Sensation of flight
Wingsuit - suit-wing - the highest achievement of mankind since the time of Icarus in an attempt to soar like a bird. This is the best and the most dangerous thing that is designed to control the movement of the body through the air. Let someone calling it an illusion of flight, prolonged fall, but the fact remains - people fly.
Wingsuit (Eng. Wipgsuit) - literally "KQSTYUM wings", allowing the athlete to extend the free fall due to reduction of the angle of incidence relative to the horizon. Paratroopers using wingsuit also call each other flying squirrels and Birdman.
BASE Jumping (basejumping) - jumps from fixed objects with a special parachute-wing. The word "bass & quot; - BASE - made up of the first letters of the names of the main objects of beysdzhamninga:
building (structure), antenna (aerial), span (bridge) and earth (ground). Bays can be performed using a wingsuit, and without it. Beysvingsyut considered the most dangerous kind of jumps
with a parachute.
Father and promoter of BASE jumping, as well as the author of the term is considered Karl Behnisch, US Air cameraman and editor of the first magazine of this kind of jumps and its security issues.
The first BASE jump in a suit-wing Behnisch filmed a August 8, 1978 in the US, in the picturesque Yosemite National Park, from the rock El Capitan (910 meters), where they filmed jumping three of his comrades. This date is considered the starting point of the history of modern BASE jumping.
In 1981 he came up with Behnisch maintain a roster of all jumpers, who made at least one jump from all four types of objects in the acronym BASE. Number 1 belongs to Phil Smith of Texas, Behnisch wife Jean was the third, and the Carl - fourth. This list is maintained until now and today already contains thousands of names.
As for vingsyuterov, their number in the world BASE community ranges and a half thousand people of both sexes, in Russia - about a hundred. Because of the extreme danger to the end of the 80s costumes test type "bat" was officially banned by the American Federation of parachuting. Nevertheless, for 30 years the ban list adherents ideas fly with wings constantly replenished. Almost all of them risked their lives experienced design of his own invention.
Charles was a tragic fate. In 1984, the famous Norwegian Troll Wall (1100 meters), the highest rock wall in Europe, Behnisch teammates a few days set records in height beysdzhampa. Before the next jump, he turned to his friends: "You know the story of how the devil Jesus raises high on the roof of the temple and inciting him to jump down, saying that his angels save? So I do not need any angels. " Then Charles turned and took two steps toward the cliff and on the edge of the abyss ... stumbled. Attempts to open the parachute drop and stabilize or to no avail. Carl flew down in his parachute wrapped at speeds below 200 km / h. The miracle did not happen, 43-year-old founder of the new extreme activity crashed.
First of all - SECURITY
It would seem that the very nature of people filed an obvious idea to fly with wings. But how to fly "bird" in the 90 kilograms of weight and without a motor? The most efficient scheme costume created in the mid-1990s, a member of the French national team skydiving world champion Patrick de Gayardon. Design Patrick had three wings instead of two (the third - in the form of webbed feet), and they were all double-layer. Rib inside the wing inflated incident flow through the air inlets, creating lift and pressure, which gave the necessary rigidity. Without this, keep her hands in an open operating position was virtually impossible. This coverall allowed to fly horizontally considerable distances - 3, 5 meters per meter of height - and stay longer in free flight before open the parachute.
What is a modern wingsuit flying in? Due to the design, invented Gayardonom pilot during free fall does not fly straight down and forward. This allows to decrease at a low angle to the horizon, up to 20 °, and increase the time before opening the parachute. Best pilots can plan up to five minutes, flying horizontally a few kilometers at a speed of 250 km / h. Distance record wingsuit - about 20 kilometers. To date, the use of costume-wing gives the maximum approximation to the flight of birds, looking exactly the flight. But no gain so high, no land without a parachute man is still not capable. And the feelings can not say that at this moment feels vingsyuter bird. Focusing on security does not have to admiring the surrounding beauty.
Another feature of the wingsuit - a suit can be worn not so many clothes. In cold conditions it every time a balance between warmth and maneuverability. Think of how easy to make simple movements frozen hands when they do not even feel for what is taken. Now imagine in the sky stiff body which also focused without appliances and electronics - all in the eyes. Added to this problem throwing jellyfish (small parachute, which pulls out the main backpack), complicated by the fact that the hands are directly wingsuit.
There are costumes of different levels - beginners to create formations for experienced jumpers. Sew wingsuits only 3-5 companies in the world. Professional beysery can make jumps and alone, and some enjoy flying team "flock." World record-sized formation of 71 people, they built in the air silhouette of the bomber. Other records - in 2004 wingsuit flew across the Bosphorus, and in 2005 - through the Strait of Gibraltar.
Most professionals skydiving in no hurry to call BASE Jumping sports. There are no official qualification standards, a common format of the competition, no federations, which all could control.
Valery Rozov, known throughout the world record in parachuting and unique achievements in wingsuit-bass, which has been since 2000, believes that highlight any one criterion by which one could determine the best beysdzhampera vingsyutera or impossible. Any alleged competitive fees beysdzhamperov resemble festival and parties of interest. This kind of activity is quite diverse and quite good beysdzhamper determined by other achievements, rather than distance or duration of the flight. "More or less dangerous mission makes the man himself. You can jump from the same place, but one pilot will fly straight out of the rock, and will open with a reserve parachute height, and the other, on the contrary, the maximum pressed against the wall and will open at the minimum height. Both jump in principle dangerous, committed only with different levels of risk, "- says Valery.
The size of the financial costs in the form of extreme activity for jumpers increases as its improvement and growth ambitions. Sooner or later, the spirit of adventure and a thirst for new emotions will cause change native airfield on more exotic landscapes. Popular areas for jumping - Spain, Slovenia, the Norwegian fjords, the Alps; Malaysia - the only country in the world, where the officially permitted BASE Jumping. For exclusive projects - Antarctica, Kamchatka, and so on Elbrus. N. - Equip the whole expedition mountaineering and technical support.
Who is not Valery Rozov, ask about emotions flight. He jumped from Elbrus, the pearl of the Alps - the Matterhorn, the existing Kamchatka volcano Mutnovsky with Ulvetanna Peak in the mountains of Queen Maud Land in Antarctica, with the north wall of the beautiful mountains of the French Grand Jorasses, with Venezuelan Angel Falls, Twin Towers Petronas Tower in Kuala Lumpur North Face of the Eiger in Switzerland.
"Flying can be divided into several stages, depending on your job and jump his ease. The first - the separation from the object. Usually when you experience this basic human emotion. If you jump from a light place, but still the first time, you can even feel fear. The second - the flight itself. This is a fairly standard situation, the maximum concentrating on the route and security. Stage opening of the parachute - often occurs at a fairly low altitude, it is a very crucial moment. And landing - if the area to maneuver large, then fly under the dome, have fun. If the place is easy, once payment. Special, new sensations appear in unique expeditions. For example, Antarctica. I felt like an astronaut on an unknown planet: the thermometer drops to minus 30, the sun shines 24 hours a day, and the mountains are not like anything he had seen before ».
The essence of security and wingsuit philosophy is simple: jump - and the situation becomes irreversible. Therefore, the ability to carefully nurtured beysery all double-check. Any little thing - the place, wind, blow a parachute, a broken zipper on the suit - can change your life. And if such trifles coincided two, or even three? .. But as one vingsyutery say that in terms of emotions and sensations that gives flight, compare this extreme just not what.
Source: www.discovery-russia.ru

