The Story of a parachute jump
This post is dedicated to all skydivers, and also wishing to become them.
The events described are true and happened in a summer Saturday morning, with the direct participation of the author.
I would like in this material describe the entire process of preparing for a jump with a parachute landing. Share what constitutes a preparatory activity, the emotions experienced "pervorazniki" is right in the plane minutes before it, its first branch, and that may happen during the flight.
Ahead of you are waiting for 34 Picchu and many interesting letters.
Air Club, in which these events took place, is located in a picturesque location between the two estuaries near the town. To get there there is no difficulty. The first acquaintance with the club was scheduled for Thursday, so that on Saturday, under favorable weather conditions (clear sky, and the wind is not more than 5 km.ch.) could make the leap.
In the arsenal of the club has several ANOVA, yaks and helicopters. Also, there are carried out flights in balloons, and here come the lovers of radio-controlled model aircraft. And this summer, the area adjacent to the "drop zone", has passed the performance of Tiesto in the framework of its world tour.
On first acquaintance with the area, where we have just walked through the area, we are very amused by this label: "The aircraft is armed»
When he finally gathered all recorded on Saturday jumping, began a lecture dedicated to the description of the parachute device, physical and mathematical parameters descent and safety.
When the theory was completed, we were transferred to the display stand, where the grid system shows the basic techniques of control a parachute and behaviors in a variety of internal and external situations.
05 - Volunteer in the harness shows the correct position of the feet when landing.
It was considered all possible situations associated with the descent. Proper separation from the aircraft, de-activation of the reserve parachute, the rules of maneuvering in flight, manning landing, landing on the roof of the house, in the wire, the trees on the wall.
06 - Demonstration of a reversal in the harness.
Also, we were told and shown how to fold lines and canopy for landing, it was convenient to walk away from the landing site to the starting point.
07 - working the reception of folding lines.
But, in fact, our transport, where the next day we have to climb into the sky. Reliable and trustworthy, AH2 able to land even with the engine off.
We go inside, sit, look at the design of the passenger compartment. We briefly tell the story of this aircraft, describe the process of separation from the side.
At this preparatory part is over, let us go home. Departure is scheduled for early Saturday morning. The weather promises to be good. With pleasant thoughts, excited, all seated on the machine and returned to the city.
Saturday, about 6-am. The sun had already risen, but not hot. Wonderful weather, not a cloud and almost no wind. At the airport already reigns revival, laid kits parachutes kombeza and helmets. The medical board is ready for examination candidates. Yes, do not be surprised, doctors measure the pulse, blood pressure and check the overall health, track, etc. hangover. After all, if a person in flight grab the heart - is facing problems for the club, so doctors are suitable to the business thoroughly. Despite the obvious economic benefits of attracting masses of people in the case.
At the airport, our group was not the first. Those who came before us and have already passed the doctors, are in full gear before the starting line, fotkat on the background plane and a few minutes before the start.
So, the starting line, the last instructions the instructor, check all belts and the mechanism of the reserve parachute.
Distracted by their own cooking, I choose yourself kombez, helmet, tighten the straps and miss the flight of the first group. I look at the sky, where the paratroopers had separated from the aircraft. Very beautiful sight watching as the plane, gaining altitude and leaving the position, lowers stroke. As the first figure appears in the orange kombeza, falls overboard and soon revealed the white dome.
The first thing that should make the skydiver overboard is to count up to 4. During this time drawn and completely opens the main parachute canopy. Disorderly fall stabilized and you feel breakthrough top - it started braking caused by the opening of the dome. Then, you look up and assess the degree of disclosure - if the circuit is smooth and round, it did not pinched in the center of the top there is a hole with one side 3 more slots (needed to control) so everything went well and it was time to deactivate the reserve parachute, which hanging on your stomach.
The fact that the reserve is adjusted to automatic disclosure at an altitude of 300m. If the main canopy opened, it must be disabled. For this, there is a valve in the spare wheel, sort of a pocket, underneath is a metal loop and threaded end of her rope. Your task is just to open the pocket and get a rope out of the loop. Everything is very simple. After deactivation chute you have time to enjoy the flight and whirl in opposite directions. If you forget about the spare tire - at an altitude of 300m, and there will be a click of the bedroll on his stomach fall out reserve parachute.
Someone will say, they say, with two open parachutes safer - nothing like that. Tilt Wheel is an unmanaged and can seriously hinder you to perform turning maneuvers. And when landing so it does create a bunch of hassle. Imagine you land, turned into the wind to reduce the horizontal velocity. The first thing to do, once on the ground is to give the go-ahead (like, everything is OK with me, no problem) the observation group, which is in the field to provide quick relief. Then you need to quickly extinguish the dome, pulling the lines to himself, not to be inflated by the wind and you will not prokolbasilo person on the field. And it is sometimes. So, you pulled up to the main dome itself, and while the wind blew up the spare tire and ...
14 - The photo shows one of the first group still forgot to do this simple operation and now, to the delight of all on the launch pad, makes the flight under the bra - that's how it's called
After the last of the group left the plane, jump after them and letting instructors. But not at the landing parachute and sporting wings - is the next step after mastering the "oak."
Meanwhile, our team in readiness stretched on the canvas waiting for the return of the aircraft.
Her secret start line, checking fixtures and belts, inspection readiness of the reserve parachute and the latest indications from the series: "Do not repeat the experience of asshole that is now down under the bra».
Our group is confident step moves to the aircraft, which, without shutting down the engine, drove to the landing zone.
Inside the hot and crowded aircraft, parachutes prevent comfortably seat on narrow benches. The last drops into producing our instructor, closes the door and the car was taxiing to the runway. Inside is the noise and roar - AN jumping over bumps, picking up speed. Keep practically not for that, we have to catch each other out. At the time of the shaking stops, and we understand that the chassis off the ground - soared. The instructor said, shouting over the noise of the engine, which in the first carriage was as much as 2 asshole: first zassal and refused to jump, and the second zassal little later and forgot to turn off the spare tire.
