About cheerful cops =))
We recently celebrated the Day of Police. What conversations have the cops after a couple of glasses? Yes, it is the same as doctors and bankers, teachers, lawyers: the work and only work. I retell one of the stories heard.
So, a large provincial town in the North-West of Russia. One of the city's police department is located in a building built in the 50s. The lobby and hallway of the first floor are at different levels. A man entering the building department, first appears in the lobby and sees a few steps and part of the corridor with a large window of the duty. The right and left sides of the corridor one who walked into the lobby, can not see.
It was in 1998 or 1999, the year on May 9, Victory Day. Evening. In one of the city's police department, in the duty of misses on duty, a police captain. Little accidents, crimes do not, investigative team is located in the department on duty ATC calls do not get bored. Good-oh-oh! .. But boring ...
Next to that office are several bike taken from youngsters. Bicycles, they seem to have stolen somewhere, but where, the opera has not yet figured out.
Bored attendant takes one and begins to ride a bike along the corridor. Back and forth, back and forth ... all the same boring! The duty goes out, takes one of the flags hung in honor of the holiday at the entrance to the department, and starts to roll down the hall with this flag.
By department drives the car with the responsible duty of the regional Department of Internal Affairs, colonel of police, whose duty it is to check on duty outfits city departments (if all are in the service, not drunk anyone, and so on. N.). Colonel walks into the lobby and, unable to climb the stairs, watched in amazement as the hall, left to right, slowly passing on a bicycle, with the Russian flag, a police captain. The captain is going slowly, so the colonel, despite the fact that he was somewhat taken aback, time to ask him:
- Who are you?
- Duty.
- And why the flag?
- You meet ...
... And goes to the right side of the corridor. Colonel, standing in the lobby, and not climbing the stairs, waving his hand, turns, goes out, gets in the car and drives away. The captain continues to ride along the corridor. Boring-oh-oh! ..
So, a large provincial town in the North-West of Russia. One of the city's police department is located in a building built in the 50s. The lobby and hallway of the first floor are at different levels. A man entering the building department, first appears in the lobby and sees a few steps and part of the corridor with a large window of the duty. The right and left sides of the corridor one who walked into the lobby, can not see.
It was in 1998 or 1999, the year on May 9, Victory Day. Evening. In one of the city's police department, in the duty of misses on duty, a police captain. Little accidents, crimes do not, investigative team is located in the department on duty ATC calls do not get bored. Good-oh-oh! .. But boring ...
Next to that office are several bike taken from youngsters. Bicycles, they seem to have stolen somewhere, but where, the opera has not yet figured out.
Bored attendant takes one and begins to ride a bike along the corridor. Back and forth, back and forth ... all the same boring! The duty goes out, takes one of the flags hung in honor of the holiday at the entrance to the department, and starts to roll down the hall with this flag.
By department drives the car with the responsible duty of the regional Department of Internal Affairs, colonel of police, whose duty it is to check on duty outfits city departments (if all are in the service, not drunk anyone, and so on. N.). Colonel walks into the lobby and, unable to climb the stairs, watched in amazement as the hall, left to right, slowly passing on a bicycle, with the Russian flag, a police captain. The captain is going slowly, so the colonel, despite the fact that he was somewhat taken aback, time to ask him:
- Who are you?
- Duty.
- And why the flag?
- You meet ...
... And goes to the right side of the corridor. Colonel, standing in the lobby, and not climbing the stairs, waving his hand, turns, goes out, gets in the car and drives away. The captain continues to ride along the corridor. Boring-oh-oh! ..