Team kotospasateley
The story of how we got a second koshak I told last Tuesday. She promised to continue. Here it is!
The second paddle karma. Control shot:
Last fall, was chosen by fate to prove to me that it is a self-contained unit of society, consisting of husband, wife and a spoiled cat, may well grow without family planning. Due to a strange coincidence, to the horror of 9 year old cat Dzhunki we dragged into the house "spasenysha engine compartment" and began to indulge in every way baby Chip, right at the old woman's eyes! Something peremknulo Dzhunkinoy in a small, stupid head, and she arranged a holocaust Chipka that the first 2 months of the baby lived mainly on the insulated balcony and sabotaged all attempts to integrate her into the room. But as you know, karma does not sleep, and the watchful eye of fate still heeded pathetic attempts to make friends with a baby this psycho kotofuriey. With a peculiar sense of humor, Providence had prepared a ricochet to June, the balance of all that know in advance, it is used with the Chip took kormom- salt and bowed from the waist. But ... it was just a silly jealous cat, for which he was sent avenging angel Barsik! How did this happen? Suddenly! ..
Autumn 2013th was cold, windy and with a lot of precipitation in our city. Along with rainfall, our house povypadali and homeless cats. At the same time, when we caught wild Chipka stoically near next door there was a beautiful, ogromenny cat, which apparently was once the home, but had not wanted mercilessly thrown into the street. Unable to come to terms with the circumstances, at a loss, he did not come up with anything better than to hide in a hole under the porch (we have at each entrance there is such a bonus.) And wait until somebody would take pity on him and take in the warmth. Many compassionate aunt fed him, but no one to take home in a hurry, because shockingly thuggish mugs and misanthropic view Kotofei. Few people want to live, fearing that their own cat will press you an apartment, if not polosnet knife across his throat.
I clearly understand that he will not survive the first frost, because, as the basement was not accustomed, the local kotobandu not integrated, and rarely got out of the pit, because the total inconsistency of the reality of their own skills. When we are caught and domesticated Chip, I decided to attach and kotyara, tentatively called Barsika. I made a couple of pictures with him, wrote a pitiful story of restlessness and laid out wherever she could in the network. And, lo and behold! Literally immediately called and a young, cheerful voice asked where to pick up the cat. Delighted this turn, I offered home delivery, first aid material etc. An hour later, Barsik was taken to relocate to Zadvinie and shouting & quot; how big! & quot; warmly greeted by a very young married couple.
After talking to the new owners, we realized that the financial position they are not the most favorable, bought all kotoinventar, food and promised to take Barsika veterinarians in order to eliminate the bells. We agreed that a month would be enough to get used.
And here one winter evening, I went out on the night shift and had nothing to do (chemical business circumstantial, is that boring), I decided to call the young people that took Barsika and called him stupid pogonyalom Viscount (for that alone could immediately suspect them inadequacy). I asked him how things were going at the Viscount (ugh!). Answer: & quot; something strange to him, shouting all the time, such as swollen, scratched! & quot ;. "For a long time?" - I ask. "Yes, three days yelling!" - Meet scoundrels. Take him to the vet, or at least call us to interfere with their natural irresponsibility and apathy. What to do?! I'm at work, time 22:00. I called my husband and said - & quot; Take the money and drive of the Dvina, cat rescue! & Quot ;. Schazz! My plans for the evening were met by his complete lack of understanding, because of the absolute conflict of interest! His plan for the evening (vyzhrat remnants of cognac and stale stink entire bedroom to my arrival) he called a more constructive, more easily feasible and economically viable. Well, or so I understood from the flow & quot; strange and pretty meaningless & quot ;, which flew at me from the tube, threatening to splash saliva all close colleagues. I had to resort to threats & quot; denial of asylum, with immediate delivery of the hands of my mother, artfully started a repair in his five-room apartment & quot ;. Convinced of my unflinching cruelty, a man shouted into the phone the last & quot; Never you do not forgive! & quot ;, I pulled Batman costume and Rushed to save Barsika. As said then in a night veterinary clinic, an hour and a cat could be buried. He went out and stone stuck in the ureter. Pains intolerable, would be the person to be dead chertyamsobachim! His swollen like a ball the size of a urinary big apple, kidneys almost all refused. As he cried, the poor, it is a catheter placed! Anesthesia did not take it, because of the large amount of fluid in the organs. Naturally, after the catheterization, her husband drove us to the sufferer. Do not return the sick cat that redneck bezotvetstvennym.Horosho that on the balcony floor heating! There and
settled the poor fellow. Stinks, of course, I can not tell you!