The plane circles gaining a predetermined height. From breathing in the cabin was quite stuffy. The instructor asked if we wanted to, he turned on the air conditioner. Of course, everyone agrees. After that, he takes on the go and open the door to the salon ... broke fresh wind behind squares seemed fields and small cottages. The pilot has laid a sharp turn and sitting in front of the hatch clutching a stranglehold in the bench.
At an altitude of 500 meters, the instructor went through the cabin, including every device start chute and all special carabiners attached to a cable extending from the ceiling salon - it is precisely this combination will pull the main dome of the separation from the side.
After consulting with the altimeter (altimeter), which produces the final speech said: "The men look to hatch - Odessa under you. Do not try to shit on it! "The dial has exactly 1000 meters.
Sounded team - the first three on the way out. Three people were sitting on the side of the hatch first, got up, the first of them came up to the hatch and in desantski, arms crossed straps, leaped into the sky.
Luke can not procrastinate: Drop-area is 1000 to 1000 meters, the plane is flying in circles at a time and let three men at intervals of seconds 5. If provtykal - you have a chance to fly off into the gardens or even in the estuary.
The feeling after the separation of the fantastic: the air with the force of a slap in your face, at first it is difficult to breathe, falling randomly, then jerk - and everything calms down. The noise of the aircraft quickly ceases, comes absolute silence. I checked the status of the dome - full disclosure, there is no problem. Deactivate spare tire - you can now enjoy the flight. But rotates 360 degrees to admire the views: squares villas, lagoons, sea and road from the courts ... On the horizon, a thin mist, it is felt that the day will be very hot.
Continues to decline, somewhere at the bottom, the ground crew in full screaming in speaker on some paratrooper, so he immediately went to the right, it bears on the edge of the drop-zone. I conclude that if I start to hear a speaker, so I approach the 300m mark. And just - just as soon as I hear the hum of the device release chute ending bachelor click.
At around 100m start the detail, the land ceases to be a continuous green carpet, we can already see some bushes. Sounds general command "Sun in the left eye, Eyes on the yellow roof." Alignment with the team, I press your legs together, I prepare to meet the ground.
The closer to the ground, the above seems to vertical speed. It's only an optical illusion, but in the first times I really catches. Landing successful, I touch the ground with both feet and collapses on its side. I understand that, as usual, hit the most spikes I get up, do the ground team the go-ahead and begin to pull themselves slings. Fortunately, there is no wind and you can not rush to extinguish the dome muzzle of thorns I did not smuggle.
22 - pictured right leg position before landing.
There's nowhere to hurry, turn dome, wear straps on his neck and scraped out of the rough in the hope that I will pick up the ground crew, because walking to the starting point is not close to scratch.
After another successful jump feel wiser, older. In flight, you forget all your sorrows, and before the open hatch, seconds before the department know what to eat, something to live for. And your life is beautiful, no matter what. You go on the field and all shine with pride and joy.
Returning to the starting point, the ground crew picks dropnuvshihsya much away.
As it turned out, in a UAZ can fit 8 parachutists with all equipment!
Arriving at the starting point, we remove the harnesses and pack them with slings and domes in bags for further transportation to the warehouse.
Pervoraznikam rely identity paratroopers unit tunes with data about the perfect jump - the name of the paratrooper, parachute model, date, height, signature of the head of the club.
We were about to leave, when suddenly attracted the attention of one incident in the sky that could have dire consequences ...
At the parachutist was partial disclosure of the dome caused zahlёstom lines. Ie dome instead of a round shape became HZ how. This situation is an emergency and requires immediate disclosure manually reserve parachute because descent in this situation virtually manage and reduce the rate of 5 km.ch. increases at least twice. Landing at a rate guaranteed jumper breaks both legs and cause serious back injuries.
Ground crews have begun to give orders to the speaker immediately activate the spare tire. As it turned out in the end, parachutist, separated from the plane, I did not see a problem with a dome and successfully disabled the mechanism of automatic opening of the reserve parachute. On the ground it was clear that the speed of descent is very high. Hearing guidance instructor parachutist pulled the handle, liberating spare dome. But in the absence of wind the unwound and was just hanging between his legs loser, not even going to inflate.
There was a team to pull the chute straps. It helped and the dome slowly began to fill with air. Before the land was less than 100 meters.
After replacement dome was inflated and started to brake the fall of all on the ground were able to catch his breath. Minutes, during which the story unfolded, were very tense and nervous made absolutely everyone.
As you can see from this picture, the reserve completely took over the job only a few meters above the ground. To place an emergency landing were immediately sent to physicians. Airfield stopped. Everyone was afraid to suggest anything. The pilot of the aircraft switched off the engine. We were waiting for the return of medical teams and news about this guy.
After a while, the doctors returned with unlucky parachutist. It turned out that nothing bad has happened to him, the landing was hard, but no fractures.
Here once someone remembered the old joke: "If at first you did not work - then skydiving is not for you."
Man grossly violated safety measures when he was sure in the fullness of disclosure of the dome. From what occurred zahlёst lines - hard to say. Perhaps the human factor, perhaps it happened - I do not know. I am glad that no one was seriously hurt.
After all these passions are satisfied and tired, we went home to sleep till noon, and in the dream once again relive the pleasant moments of descent. All this is not so much physically exhausted us as moral, and it is even harder.
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1285457397 [/ mergetime]
That's all, folks. I did not want to scare this story, on the contrary, I hope you enjoyed it, and maybe you want to yourself to feel all the charm of skydiving
The events described are true and happened in a summer Saturday morning, with the direct participation of the author.
I would like in this material describe the entire process of preparing for a jump with a parachute landing. Share what constitutes a preparatory activity, the emotions experienced "pervorazniki" is right in the plane minutes before it, its first branch, and that may happen during the flight.
Ahead of you are waiting for 34 Picchu and many interesting letters.

