101 fact of Dubai (UAE)
20 101 pictures and fact about Dubai (UAE) via factroom.ru
1. On arrival in Dubai, at the airport you have to go through a retinal scan, that is, if you were deported and replaced by a passport and even citizenship, it will not save you from the secondary deportation.
2. to carry a passport is not necessary visa, too, if you do not get in trouble, then the documents you no one no one will check. But there is practically no illegal, although one woman told me that I lived there for 4 years without a visa and worked as a maid.
3. If you were in Israel in your passport has Israeli visa, then you will not be allowed into the country.
4. The climate is very hot and humid in the summer temperature is around 50 and 90 percent humidity, especially unbearable in the evening, because of the air conditioners in buildings outside the windows fog up. In late autumn, winter and early spring climate is mild, but still moist.
5. In the autumn and spring rains for 1-2 days, sometimes heavy and thunderstorms, due to the fact that on the roofs and in the streets is simply no waste, the city simply gets in traffic and dramatically increases the number of accidents. With ceilings flowing water. But the water quickly goes into the sand, or it is evacuated, it is faster and cheaper than building drains.
6. About water from the ceiling construction quality for the most part not very good, are quick and easy. Dubai - a city construction site, the youngest metropolis with the longest coastline in the world, about 80 kilometers, it stretches along the coast.
7. In Dubai, the problem with water and electricity in particular, is not enough at all, it happens that the house was built is not put into operation because it has not connected to communications. Because of this expensive utilities. To solve this problem, build nuclear power plants.
8. Air is everywhere, even on the bus, in the summer and transitions to move from store to store or on cars with air conditioning.
9. Dubai - a place where all of time, all who come here - come to make money and leave. While some are delayed for a long time.
10. As all the entire attitude as a temporary, then nobody cares too much about what will happen after him because of this after leaving rented apartments are often in a terrible state. The landlord before taking a new customer is obliged to put everything in order: Standard - white walls, serviceable plumbing, gas stove and set the kitchen.
11. The cost of housing depends not only on location, but also on the type of window. What kind of better, more expensive.
12. Being a tourist in Dubai and work, living there - two different things. They are two sides of the same coin.
13. If you think that you are in heaven, and then earn a lot of money, then you are deeply mistaken, of course, if you're not super-demanded specialist in its field, although in this case you will find a place anywhere.
14. According to various estimates, up to 90% of the population of Dubai - is coming workforce, over the years, this percentage varies.
15. In this regard, most of the conversation of two strangers begin to find out where they came from, and it is - a universal reason to strike up a conversation.
16. Apply for normal work hard companies try to collect only the best shots, sometimes the competition reaches a few dozen people for the position.
17. The term of the contract - 2 years (used to be 3), during this period is not accepted to change the terms of the contract and salary.
18. After the crisis (and in general) companies tend to use cheap labor whenever possible. On the salary which is usually paid one Europeans can hire a few Indians - cheap and cheerful. This is especially prevalent in the IT-sector.
19. In general, Indians, Filipinos and Pakistanis agree to work for a few hundred dollars a month, they manage somehow to rent, to eat and to send money home.
20. Often, they live in the same apartment or villa for a few dozen people, in general it is forbidden and police raids periodically arranges then in such houses cut off water and electricity, and the guests have to find a new home.
21. All the greatness and prosperity of Dubai built on cheap labor, international human rights organizations have criticized Dubai for this for many years, but it does not bring any results.
22. The law is constructed so that all but the citizens - disenfranchised work force, in the event of any conflict you simply deported, sometimes after his release in a few months in a local prison.
23. In this respect, all are equal, the rules are the same for everyone, you are bound to their employer because the visa is tied to your place of work, you lose your job - and lose a visa, work very hard to change - to do a transfer visa and that your current employer to let you go with the world.
24. If you have worked in the company less than a year, with the dismissal You can legally hold two monthly salaries as a penalty or slapped a ban - ban on the job for six months. This is a basic rule, which is used by employers and so it is easy to lose a visa. But if you go to work in the public sector, all the easier.
25. In general, work in the public sector is highly valued because of the conditions and a good social package, insurance and salary. Simply change jobs and more opportunities for career advancement.
26. Do employees often take the passport under the pretext of "conservation", and instead give the local ID card, permanent problems with the cards they have to renew every year and are constant delays in issuance.
27. There follows a general distribution of occupations: Indians and Pakistanis - the so-called black labor - construction workers, cleaners, messengers, drivers, to a lesser extent the fishermen and vendors at the grocery store; Filipinos, Bangladeshis, Chinese - maids and cleaners in hotels, domestic servants; Russian, Ukrainian and other immigrants from the CIS and Eastern Europe - sellers in large shopping centers, administrators in hotels and Spas, waiters in restaurants, salesmen dyuti fries, administrative and office workers of the lower and middle managers; immigrants from Europe, the US and other developed countries - the so-called white-collar workers, employees of the financial sector, managers and senior executives; Well, close the list of UAE citizens - it is generally public sector employees and senior executives.
28. The legislation led to any company, the so-called general manager, it is a local must-Arab citizen, or do not give a license to conduct business. Often, it is fraught with not very good consequences, because the boss simply prefer to get paid and do nothing.
29. In general, every company must have a certain percentage of workers from the local population, and the more such workers in the company, the better, but often perform the necessary conditions on the number of very difficult, because the local population simply does not have the necessary personnel.
30. The working week begins on Saturday, day off on Friday and on Thursday afternoon.
31. Also output are all religious holidays and January 1st, but the new year is celebrated formally.
32. During religious fasting Ramadan to everyone, even to foreigners and non-Muslims are prohibited from eating and drinking on the streets before the sun, you can do it at home or in a very few restaurants whose windows are sealed tightly so as not to offend the sensibilities of fasting. For the violation - a fine, if you become a repeat infringer, you simply deported.
33. During the period of fasting until sunset city freezes, even the subway starts later, and the time is shifted towards the night.
34. The convenience store is very, very small, everything closes at 11 pm. Even pharmacies are not all work at night.
35. Local Arabs - a leisure class, many simply do not need to work, every man receives benefit each month about 2 thousand dollars, can learn in any university of the world at the expense of the state and other social amenities from the state.
36. In all the time I spent there, I've seen very few elderly people, this is due to the fact that if you are over 50, you do not give a visa to work. All the elderly - are tourists or local Arabs, a minority that. I read somewhere that the average age of living in Dubai - 29 years.
37. Vegetation all artificial and grass and trees in the desert does not grow anything except some obscure mangy shrubs, well, actually, it is the fact and the desert.
38. The cost of a single palm tree - about ten thousand dollars. One friend, avoiding a collision with crosses the street in the wrong place Hindu, crashed into a palm tree, had to pay. Police officers tipped him casually that it was necessary to push Hindu cheaper to left.
