10 facts about the clubs with the same interests

How many people - so many interests. Sometimes people with similar interests together in clubs.
1. Members of the British "Club 13" hit the mirror, sprinkled salt, lights up one of the three hard matches and opened umbrellas in the rooms. Their colleagues from New York and be sure to dinner in the presence of 13 black cats.
2. Club bald organized in Germany, the Board has asked the club, in particular, to the government demanding that persons bald forty years, were given free wigs.
3. A member of the New York club of twins may be the only one who looks like some famous people, the club has 11 "Eisenhower" and 7 "Churchill».
4. The club pedestrians, based in New York, in 1964, consisted of 2 people. However, soon president and treasurer of the club also bought the machine, and the club ceased to exist.
5. The club of people of small stature, opened in Spain, employs 45 people. Its main objective is to provide its members theater tickets in the first three rows.
6. New York club divorced has offices in 30 US cities. Recently, the club raised the issue of revision of the law on divorce, especially in the part which provides for imprisonment for non-payment of alimony.
7. Club singles that exists in the Netherlands, was reorganized into a political party, and once even wanted to take part in parliamentary elections. Motivation: "Dutch bachelors bachelor life is considered the ideal form of life and ready to fight for the sake of it».
8. In London, working professionals club losers. The first meeting was attended by booing the actors, artists unrecognized, unknown musicians and lawyers whose clients were sent to the gallows.
9. Club tesch protection exists in Argentina and currently has 137 members. Members of the club - in-law, who perfectly take their tescham.
10. Club men battered their wives, there are already 70 years old. Although, apparently, more than one thousand men under the heel of his wives, the club has only 40 members. However, once the Congress in Yorkshire club came just 20 people. The rest were sent to the presidium of the congress the following telegram: "I could not come to not let his wife».
Source: www.radioc.ru
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