Air Club, in which these events took place, is located in a picturesque location between the two estuaries near the town. To get there there is no difficulty. The first acquaintance with the club was scheduled for Thursday, so that on Saturday, under favorable weather conditions (clear sky, and the wind is not more than 5 km.ch.) could make the leap.

In the arsenal of the club has several ANOVA, yaks and helicopters. Also, there are carried out flights in balloons, and here come the lovers of radio-controlled model aircraft. And this summer, the area adjacent to the "drop zone", has passed the performance of Tiesto in the framework of its world tour.

On first acquaintance with the area, where we have just walked through the area, we are very amused by this label: "The aircraft is armed»

When he finally gathered all recorded on Saturday jumping, began a lecture dedicated to the description of the parachute device, physical and mathematical parameters descent and safety.
When the theory was completed, we were transferred to the display stand, where the grid system shows the basic techniques of control a parachute and behaviors in a variety of internal and external situations.
05 - Volunteer in the harness shows the correct position of the feet when landing.

It was considered all possible situations associated with the descent. Proper separation from the aircraft, de-activation of the reserve parachute, the rules of maneuvering in flight, manning landing, landing on the roof of the house, in the wire, the trees on the wall.
06 - Demonstration of a reversal in the harness.

Also, we were told and shown how to fold lines and canopy for landing, it was convenient to walk away from the landing site to the starting point.
07 - working the reception of folding lines.

But, in fact, our transport, where the next day we have to climb into the sky. Reliable and trustworthy, AH2 able to land even with the engine off.

We go inside, sit, look at the design of the passenger compartment. We briefly tell the story of this aircraft, describe the process of separation from the side.
At this preparatory part is over, let us go home. Departure is scheduled for early Saturday morning. The weather promises to be good. With pleasant thoughts, excited, all seated on the machine and returned to the city.