39. Hindus real problems with hygiene, but at the same time, they poured and smeared the gel ton, cheap toilet water and other cosmetics. The shops on this occasion a huge amount of cosmetics for men and cheap toilet water. Hindus still working caste system and usually the lighter the skin, the higher your caste, and therefore there is a large amount of bleaching creams and other means.
40. The desert is impressive: a real desert begins somewhere 50 kilometers from the coast, the end of shrubs and begin the endless sands of this it is necessary to look.
41. The color of the sand in each emirate your in Dubai sand is orange.
42. In most of the city really safe and you can not be afraid of the local police, most of them are polite and courteous. But who lives there for a long time used to be said that even quieter. During my stay there I was so used to it that immediately paid upon return.
43. In the event of any problems with the law while trying to negotiate you will get even more problems.
44. Alcohol is quite difficult to buy, and it is expensive for a drunken brawl, you can go to jail. Although hotels and restaurants are no problems with the purchase.
45. With cigarettes there is no problem, you can only smoke in the street, smoking hookahs is widespread.
46. publicly rude gesture or a curse can get a fine or go to jail. Fighting also is not recommended. Therefore, everyone is trying to be as polite to the last. In case of conflict of rights is usually the one who first reported to the police.
47. Adopted on any occasion to knock the police, is particularly fond of the Indians do, it is strongly encouraged.
48. facilities have the most modern police, cars mainly BMW, a lot of jeeps.
49. Officially, if a man and a woman is not married, they are forbidden to live together and even to rent an apartment together, but many still live, although sometimes the landlord can verify or squeal. The penalty - a fine or a month in prison and deportation. Although this is very rare.
50. In general, the contrast in this respect is very high, in the street you can find local women in veils, and by passing tourists in shorts with a small neck to the navel. Although the so-walk is not recommended, and may be fined, but the threshold of tolerance towards tourists is quite high.
51. As in any Arab country there is a division by gender although in Dubai from local women with this less of a problem, at least compared with neighboring Saudi Arabia - the earth and sky.
52. Polygamy is allowed, but the modern Arabs gradually withdraw this is - costly :)
53. Open-dressed, and just a beautiful European girl walking alone can easily start to whistle and scream of passing cars, if the continuation of the local Arab ride, lady agrees and gets into the car, it is seen clearly.
54. For women in the buses there is a separate section, a separate carriage on the subway, there is even a taxi only for women. It is not necessary to strictly observe this division, but many women, once driving in general a subway car and feel for yourself hungry eyes of the Hindus of many months of not seeing their wives happy to move to a female coach.
55. automatic driverless metro, the first such in the world. A total of 2 branches, red and green. The first car - increased comfort, gold class ticket costs 2 times more expensive. Ticket price depends on the duration of the trip.
56. To the subway, buses and some types of water transport there is a single payment card, it is necessary to apply it to the sensor at the beginning and end of the trip, the funds will be withdrawn, depending on the length.
57. Nevertheless, the main way to get around it is a personal car or taxi. Buses and subway go far from everywhere.
58. The machine is easy and cheap to buy, in the neighboring emirate of Sharjah has a large car market. But take away the car with him will be very expensive, high taxes and duties.
59. Second-hand machines up to you usually have several owners and have a decent run, expensive and poor quality service. With spare parts is no problem. Drinking machine complies, they do not protect, and do not particularly care for them.
60. Arabs lead just awful and rude, especially young people, blink lights, pruned, and respect on the road, there is no general.
61. Accidents are many, but we have no one waiting for the cops, by law you have to clean your car off the road as soon as possible, or it will be a very big fine.
62. If you are a tourist, it is possible to ride under international law, if a resident of Dubai need to get right. We must go to a driving school and learn from scratch, take exams, and all this whatever your experience. This is another way to cut the state loot with visitors, the overall cost of obtaining rights of approximately $ 2,000.
63. Penalties for breaking the rules more, especially for exceeding the speed limit in the city is full of cameras, but on the highways all go, but who can. All penalties usually have to pay during the passage of the annual re-registration of cars. Situations where some Arab pays tens of thousands of dollars in fines - not uncommon, but they are not soared.
64. Limitation on speed - 120 kilometers per hour. The roads are not just good, they were perfect, but the country is such that the asphalt ends abruptly, and goes on a dirt road - had not yet built.
65. Traffic lights a little, mostly isolation, traffic lights intervals compared to our long and allowed to turn right on red, as a rule, there is a special congress.
66. Petrol expensive diesel prices just space for several hundred percent more expensive than gasoline. Import passenger diesel vehicles is prohibited and it only works construction machinery, which is owned by construction companies, so the government cuts with their extra money.
67. Dubai is divided into 2 parts extended narrow Gulf - Dubai Creek. Old Town - Deira Dubai and the new town of Bur Dubai. Many tourists call this bay channel, but it is fundamentally not true.
68. The water in the Gulf because of the heavy traffic is very dirty and the heat just stinks.
69. The move from one bank to another in 5 minutes on open boat - Abreu just 1 dirham (about 8 rubles).
70. The entire coast of the so-called old town of Deira - a solid port, small commercial vessels are in several rows, loading and unloading of goods is carried out round the clock.
71. Russian tourists the most is in Deira, rent a house there is cheaper and there are more cheap shops, a lot of signs in Russian. There are quarter, which sells fur coats and fur, if you go and say in Russian - to you immediately run up barkers and offer their goods.
72. In Deira are several world-famous sites, in particular, gold souk and spice market, one smoothly into the other. Generally, Deira - a huge market consisting of hundreds or thousands of small shops. But the goods rather monotonous.
73. Bargaining can and should be just the way, you can bring down the price by 30-40% and will negotiate with you as long as you do not pass the bar lower, and you will lose interest, and everything will start first
74. Tourists in the markets is very deceiving bag of spices in the market can cost several times more expensive than the grocery, the quality is the same.
75. With gold is the same - the history of the price, you can throw very much.
76. Most of the gifts, as usual, made in China and is expensive, this Dubai souvenir - a glass frame in the sand, in the form of a picture, or an hourglass.
77. There is still a fish market, which can be found not only by location but also by smell, but if you're just a tourist there to do nothing special, just stinks from head to toe.
78. Russian tourists behave as elsewhere in the world and immediately stand out from the crowd: thick aunt in dimensionless shirts with giant bags running around Deira and buying up all the cheap shops, men in hats, slippers and athletic pants are generally seen our immediately.
1. On arrival in Dubai, at the airport you have to go through a retinal scan, that is, if you were deported and replaced by a passport and even citizenship, it will not save you from the secondary deportation.
2. to carry a passport is not necessary visa, too, if you do not get in trouble, then the documents you no one no one will check. But there is practically no illegal, although one woman told me that I lived there for 4 years without a visa and worked as a maid.
3. If you were in Israel in your passport has Israeli visa, then you will not be allowed into the country.
4. The climate is very hot and humid in the summer temperature is around 50 and 90 percent humidity, especially unbearable in the evening, because of the air conditioners in buildings outside the windows fog up. In late autumn, winter and early spring climate is mild, but still moist.

