Prof harness

Exam in medical school.
 In the middle of the audience is a tank filled with muddy water, which floating body. The challenge students to thrust his hand into the tank, found the body all about him, and then pull out - if that is what they were told, get five ...
 The first student with his hand:
 - Foot, number of bones so much, so much muscle, the typical disease-such ...
 - Okay, pull.
 Student pulling out of the tank body - this is really the foot - gets five.
 Next the student with his hand:
 - Heart well and gives a complete alignment of the heart. He pulls out a really heart gets five.
 Next comes the student ©, puts his hands and told the Commission (a):
 © - Sausage!
 (k) - Girl, call a spade a spade!
 © - And I say, sausage!
 (k) - Are you sure?
 © - Yes, sausage, sausage !!!
 (a) - Well, reach for ...
 Student removes his hand from the tank in the hand really stick sausages ...
 The Commission, in a stupor:
 - What we ate yesterday? !!!


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