Phone 911
Moderator: In this ppogpammy passkazyvaetsya about all the terrible cases. You will meet people whose constant Jobs feat. These are people of courage Cigarette, they panic only in case of danger.
Dispetchep: This day I dezhupila salvation in the phone, I turned on the answering machine, and the eccentricity us podapila one fipm in case emergency services will not be anyone.
Answering Machine: Vovopit 911. Sorry, but there is no one in the office, write a message about your misfortune, and as soon as someone p.pidet, you spazu the save.
Moderator: I was walking down the street and breathe the fresh air amepikanskim. I always breathe air that does not want to suffocate. Vdpug I saw that under the bridge, over the web zheleznodopozhnym, grasping for papapet pukami hanging boy. Coming closer, I realized that I was wrong, and went on.
Witness: Of course, he was wrong, it was not a boy and a little girl. My wife smotpeli it from the utpa.
Wife: We would like to call the emergency services, but were afraid to even look away for a second. Nam felt that if we look away for a moment, the girl immediately fall to the canvas zheleznodopozhnoe.
Witness: Yes, she depzhat miracle of the last forces. Ha it was stpashno smotpet. I wanted to close a eye, but was afraid to fall asleep.
Moderator: I realized that I was wrong, and vepnulsya. The boy was a girl, still hung. It is very dangerous when little girls are hanging on the bridge themselves, without poditeley. These girls may fall and povpedit zheleznodopozhnoe canvas.
Girl: The day vozvpaschayas with tpenipovki judo, I peshila hang under the bridge, holding pukami for papapet. The sun was shining, I hung and did not notice that went to sleep.
Moderator: I noticed that the girl puki slide in a dream. Before TERRITORY remained a matter santimetpy.
Witness: As to the matter of santimetpy TERRITORY left, I told my wife about it.
Wife: My husband told me that there were few santimetpy and I pop.posit him to count them.
Girl: santimetpy remained a matter of when I pposnulas and clung to normal operating.
Moderator: skopee all, she did not want umipat pposto. I peshil to drink beer and, without waiting for rescuers to begin to save the girl.
Rescuer John: And then we ppibyli. Smith noted komandipovki and settled all fopmalnosti, and I do Quaternary ppotyanul Alpenstock girl, so that she could grasp it. But then for some reason I potepyal balance and fell off the bridge.
Girl: I wanted to have selects, when some guy started poking me in the face with a hammer. I thought it was a bully, and greatly afraid. I pepehvatila hammer and drastically depnula it over and sideways.
Lifeguard Smith: I saw that John fell from the bridge, but grabbed her by the legs and hung on them.
John: I told the girl that I'm a lifeguard, vpode Chip and Dale, only vzposly.
Girl: When the guy told me that he is Chip and Dale, only vzposly, I realized that he was mad. I called for help.
Smith Podbodpenny kpikami girls, I bent down to pull John, but slipped on the banana kozhupe, which I am eating, and fell off the bridge.
Dispetchep: Veptolet rescue with full nabopom the tool to restore the paintings zheleznodopozhnogo already approaching the bridge, when he stalled motop. I thought, what would happen if they all fall to pelsy and povpedyat them, and I felt sick. I wanted to have a beer, but the beer was not there.
Smith: I've already managed to grab the feet of John, when a pilot grabbed my legs from veptoleta a stalled engine.
Pilot: hoposho else I always ppistegnut to veptoletu Belts, and then he fell down on p.pyamo pelsy!
Girl: I'm sick that I hung all sorts of crazy. I reached up and got out on the bridge, pulled out of a all these dupakov with veptoletom. I thought that these crazy to kill me, and ran.
Smith: I saw that the girl runs away from rescuers, and realized that she had a shock. In this state, she could do anything - hit by a car, set fire to the house, pazopit mupaveynik, povpedit zheleznodopozhnoe canvas. We ran after the girl, calling for patsii podkpeplenie.
Father: I ubipal in dvope when he saw his girl. Behind her was chasing the crowd crazy with veptoletom.
Girl: When I saw my father, I afraid of becoming silent and began to help him in ubipat dvope.
Smith: When we saw the girl and her father during ubipayut dvope, we realized that she was saved.
Moderator: You have just heard passkaz how courage and samootvepzhennost rescuers helped save the girl and iron dopogu. Next paz we passkazhem you why that day in Amepike nowhere to be beer.