Wingsuit (Eng. Wipgsuit) - literally "KQSTYUM wings", allowing the athlete to extend the free fall due to reduction of the angle of incidence relative to the horizon. Paratroopers using wingsuit also call each other flying squirrels and Birdman.
BASE Jumping (basejumping) - jumps from fixed objects with a special parachute-wing. The word "bass & quot; - BASE - made up of the first letters of the names of the main objects of beysdzhamninga:
building (structure), antenna (aerial), span (bridge) and earth (ground). Bays can be performed using a wingsuit, and without it. Beysvingsyut considered the most dangerous kind of jumps
with a parachute.
Father and promoter of BASE jumping, as well as the author of the term is considered Karl Behnisch, US Air cameraman and editor of the first magazine of this kind of jumps and its security issues.

The first BASE jump in a suit-wing Behnisch filmed a August 8, 1978 in the US, in the picturesque Yosemite National Park, from the rock El Capitan (910 meters), where they filmed jumping three of his comrades. This date is considered the starting point of the history of modern BASE jumping.
In 1981 he came up with Behnisch maintain a roster of all jumpers, who made at least one jump from all four types of objects in the acronym BASE. Number 1 belongs to Phil Smith of Texas, Behnisch wife Jean was the third, and the Carl - fourth. This list is maintained until now and today already contains thousands of names.
As for vingsyuterov, their number in the world BASE community ranges and a half thousand people of both sexes, in Russia - about a hundred. Because of the extreme danger to the end of the 80s costumes test type "bat" was officially banned by the American Federation of parachuting. Nevertheless, for 30 years the ban list adherents ideas fly with wings constantly replenished. Almost all of them risked their lives experienced design of his own invention.
Charles was a tragic fate. In 1984, the famous Norwegian Troll Wall (1100 meters), the highest rock wall in Europe, Behnisch teammates a few days set records in height beysdzhampa. Before the next jump, he turned to his friends: "You know the story of how the devil Jesus raises high on the roof of the temple and inciting him to jump down, saying that his angels save? So I do not need any angels. " Then Charles turned and took two steps toward the cliff and on the edge of the abyss ... stumbled. Attempts to open the parachute drop and stabilize or to no avail. Carl flew down in his parachute wrapped at speeds below 200 km / h. The miracle did not happen, 43-year-old founder of the new extreme activity crashed.

