KVN or simply KVN - known in Russia and abroad humorous television game in which teams improvise on various given topics, respond with humor questions prepared in advance and play the scene. I suggest you re-created as one of the most popular TV shows.
KVN became an ode to the most popular comic games on television. In 1957, Soviet television appeared on TV "Evening of cheerful questions" (BBB) - transfer, which was created under the guidance of Muratov. The idea of this program was the groundbreaking for the Soviet country, because it was attended by leading the audience, and it was broadcast live. It is this transfer and became the prototype of KVN.
"BBB" quickly gained popularity, but it came out only three times. On the air would announce that the prize will receive a viewer who comes to the next gear in the boots, hat and a newspaper for January 31 last year, despite the sweltering summer. However, the leading forgot to announce the newspaper, resulting in a huge number of viewers came in winter clothes, but without papers, creating chaos in the studio. As a result, TV shows and youth edition closed for this reason (it is one of the versions). It was necessary to come up with an analogue of "BBB".
Already four years through the efforts of the founders of the "Evening of cheerful questions" has a new transmission KVN. Became the first leading A. Axelrod, who a few years later decided to leave the project together with S. Muratov and M. Yakovlev. Replace the master decided Masliakov A., who was a student of Engineering.
Drink was a competition of several teams. This telecast could quickly become very popular, it has contributed to the creation of a unique KVN movement throughout the Soviet Union. The entire state conducted qualifiers to participate in the telecast.
Quite often, teams improvise on the theme of Soviet reality, and soon became the KVN aired only after rigorous censorship, and soon transmission altogether closed. Only in the years of perestroika (1986) managed to revive KVN. The founders have become members of the jury, and leading and stayed A. Maslyakov.
Several issues have been able to transfer back to its former popularity. OIO began to rapidly gain momentum, it is perhaps the only transmission, which eventually only prettier and currently it is not inferior to the quality issues 60h- 80s, and vastly superior.
Club Champion (1961-1972)
1961-1962 (IISS) Moscow Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering
1962-1963 (MIPT) Moscow Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
1963-1964 (IGI) Moscow Moscow Mining Institute
1964/1965 Friazino KVN Fryazino
1965-1966 KVN "Volga - 66" Gorky
1966-1967 Odessa, Moscow "Odessa chimney sweeps" and MMI
1967-1968 Baku "Guys from Baku»
1968-1969 (RCAII) Riga Institute of Civil Aviation
1969-1970 Baku "Guys from Baku»
1970-1971 Minsk (BPI) Belorussian Polytechnic Institute
1971-1972 Odessa (OINH) "Business people»
Club Champion (1986-2011)
1986-1987 Odessa Odessa gentlemen (OSU)
1987-1988 Novosibirsk NSU
1989 Kharkov HVVAIU
1990 Odessa Odessa gentlemen OSU
1991 NSU Novosibirsk
1992 Yerevan from Baku Baku Guys YSMI
Novosibirsk Novosibirsk State University in 1993 (Girls of jazz)
1994 Yerevan YSMI
1995 Moscow SSU Kharkov HAI squadron of hussars
1996 Makhachkala Makhachkala tramps Dagga
1997 Zaporozhye - Copenhagen Yerevan ZGMI New Armenians
1998 Tomsk Children of Lieutenant Schmidt
1999 Minsk BSU
2000 Ekaterinburg UGTU Ural dumplings
2001 Minsk BSU
2002 Magnitogorsk - Chelyabinsk county town
Sochi 2003 SGUTiKD Burnt by the Sun
2004 Team Pyatigorsk
2005 Moscow, Sukhum AGURGTEU sledges from Abkhazia Megapolis
2006 Moscow People's Friendship University
2007 Moscow MEI Ordinary people
2008 TSU Tomsk maximum of
2009 Kursk KSTU Prima
2010 Armavir - Bryukhovetskaya Team Krasnodar Territory
2011 Samara SOK
2012 "triode and diode" Smolensk
2013 "Pyatigorsk" - Pyatigorsk
Source: tv-80.ru

KVN became an ode to the most popular comic games on television. In 1957, Soviet television appeared on TV "Evening of cheerful questions" (BBB) - transfer, which was created under the guidance of Muratov. The idea of this program was the groundbreaking for the Soviet country, because it was attended by leading the audience, and it was broadcast live. It is this transfer and became the prototype of KVN.