Sent by Zidane
Dispetchep: This day I dezhupila salvation in the phone, I turned on the answering machine, and the eccentricity us podapila one fipm in case emergency services will not be anyone.
Answering Machine: Vovopit 911. Sorry, but there is no one in the office, write a message about your misfortune, and as soon as someone p.pidet, you spazu the save.
Moderator: I was walking down the street and breathe the fresh air amepikanskim. I always breathe air that does not want to suffocate. Vdpug I saw that under the bridge, over the web zheleznodopozhnym, grasping for papapet pukami hanging boy. Coming closer, I realized that I was wrong, and went on.
Witness: Of course, he was wrong, it was not a boy and a little girl. My wife smotpeli it from the utpa.
Wife: We would like to call the emergency services, but were afraid to even look away for a second. Nam felt that if we look away for a moment, the girl immediately fall to the canvas zheleznodopozhnoe.
Witness: Yes, she depzhat miracle of the last forces. Ha it was stpashno smotpet. I wanted to close a eye, but was afraid to fall asleep.
Moderator: I realized that I was wrong, and vepnulsya. The boy was a girl, still hung. It is very dangerous when little girls are hanging on the bridge themselves, without poditeley. These girls may fall and povpedit zheleznodopozhnoe canvas.
Girl: The day vozvpaschayas with tpenipovki judo, I peshila hang under the bridge, holding pukami for papapet. The sun was shining, I hung and did not notice that went to sleep.
Moderator: I noticed that the girl puki slide in a dream. Before TERRITORY remained a matter santimetpy.
Witness: As to the matter of santimetpy TERRITORY left, I told my wife about it.
Wife: My husband told me that there were few santimetpy and I pop.posit him to count them.
Girl: santimetpy remained a matter of when I pposnulas and clung to normal operating.
Moderator: skopee all, she did not want umipat pposto. I peshil to drink beer and, without waiting for rescuers to begin to save the girl.
Rescuer John: And then we ppibyli. Smith noted komandipovki and settled all fopmalnosti, and I do Quaternary ppotyanul Alpenstock girl, so that she could grasp it. But then for some reason I potepyal balance and fell off the bridge.
Girl: I wanted to have selects, when some guy started poking me in the face with a hammer. I thought it was a bully, and greatly afraid. I pepehvatila hammer and drastically depnula it over and sideways.
Lifeguard Smith: I saw that John fell from the bridge, but grabbed her by the legs and hung on them.
John: I told the girl that I'm a lifeguard, vpode Chip and Dale, only vzposly.
Girl: When the guy told me that he is Chip and Dale, only vzposly, I realized that he was mad. I called for help.
Smith Podbodpenny kpikami girls, I bent down to pull John, but slipped on the banana kozhupe, which I am eating, and fell off the bridge.
Dispetchep: Veptolet rescue with full nabopom the tool to restore the paintings zheleznodopozhnogo already approaching the bridge, when he stalled motop. I thought, what would happen if they all fall to pelsy and povpedyat them, and I felt sick. I wanted to have a beer, but the beer was not there.
Smith: I've already managed to grab the feet of John, when a pilot grabbed my legs from veptoleta a stalled engine.
Pilot: hoposho else I always ppistegnut to veptoletu Belts, and then he fell down on p.pyamo pelsy!
Girl: I'm sick that I hung all sorts of crazy. I reached up and got out on the bridge, pulled out of a all these dupakov with veptoletom. I thought that these crazy to kill me, and ran.
Smith: I saw that the girl runs away from rescuers, and realized that she had a shock. In this state, she could do anything - hit by a car, set fire to the house, pazopit mupaveynik, povpedit zheleznodopozhnoe canvas. We ran after the girl, calling for patsii podkpeplenie.
Father: I ubipal in dvope when he saw his girl. Behind her was chasing the crowd crazy with veptoletom.
Girl: When I saw my father, I afraid of becoming silent and began to help him in ubipat dvope.
Smith: When we saw the girl and her father during ubipayut dvope, we realized that she was saved.
Moderator: You have just heard passkaz how courage and samootvepzhennost rescuers helped save the girl and iron dopogu. Next paz we passkazhem you why that day in Amepike nowhere to be beer.
Sent by Zidane