Saturday, about 6-am. The sun had already risen, but not hot. Wonderful weather, not a cloud and almost no wind. At the airport already reigns revival, laid kits parachutes kombeza and helmets. The medical board is ready for examination candidates. Yes, do not be surprised, doctors measure the pulse, blood pressure and check the overall health, track, etc. hangover. After all, if a person in flight grab the heart - is facing problems for the club, so doctors are suitable to the business thoroughly. Despite the obvious economic benefits of attracting masses of people in the case.

At the airport, our group was not the first. Those who came before us and have already passed the doctors, are in full gear before the starting line, fotkat on the background plane and a few minutes before the start.

So, the starting line, the last instructions the instructor, check all belts and the mechanism of the reserve parachute.

Distracted by their own cooking, I choose yourself kombez, helmet, tighten the straps and miss the flight of the first group. I look at the sky, where the paratroopers had separated from the aircraft. Very beautiful sight watching as the plane, gaining altitude and leaving the position, lowers stroke. As the first figure appears in the orange kombeza, falls overboard and soon revealed the white dome.
The first thing that should make the skydiver overboard is to count up to 4. During this time drawn and completely opens the main parachute canopy. Disorderly fall stabilized and you feel breakthrough top - it started braking caused by the opening of the dome. Then, you look up and assess the degree of disclosure - if the circuit is smooth and round, it did not pinched in the center of the top there is a hole with one side 3 more slots (needed to control) so everything went well and it was time to deactivate the reserve parachute, which hanging on your stomach.

The fact that the reserve is adjusted to automatic disclosure at an altitude of 300m. If the main canopy opened, it must be disabled. For this, there is a valve in the spare wheel, sort of a pocket, underneath is a metal loop and threaded end of her rope. Your task is just to open the pocket and get a rope out of the loop. Everything is very simple. After deactivation chute you have time to enjoy the flight and whirl in opposite directions. If you forget about the spare tire - at an altitude of 300m, and there will be a click of the bedroll on his stomach fall out reserve parachute.
Someone will say, they say, with two open parachutes safer - nothing like that. Tilt Wheel is an unmanaged and can seriously hinder you to perform turning maneuvers. And when landing so it does create a bunch of hassle. Imagine you land, turned into the wind to reduce the horizontal velocity. The first thing to do, once on the ground is to give the go-ahead (like, everything is OK with me, no problem) the observation group, which is in the field to provide quick relief. Then you need to quickly extinguish the dome, pulling the lines to himself, not to be inflated by the wind and you will not prokolbasilo person on the field. And it is sometimes. So, you pulled up to the main dome itself, and while the wind blew up the spare tire and ...
14 - The photo shows one of the first group still forgot to do this simple operation and now, to the delight of all on the launch pad, makes the flight under the bra - that's how it's called

After the last of the group left the plane, jump after them and letting instructors. But not at the landing parachute and sporting wings - is the next step after mastering the "oak."

Meanwhile, our team in readiness stretched on the canvas waiting for the return of the aircraft.

Her secret start line, checking fixtures and belts, inspection readiness of the reserve parachute and the latest indications from the series: "Do not repeat the experience of asshole that is now down under the bra».

Our group is confident step moves to the aircraft, which, without shutting down the engine, drove to the landing zone.

Inside the hot and crowded aircraft, parachutes prevent comfortably seat on narrow benches. The last drops into producing our instructor, closes the door and the car was taxiing to the runway. Inside is the noise and roar - AN jumping over bumps, picking up speed. Keep practically not for that, we have to catch each other out. At the time of the shaking stops, and we understand that the chassis off the ground - soared. The instructor said, shouting over the noise of the engine, which in the first carriage was as much as 2 asshole: first zassal and refused to jump, and the second zassal little later and forgot to turn off the spare tire.
The plane circles gaining a predetermined height. From breathing in the cabin was quite stuffy. The instructor asked if we wanted to, he turned on the air conditioner. Of course, everyone agrees. After that, he takes on the go and open the door to the salon ... broke fresh wind behind squares seemed fields and small cottages. The pilot has laid a sharp turn and sitting in front of the hatch clutching a stranglehold in the bench.
At an altitude of 500 meters, the instructor went through the cabin, including every device start chute and all special carabiners attached to a cable extending from the ceiling salon - it is precisely this combination will pull the main dome of the separation from the side.
After consulting with the altimeter (altimeter), which produces the final speech said: "The men look to hatch - Odessa under you. Do not try to shit on it! "The dial has exactly 1000 meters.

Sounded team - the first three on the way out. Three people were sitting on the side of the hatch first, got up, the first of them came up to the hatch and in desantski, arms crossed straps, leaped into the sky.