First of all - SECURITY
It would seem that the very nature of people filed an obvious idea to fly with wings. But how to fly "bird" in the 90 kilograms of weight and without a motor? The most efficient scheme costume created in the mid-1990s, a member of the French national team skydiving world champion Patrick de Gayardon. Design Patrick had three wings instead of two (the third - in the form of webbed feet), and they were all double-layer. Rib inside the wing inflated incident flow through the air inlets, creating lift and pressure, which gave the necessary rigidity. Without this, keep her hands in an open operating position was virtually impossible. This coverall allowed to fly horizontally considerable distances - 3, 5 meters per meter of height - and stay longer in free flight before open the parachute.
What is a modern wingsuit flying in? Due to the design, invented Gayardonom pilot during free fall does not fly straight down and forward. This allows to decrease at a low angle to the horizon, up to 20 °, and increase the time before opening the parachute. Best pilots can plan up to five minutes, flying horizontally a few kilometers at a speed of 250 km / h. Distance record wingsuit - about 20 kilometers. To date, the use of costume-wing gives the maximum approximation to the flight of birds, looking exactly the flight. But no gain so high, no land without a parachute man is still not capable. And the feelings can not say that at this moment feels vingsyuter bird. Focusing on security does not have to admiring the surrounding beauty.

Another feature of the wingsuit - a suit can be worn not so many clothes. In cold conditions it every time a balance between warmth and maneuverability. Think of how easy to make simple movements frozen hands when they do not even feel for what is taken. Now imagine in the sky stiff body which also focused without appliances and electronics - all in the eyes. Added to this problem throwing jellyfish (small parachute, which pulls out the main backpack), complicated by the fact that the hands are directly wingsuit.
There are costumes of different levels - beginners to create formations for experienced jumpers. Sew wingsuits only 3-5 companies in the world. Professional beysery can make jumps and alone, and some enjoy flying team "flock." World record-sized formation of 71 people, they built in the air silhouette of the bomber. Other records - in 2004 wingsuit flew across the Bosphorus, and in 2005 - through the Strait of Gibraltar.

Most professionals skydiving in no hurry to call BASE Jumping sports. There are no official qualification standards, a common format of the competition, no federations, which all could control.
Valery Rozov, known throughout the world record in parachuting and unique achievements in wingsuit-bass, which has been since 2000, believes that highlight any one criterion by which one could determine the best beysdzhampera vingsyutera or impossible. Any alleged competitive fees beysdzhamperov resemble festival and parties of interest. This kind of activity is quite diverse and quite good beysdzhamper determined by other achievements, rather than distance or duration of the flight. "More or less dangerous mission makes the man himself. You can jump from the same place, but one pilot will fly straight out of the rock, and will open with a reserve parachute height, and the other, on the contrary, the maximum pressed against the wall and will open at the minimum height. Both jump in principle dangerous, committed only with different levels of risk, "- says Valery.
The size of the financial costs in the form of extreme activity for jumpers increases as its improvement and growth ambitions. Sooner or later, the spirit of adventure and a thirst for new emotions will cause change native airfield on more exotic landscapes. Popular areas for jumping - Spain, Slovenia, the Norwegian fjords, the Alps; Malaysia - the only country in the world, where the officially permitted BASE Jumping. For exclusive projects - Antarctica, Kamchatka, and so on Elbrus. N. - Equip the whole expedition mountaineering and technical support.
Who is not Valery Rozov, ask about emotions flight. He jumped from Elbrus, the pearl of the Alps - the Matterhorn, the existing Kamchatka volcano Mutnovsky with Ulvetanna Peak in the mountains of Queen Maud Land in Antarctica, with the north wall of the beautiful mountains of the French Grand Jorasses, with Venezuelan Angel Falls, Twin Towers Petronas Tower in Kuala Lumpur North Face of the Eiger in Switzerland.

"Flying can be divided into several stages, depending on your job and jump his ease. The first - the separation from the object. Usually when you experience this basic human emotion. If you jump from a light place, but still the first time, you can even feel fear. The second - the flight itself. This is a fairly standard situation, the maximum concentrating on the route and security. Stage opening of the parachute - often occurs at a fairly low altitude, it is a very crucial moment. And landing - if the area to maneuver large, then fly under the dome, have fun. If the place is easy, once payment. Special, new sensations appear in unique expeditions. For example, Antarctica. I felt like an astronaut on an unknown planet: the thermometer drops to minus 30, the sun shines 24 hours a day, and the mountains are not like anything he had seen before ».
The essence of security and wingsuit philosophy is simple: jump - and the situation becomes irreversible. Therefore, the ability to carefully nurtured beysery all double-check. Any little thing - the place, wind, blow a parachute, a broken zipper on the suit - can change your life. And if such trifles coincided two, or even three? .. But as one vingsyutery say that in terms of emotions and sensations that gives flight, compare this extreme just not what.

Source: www.discovery-russia.ru