5. In the autumn and spring rains for 1-2 days, sometimes heavy and thunderstorms, due to the fact that on the roofs and in the streets is simply no waste, the city simply gets in traffic and dramatically increases the number of accidents. With ceilings flowing water. But the water quickly goes into the sand, or it is evacuated, it is faster and cheaper than building drains.
6. About water from the ceiling construction quality for the most part not very good, are quick and easy. Dubai - a city construction site, the youngest metropolis with the longest coastline in the world, about 80 kilometers, it stretches along the coast.
7. In Dubai, the problem with water and electricity in particular, is not enough at all, it happens that the house was built is not put into operation because it has not connected to communications. Because of this expensive utilities. To solve this problem, build nuclear power plants.
8. Air is everywhere, even on the bus, in the summer and transitions to move from store to store or on cars with air conditioning.
9. Dubai - a place where all of time, all who come here - come to make money and leave. While some are delayed for a long time.

10. As all the entire attitude as a temporary, then nobody cares too much about what will happen after him because of this after leaving rented apartments are often in a terrible state. The landlord before taking a new customer is obliged to put everything in order: Standard - white walls, serviceable plumbing, gas stove and set the kitchen.
11. The cost of housing depends not only on location, but also on the type of window. What kind of better, more expensive.
12. Being a tourist in Dubai and work, living there - two different things. They are two sides of the same coin.
13. If you think that you are in heaven, and then earn a lot of money, then you are deeply mistaken, of course, if you're not super-demanded specialist in its field, although in this case you will find a place anywhere.
14. According to various estimates, up to 90% of the population of Dubai - is coming workforce, over the years, this percentage varies.