Luke can not procrastinate: Drop-area is 1000 to 1000 meters, the plane is flying in circles at a time and let three men at intervals of seconds 5. If provtykal - you have a chance to fly off into the gardens or even in the estuary.

The feeling after the separation of the fantastic: the air with the force of a slap in your face, at first it is difficult to breathe, falling randomly, then jerk - and everything calms down. The noise of the aircraft quickly ceases, comes absolute silence. I checked the status of the dome - full disclosure, there is no problem. Deactivate spare tire - you can now enjoy the flight. But rotates 360 degrees to admire the views: squares villas, lagoons, sea and road from the courts ... On the horizon, a thin mist, it is felt that the day will be very hot.
Continues to decline, somewhere at the bottom, the ground crew in full screaming in speaker on some paratrooper, so he immediately went to the right, it bears on the edge of the drop-zone. I conclude that if I start to hear a speaker, so I approach the 300m mark. And just - just as soon as I hear the hum of the device release chute ending bachelor click.
At around 100m start the detail, the land ceases to be a continuous green carpet, we can already see some bushes. Sounds general command "Sun in the left eye, Eyes on the yellow roof." Alignment with the team, I press your legs together, I prepare to meet the ground.
The closer to the ground, the above seems to vertical speed. It's only an optical illusion, but in the first times I really catches. Landing successful, I touch the ground with both feet and collapses on its side. I understand that, as usual, hit the most spikes I get up, do the ground team the go-ahead and begin to pull themselves slings. Fortunately, there is no wind and you can not rush to extinguish the dome muzzle of thorns I did not smuggle.
22 - pictured right leg position before landing.

There's nowhere to hurry, turn dome, wear straps on his neck and scraped out of the rough in the hope that I will pick up the ground crew, because walking to the starting point is not close to scratch.

After another successful jump feel wiser, older. In flight, you forget all your sorrows, and before the open hatch, seconds before the department know what to eat, something to live for. And your life is beautiful, no matter what. You go on the field and all shine with pride and joy.

Returning to the starting point, the ground crew picks dropnuvshihsya much away.

As it turned out, in a UAZ can fit 8 parachutists with all equipment!

Arriving at the starting point, we remove the harnesses and pack them with slings and domes in bags for further transportation to the warehouse.

Pervoraznikam rely identity paratroopers unit tunes with data about the perfect jump - the name of the paratrooper, parachute model, date, height, signature of the head of the club.

We were about to leave, when suddenly attracted the attention of one incident in the sky that could have dire consequences ...

At the parachutist was partial disclosure of the dome caused zahlёstom lines. Ie dome instead of a round shape became HZ how. This situation is an emergency and requires immediate disclosure manually reserve parachute because descent in this situation virtually manage and reduce the rate of 5 km.ch. increases at least twice. Landing at a rate guaranteed jumper breaks both legs and cause serious back injuries.

Ground crews have begun to give orders to the speaker immediately activate the spare tire. As it turned out in the end, parachutist, separated from the plane, I did not see a problem with a dome and successfully disabled the mechanism of automatic opening of the reserve parachute. On the ground it was clear that the speed of descent is very high. Hearing guidance instructor parachutist pulled the handle, liberating spare dome. But in the absence of wind the unwound and was just hanging between his legs loser, not even going to inflate.

There was a team to pull the chute straps. It helped and the dome slowly began to fill with air. Before the land was less than 100 meters.

After replacement dome was inflated and started to brake the fall of all on the ground were able to catch his breath. Minutes, during which the story unfolded, were very tense and nervous made absolutely everyone.

As you can see from this picture, the reserve completely took over the job only a few meters above the ground. To place an emergency landing were immediately sent to physicians. Airfield stopped. Everyone was afraid to suggest anything. The pilot of the aircraft switched off the engine. We were waiting for the return of medical teams and news about this guy.
After a while, the doctors returned with unlucky parachutist. It turned out that nothing bad has happened to him, the landing was hard, but no fractures.
Here once someone remembered the old joke: "If at first you did not work - then skydiving is not for you."
Man grossly violated safety measures when he was sure in the fullness of disclosure of the dome. From what occurred zahlёst lines - hard to say. Perhaps the human factor, perhaps it happened - I do not know. I am glad that no one was seriously hurt.
After all these passions are satisfied and tired, we went home to sleep till noon, and in the dream once again relive the pleasant moments of descent. All this is not so much physically exhausted us as moral, and it is even harder.
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1285457397 [/ mergetime]
That's all, folks. I did not want to scare this story, on the contrary, I hope you enjoyed it, and maybe you want to yourself to feel all the charm of skydiving
