer Janet almost daily dive in order to establish contact with the students. But firstly, when there! And secondly, the crocodile - no dog. That, even if forgotten and snatched by negligence, God with her. There bay mouth the size of a Lady Martin.
However, the provocative former a volunteer that has not stopped. Indeed, the youth - a state of mind. Unequivocally she climbed into the cage and gave the command to dive. Naturally, everything seems to be controlled, but still, after all ...
Yet in reality formed a classic happy ending. Reptiles did a couple of laps around the cage. Learned his "mummy". And began to show her his location and a desire to communicate better, gently rubbing on the bars of the cage.
So good attitude, I think, the ability to remember all life.