15. In this regard, most of the conversation of two strangers begin to find out where they came from, and it is - a universal reason to strike up a conversation.
16. Apply for normal work hard companies try to collect only the best shots, sometimes the competition reaches a few dozen people for the position.
17. The term of the contract - 2 years (used to be 3), during this period is not accepted to change the terms of the contract and salary.
18. After the crisis (and in general) companies tend to use cheap labor whenever possible. On the salary which is usually paid one Europeans can hire a few Indians - cheap and cheerful. This is especially prevalent in the IT-sector.
19. In general, Indians, Filipinos and Pakistanis agree to work for a few hundred dollars a month, they manage somehow to rent, to eat and to send money home.

20. Often, they live in the same apartment or villa for a few dozen people, in general it is forbidden and police raids periodically arranges then in such houses cut off water and electricity, and the guests have to find a new home.
21. All the greatness and prosperity of Dubai built on cheap labor, international human rights organizations have criticized Dubai for this for many years, but it does not bring any results.
22. The law is constructed so that all but the citizens - disenfranchised work force, in the event of any conflict you simply deported, sometimes after his release in a few months in a local prison.
23. In this respect, all are equal, the rules are the same for everyone, you are bound to their employer because the visa is tied to your place of work, you lose your job - and lose a visa, work very hard to change - to do a transfer visa and that your current employer to let you go with the world.
24. If you have worked in the company less than a year, with the dismissal You can legally hold two monthly salaries as a penalty or slapped a ban - ban on the job for six months. This is a basic rule, which is used by employers and so it is easy to lose a visa. But if you go to work in the public sector, all the easier.

25. In general, work in the public sector is highly valued because of the conditions and a good social package, insurance and salary. Simply change jobs and more opportunities for career advancement.
26. Do employees often take the passport under the pretext of "conservation", and instead give the local ID card, permanent problems with the cards they have to renew every year and are constant delays in issuance.
27. There follows a general distribution of occupations: Indians and Pakistanis - the so-called black labor - construction workers, cleaners, messengers, drivers, to a lesser extent the fishermen and vendors at the grocery store; Filipinos, Bangladeshis, Chinese - maids and cleaners in hotels, domestic servants; Russian, Ukrainian and other immigrants from the CIS and Eastern Europe - sellers in large shopping centers, administrators in hotels and Spas, waiters in restaurants, salesmen dyuti fries, administrative and office workers of the lower and middle managers; immigrants from Europe, the US and other developed countries - the so-called white-collar workers, employees of the financial sector, managers and senior executives; Well, close the list of UAE citizens - it is generally public sector employees and senior executives.
28. The legislation led to any company, the so-called general manager, it is a local must-Arab citizen, or do not give a license to conduct business. Often, it is fraught with not very good consequences, because the boss simply prefer to get paid and do nothing.
29. In general, every company must have a certain percentage of workers from the local population, and the more such workers in the company, the better, but often perform the necessary conditions on the number of very difficult, because the local population simply does not have the necessary personnel.