It would seem - hepiend! And here is the figure! It was only the beginning of the struggle for life Barsika. Most zapadlo, it turns out, was not even a small stone in the ureter, and the fact that for three days, he stretched bladder and atony happened. It's such nonsense, when it becomes like a rag and pee on their own is impossible. People with problems such prisobachivayut simply spray with a straw and a man all his life happily stomping a hole in the side and a bag of urine in the pant leg. Ambush! Combed all veterinary sites and call all eminent veterinarians city I learned that in this case survives one hundred and easier to euthanize a cat than vbuhivat money in unpredictable results. But, looking at the full of pain, hope and lust for life Barsika eyes, I realized that will not give up without a fight.
They found the same one intrepid vet who undertook to treat the cat, but without guarantee of success. Vet Roman name, it was a huge and fun, besides Latvian. (However, in Riga this is normal). Seeing Barsika he whispered hoarsely & quot; how big! & quot; and began to save. Exactly 30 days continues to fight for life.
Every day at 5 injections three times a catheter placed in between, I had to squeeze his bladder hands (this is just a gesture, I tell you!). The apartment has all along stood stinks unbearable, which ignored all attempts to eliminate aromosvechami and other expensive aroma. Money spent on treatment, I stopped counting after 500 euros. Just unbuckle it! I have not bought a new coat white, but began to show signs of Barsik recovery! In the new year, he made us a gift, the value of all investments - he peed! It was just what the magic! Happy all - I, my husband, and the vet Barsik Roma, who was so engrossed in cat rescue, the last 10 days no longer take money for their work, only medications. However, now for life to feed Barsika need an expensive veterinary feed and monitor urination. It's not easy. He has no urgency to this, I have morning and evening to close it on the balcony with a pot and build scary snout through the window, threatening to keep out on the couch, if he is not & quot; not please Mom & quot ;. Barsik loves mom, and even more lie on the master bed, so poorat for decency "gaady only one you need from me nuzhno- zhivotvoryaschschschayaya my urine!", Still pissing in a pot. So the four of us now live. My husband, Chip and Barsik that once zakoreshilis and turn us to the apartment and June ... in the kitchen, because as soon as Barsik gained strength and looked around, he appointed himself the chief prosecutor and acting avenging hand of karma!
Any attempts at aggressive hiss Chip or him, he suppresses "Junie clamping the polite to the floor in an attempt to gently chew off her ear!" Ofigevshy cat has prosekla its dependence inappropriate behavior with punishment, but did help it can. Character sir! Therefore it prefers not to violate neutral territory and mostly hangs out in the kitchen, and Barsik lives in our bedroom, although from time to time trying to get into the bathroom, and watch for & quot; attach & quot; Juneau! Chip also runs everywhere wants shits all trays and eating out all the bowls, and therefore began to resemble a sort of pub with cunning eyes and striped like a lemur's tail.
From time to time, three tailed ustrivaet home this ad, bardak kotosrach and the husband begins to compare the prospect of free participation in the mother's repair as a more attractive and squints toward the suitcases kagbe topple suddenly hinting at night. But sometimes in the evening, when we were lying in bed, zhrem right there different snacks and watch a cool movie, all plastered with the rescued cats, weight already competing with behemoths, while I realize that never this kotofermu he will not exchange more comfortable ! Juneau.
Juneau - kotomodel!
It Chipka.
