9 Facts About Mobile

What you wanted to know about mobile phones, but were afraid to ask.
1. The first mobile
The world's first mobile phone call from an employee of Motorola Martin Cooper in 1973, standing on the street in New York. He called his chief rival Joel Angela of the company AT & T, which at that time was the largest company in the world. Later in an interview with BBC, Martin said: "I called him and said, I'm talking on a cell phone, this portable telephone, which is in my hand. He did not answer, and I think I heard him grinding his teeth ».
This phone was a prototype Motorola DynaTAC, which in 10 years has become the first mobile phone that could be bought in the store. It cost $ 3995 that inflation meets today's $ 9000. On this phone says Gordon Gekko in the movie "Wall Street».
2. The first smartphone
The world's first smart phone shown in 1993 at the conference Wireless World Conference in Florida. Telefonchik weighed "a little more than a pound" (ie, nearly a pound), and is a hybrid phone and PDA with touchscreen LCD-display. Phone, developed by IBM and running BellSouth Cellular, was named Simon.
The press release stated that the new product is a cell phone, but not limited to voice communication but also can act as a pager, a reader for e-mail, calendar, interactive scheduling, address book, calculator, and a screen for sketching - and all this in just 899 $.
Total produced 2,000 such handsets, and now it is valuable to collectors.
3. Where did the restriction to 160 characters smsok
By the end of the twentieth century, many telecommunications companies have been developing technology to send short messages, but you can call a man who is considered the creator of the SMS. It Friedhelm Hilbrand who came to voice the concept of sending a 128-bit message on the existing mobile network. For obvious reasons, the message could not be very long, but it is number 160 appeared accidental. In 1985 Hilbrand tried to find the ideal length of the message, making notes on his typewriter. When he saw the number of letters, numbers, spaces and punctuation marks on the page, it was found that an average of one article fits in 2 lines and usually consisted of 160 characters.
In the end he decided that 160 characters should be sufficient. Using the argument that the cards and telegraphic communications is rarely more than 150 characters, it proposed its own standard to the GSM group, and in 1986 the standard has been adopted. Later, it was supported by all mobile phone manufacturers and mobile operators.
Who picked up the baton to Twitter - message is limited to 140 characters, plus 20 characters left for the user name.
4. Random calls "out of pocket»
Surely you accidentally call your friends when there blocked phone is in your pocket or purse, especially if your name begins with A. These "pocket calls" basically harmless unless, of course phone calls casually in Avstaliyu.
However, a major problem faced emergency services. In the early 2000s, according to National Emergency Number Association 70% of calls to the 911 proved to be accidental. In the UK (emergency number 999), the number of such calls has reached 11,000 a day.
How much? The old American phone models 911 call was accomplished even with the "lock" the keyboard If we hold the number 9 or 2 digits.
Now phone manufacturers have disabled this feature, but the occasional pocket calls have not stopped. In the past year, thanks to sluchanomu call the police from his pocket were caught two avtougonschika and a serial killer.
5. The most expensive phone in the world
British jeweler Stuart Hughes claims that he created the world's most expensive mobile phone. His iPhone 4 «Diamond Rose» can be purchased for £ 5 million, or around 230 million rubles.
For the money it offers 500 flawless diamonds weighing more than 100 carats, bitten apple in pink gold with 53 diamonds and a 7.4-carat pink diamond on the site of a button Home.
As a gift to the phone attached a spare 8-carat diamond, which can deliver instead of pink.
6. Fake Plastic Trees
Given the international coverage of cellular networks, towers are everywhere. They usually for something disguised. In the cities, they hide in billboards, in hours, in the gutter, telephone poles, vane, and even in the roof of the church.
The easiest way to notice the tower, "hidden" in the artificial trees. There are whole communities of people who collect pictures of towers, for example a group in Flickr «fake plastic trees». Photographer Robert Voigt brought an entire exhibition devoted to this phenomenon.
7. Telefonofobiya and other mental disorders
In a relationship with mobile phones do not always go smoothly. New technology has brought new diseases. Experts identify four diseases associated with the era of mobile devices. Perhaps for these terms already appeared Russian counterparts, but I do not know if you know - write in the comments.
Telephonobia - the fear of make or receive phone calls.
Nomophobia - fear of being without mobile - lose your phone or be out of network access.
Ringxiety - a "psycho-acoustic phenomenon" when you hear or feel the phone calls, which do not really have.
Frigensophobia - fear that mobile phone radiation can damage the brain.
8. The invention voicemail
In 1986, 26-year-old researcher from the University Massachusetstkogo Scott Jones eating pizza invented the modern system of mobile voicemail.
Now we accept the existence of a voice mail for granted or something superfluous and unnecessary, but in the late 80s it was a breakthrough. Here's how to tell the benefits of voice mail in the articles of that time:
"Suppose the manager wants to have time to talk to Gray with his collaborator Smith, who is out of town until tomorrow morning's meeting. Gray leaves a message in the "voice mailbox" Smith. Smith calls back and realizes that he can not answer the question of Gray while he is leaving a message to Gray, and forwards the question to his subordinate Brown. Brown returned from lunch, listens to the message and begin to work. At 10 pm, he finds a solution, leaves a voice message to Gray, and goes home. The next morning, Gray calls to your office number and hear a message Brown. Not a drop wasted time and energy in vain. »
9. Mobile bestsellers
If everyone decided PR, one would assume that the best selling phone of all time - is the iPhone. Apple, of course, in the top five, because iPhones have sold 100 million units. However, this is not the winner.
The most popular phone of all time is the Nokia 1100, a simple GSM-phone, released in 2003. 1100th has sold more than 250 million. In addition, five of the most popular phones include Nokia 3210 and 3310, and closes its Motorola RAZR.
In 2009, Nokia 1100 created a sensation when it was rumored that she is able to intercept information from other phones. Resale price reached $ 32,000. However, the rumor turned out to be a duck newspaper.