"BBB" quickly gained popularity, but it came out only three times. On the air would announce that the prize will receive a viewer who comes to the next gear in the boots, hat and a newspaper for January 31 last year, despite the sweltering summer. However, the leading forgot to announce the newspaper, resulting in a huge number of viewers came in winter clothes, but without papers, creating chaos in the studio. As a result, TV shows and youth edition closed for this reason (it is one of the versions). It was necessary to come up with an analogue of "BBB".

Already four years through the efforts of the founders of the "Evening of cheerful questions" has a new transmission KVN. Became the first leading A. Axelrod, who a few years later decided to leave the project together with S. Muratov and M. Yakovlev. Replace the master decided Masliakov A., who was a student of Engineering.

Drink was a competition of several teams. This telecast could quickly become very popular, it has contributed to the creation of a unique KVN movement throughout the Soviet Union. The entire state conducted qualifiers to participate in the telecast.

Quite often, teams improvise on the theme of Soviet reality, and soon became the KVN aired only after rigorous censorship, and soon transmission altogether closed. Only in the years of perestroika (1986) managed to revive KVN. The founders have become members of the jury, and leading and stayed A. Maslyakov.

Several issues have been able to transfer back to its former popularity. OIO began to rapidly gain momentum, it is perhaps the only transmission, which eventually only prettier and currently it is not inferior to the quality issues 60h- 80s, and vastly superior.

Club Champion (1961-1972)
1961-1962 (IISS) Moscow Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering
1962-1963 (MIPT) Moscow Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
1963-1964 (IGI) Moscow Moscow Mining Institute
1964/1965 Friazino KVN Fryazino
1965-1966 KVN "Volga - 66" Gorky
1966-1967 Odessa, Moscow "Odessa chimney sweeps" and MMI
1967-1968 Baku "Guys from Baku»
1968-1969 (RCAII) Riga Institute of Civil Aviation
1969-1970 Baku "Guys from Baku»
1970-1971 Minsk (BPI) Belorussian Polytechnic Institute
1971-1972 Odessa (OINH) "Business people»
Club Champion (1986-2011)
1986-1987 Odessa Odessa gentlemen (OSU)
1987-1988 Novosibirsk NSU
1989 Kharkov HVVAIU
1990 Odessa Odessa gentlemen OSU
1991 NSU Novosibirsk
1992 Yerevan from Baku Baku Guys YSMI
Novosibirsk Novosibirsk State University in 1993 (Girls of jazz)
1994 Yerevan YSMI
1995 Moscow SSU Kharkov HAI squadron of hussars
1996 Makhachkala Makhachkala tramps Dagga
1997 Zaporozhye - Copenhagen Yerevan ZGMI New Armenians
1998 Tomsk Children of Lieutenant Schmidt
1999 Minsk BSU
2000 Ekaterinburg UGTU Ural dumplings
2001 Minsk BSU
2002 Magnitogorsk - Chelyabinsk county town
Sochi 2003 SGUTiKD Burnt by the Sun
2004 Team Pyatigorsk
2005 Moscow, Sukhum AGURGTEU sledges from Abkhazia Megapolis
2006 Moscow People's Friendship University
2007 Moscow MEI Ordinary people
2008 TSU Tomsk maximum of
2009 Kursk KSTU Prima
2010 Armavir - Bryukhovetskaya Team Krasnodar Territory
2011 Samara SOK
2012 "triode and diode" Smolensk
2013 "Pyatigorsk" - Pyatigorsk

Source: tv-80.ru