We have not vkurse that is our Barsik. He, too.
The second paddle karma. Control shot:
Last fall, was chosen by fate to prove to me that it is a self-contained unit of society, consisting of husband, wife and a spoiled cat, may well grow without family planning. Due to a strange coincidence, to the horror of 9 year old cat Dzhunki we dragged into the house "spasenysha engine compartment" and began to indulge in every way baby Chip, right at the old woman's eyes! Something peremknulo Dzhunkinoy in a small, stupid head, and she arranged a holocaust Chipka that the first 2 months of the baby lived mainly on the insulated balcony and sabotaged all attempts to integrate her into the room. But as you know, karma does not sleep, and the watchful eye of fate still heeded pathetic attempts to make friends with a baby this psycho kotofuriey. With a peculiar sense of humor, Providence had prepared a ricochet to June, the balance of all that know in advance, it is used with the Chip took kormom- salt and bowed from the waist. But ... it was just a silly jealous cat, for which he was sent avenging angel Barsik! How did this happen? Suddenly! ..

Autumn 2013th was cold, windy and with a lot of precipitation in our city. Along with rainfall, our house povypadali and homeless cats. At the same time, when we caught wild Chipka stoically near next door there was a beautiful, ogromenny cat, which apparently was once the home, but had not wanted mercilessly thrown into the street. Unable to come to terms with the circumstances, at a loss, he did not come up with anything better than to hide in a hole under the porch (we have at each entrance there is such a bonus.) And wait until somebody would take pity on him and take in the warmth. Many compassionate aunt fed him, but no one to take home in a hurry, because shockingly thuggish mugs and misanthropic view Kotofei. Few people want to live, fearing that their own cat will press you an apartment, if not polosnet knife across his throat.
I clearly understand that he will not survive the first frost, because, as the basement was not accustomed, the local kotobandu not integrated, and rarely got out of the pit, because the total inconsistency of the reality of their own skills. When we are caught and domesticated Chip, I decided to attach and kotyara, tentatively called Barsika. I made a couple of pictures with him, wrote a pitiful story of restlessness and laid out wherever she could in the network. And, lo and behold! Literally immediately called and a young, cheerful voice asked where to pick up the cat. Delighted this turn, I offered home delivery, first aid material etc. An hour later, Barsik was taken to relocate to Zadvinie and shouting & quot; how big! & quot; warmly greeted by a very young married couple.
After talking to the new owners, we realized that the financial position they are not the most favorable, bought all kotoinventar, food and promised to take Barsika veterinarians in order to eliminate the bells. We agreed that a month would be enough to get used.
And here one winter evening, I went out on the night shift and had nothing to do (chemical business circumstantial, is that boring), I decided to call the young people that took Barsika and called him stupid pogonyalom Viscount (for that alone could immediately suspect them inadequacy). I asked him how things were going at the Viscount (ugh!). Answer: & quot; something strange to him, shouting all the time, such as swollen, scratched! & quot ;. "For a long time?" - I ask. "Yes, three days yelling!" - Meet scoundrels. Take him to the vet, or at least call us to interfere with their natural irresponsibility and apathy. What to do?! I'm at work, time 22:00. I called my husband and said - & quot; Take the money and drive of the Dvina, cat rescue! & Quot ;. Schazz! My plans for the evening were met by his complete lack of understanding, because of the absolute conflict of interest! His plan for the evening (vyzhrat remnants of cognac and stale stink entire bedroom to my arrival) he called a more constructive, more easily feasible and economically viable. Well, or so I understood from the flow & quot; strange and pretty meaningless & quot ;, which flew at me from the tube, threatening to splash saliva all close colleagues. I had to resort to threats & quot; denial of asylum, with immediate delivery of the hands of my mother, artfully started a repair in his five-room apartment & quot ;. Convinced of my unflinching cruelty, a man shouted into the phone the last & quot; Never you do not forgive! & quot ;, I pulled Batman costume and Rushed to save Barsika. As said then in a night veterinary clinic, an hour and a cat could be buried. He went out and stone stuck in the ureter. Pains intolerable, would be the person to be dead chertyamsobachim! His swollen like a ball the size of a urinary big apple, kidneys almost all refused. As he cried, the poor, it is a catheter placed! Anesthesia did not take it, because of the large amount of fluid in the organs. Naturally, after the catheterization, her husband drove us to the sufferer. Do not return the sick cat that redneck bezotvetstvennym.Horosho that on the balcony floor heating! There and
settled the poor fellow. Stinks, of course, I can not tell you!
It would seem - hepiend! And here is the figure! It was only the beginning of the struggle for life Barsika. Most zapadlo, it turns out, was not even a small stone in the ureter, and the fact that for three days, he stretched bladder and atony happened. It's such nonsense, when it becomes like a rag and pee on their own is impossible. People with problems such prisobachivayut simply spray with a straw and a man all his life happily stomping a hole in the side and a bag of urine in the pant leg. Ambush! Combed all veterinary sites and call all eminent veterinarians city I learned that in this case survives one hundred and easier to euthanize a cat than vbuhivat money in unpredictable results. But, looking at the full of pain, hope and lust for life Barsika eyes, I realized that will not give up without a fight.
They found the same one intrepid vet who undertook to treat the cat, but without guarantee of success. Vet Roman name, it was a huge and fun, besides Latvian. (However, in Riga this is normal). Seeing Barsika he whispered hoarsely & quot; how big! & quot; and began to save. Exactly 30 days continues to fight for life.
Every day at 5 injections three times a catheter placed in between, I had to squeeze his bladder hands (this is just a gesture, I tell you!). The apartment has all along stood stinks unbearable, which ignored all attempts to eliminate aromosvechami and other expensive aroma. Money spent on treatment, I stopped counting after 500 euros. Just unbuckle it! I have not bought a new coat white, but began to show signs of Barsik recovery! In the new year, he made us a gift, the value of all investments - he peed! It was just what the magic! Happy all - I, my husband, and the vet Barsik Roma, who was so engrossed in cat rescue, the last 10 days no longer take money for their work, only medications. However, now for life to feed Barsika need an expensive veterinary feed and monitor urination. It's not easy. He has no urgency to this, I have morning and evening to close it on the balcony with a pot and build scary snout through the window, threatening to keep out on the couch, if he is not & quot; not please Mom & quot ;. Barsik loves mom, and even more lie on the master bed, so poorat for decency "gaady only one you need from me nuzhno- zhivotvoryaschschschayaya my urine!", Still pissing in a pot. So the four of us now live. My husband, Chip and Barsik that once zakoreshilis and turn us to the apartment and June ... in the kitchen, because as soon as Barsik gained strength and looked around, he appointed himself the chief prosecutor and acting avenging hand of karma!
Any attempts at aggressive hiss Chip or him, he suppresses "Junie clamping the polite to the floor in an attempt to gently chew off her ear!" Ofigevshy cat has prosekla its dependence inappropriate behavior with punishment, but did help it can. Character sir! Therefore it prefers not to violate neutral territory and mostly hangs out in the kitchen, and Barsik lives in our bedroom, although from time to time trying to get into the bathroom, and watch for & quot; attach & quot; Juneau! Chip also runs everywhere wants shits all trays and eating out all the bowls, and therefore began to resemble a sort of pub with cunning eyes and striped like a lemur's tail.
From time to time, three tailed ustrivaet home this ad, bardak kotosrach and the husband begins to compare the prospect of free participation in the mother's repair as a more attractive and squints toward the suitcases kagbe topple suddenly hinting at night. But sometimes in the evening, when we were lying in bed, zhrem right there different snacks and watch a cool movie, all plastered with the rescued cats, weight already competing with behemoths, while I realize that never this kotofermu he will not exchange more comfortable ! Juneau.

Juneau - kotomodel!

It Chipka.

We have not vkurse that is our Barsik. He, too.