30. The working week begins on Saturday, day off on Friday and on Thursday afternoon.
31. Also output are all religious holidays and January 1st, but the new year is celebrated formally.
32. During religious fasting Ramadan to everyone, even to foreigners and non-Muslims are prohibited from eating and drinking on the streets before the sun, you can do it at home or in a very few restaurants whose windows are sealed tightly so as not to offend the sensibilities of fasting. For the violation - a fine, if you become a repeat infringer, you simply deported.
33. During the period of fasting until sunset city freezes, even the subway starts later, and the time is shifted towards the night.
34. The convenience store is very, very small, everything closes at 11 pm. Even pharmacies are not all work at night.

35. Local Arabs - a leisure class, many simply do not need to work, every man receives benefit each month about 2 thousand dollars, can learn in any university of the world at the expense of the state and other social amenities from the state.
36. In all the time I spent there, I've seen very few elderly people, this is due to the fact that if you are over 50, you do not give a visa to work. All the elderly - are tourists or local Arabs, a minority that. I read somewhere that the average age of living in Dubai - 29 years.
37. Vegetation all artificial and grass and trees in the desert does not grow anything except some obscure mangy shrubs, well, actually, it is the fact and the desert.
38. The cost of a single palm tree - about ten thousand dollars. One friend, avoiding a collision with crosses the street in the wrong place Hindu, crashed into a palm tree, had to pay. Police officers tipped him casually that it was necessary to push Hindu cheaper to left.
39. Hindus real problems with hygiene, but at the same time, they poured and smeared the gel ton, cheap toilet water and other cosmetics. The shops on this occasion a huge amount of cosmetics for men and cheap toilet water. Hindus still working caste system and usually the lighter the skin, the higher your caste, and therefore there is a large amount of bleaching creams and other means.

40. The desert is impressive: a real desert begins somewhere 50 kilometers from the coast, the end of shrubs and begin the endless sands of this it is necessary to look.
41. The color of the sand in each emirate your in Dubai sand is orange.
42. In most of the city really safe and you can not be afraid of the local police, most of them are polite and courteous. But who lives there for a long time used to be said that even quieter. During my stay there I was so used to it that immediately paid upon return.
43. In the event of any problems with the law while trying to negotiate you will get even more problems.
44. Alcohol is quite difficult to buy, and it is expensive for a drunken brawl, you can go to jail. Although hotels and restaurants are no problems with the purchase.
45. With cigarettes there is no problem, you can only smoke in the street, smoking hookahs is widespread.

46. publicly rude gesture or a curse can get a fine or go to jail. Fighting also is not recommended. Therefore, everyone is trying to be as polite to the last. In case of conflict of rights is usually the one who first reported to the police.
47. Adopted on any occasion to knock the police, is particularly fond of the Indians do, it is strongly encouraged.
48. facilities have the most modern police, cars mainly BMW, a lot of jeeps.
49. Officially, if a man and a woman is not married, they are forbidden to live together and even to rent an apartment together, but many still live, although sometimes the landlord can verify or squeal. The penalty - a fine or a month in prison and deportation. Although this is very rare.

50. In general, the contrast in this respect is very high, in the street you can find local women in veils, and by passing tourists in shorts with a small neck to the navel. Although the so-walk is not recommended, and may be fined, but the threshold of tolerance towards tourists is quite high.
51. As in any Arab country there is a division by gender although in Dubai from local women with this less of a problem, at least compared with neighboring Saudi Arabia - the earth and sky.
52. Polygamy is allowed, but the modern Arabs gradually withdraw this is - costly :)
53. Open-dressed, and just a beautiful European girl walking alone can easily start to whistle and scream of passing cars, if the continuation of the local Arab ride, lady agrees and gets into the car, it is seen clearly.
54. For women in the buses there is a separate section, a separate carriage on the subway, there is even a taxi only for women. It is not necessary to strictly observe this division, but many women, once driving in general a subway car and feel for yourself hungry eyes of the Hindus of many months of not seeing their wives happy to move to a female coach.

55. automatic driverless metro, the first such in the world. A total of 2 branches, red and green. The first car - increased comfort, gold class ticket costs 2 times more expensive. Ticket price depends on the duration of the trip.
56. To the subway, buses and some types of water transport there is a single payment card, it is necessary to apply it to the sensor at the beginning and end of the trip, the funds will be withdrawn, depending on the length.
57. Nevertheless, the main way to get around it is a personal car or taxi. Buses and subway go far from everywhere.
58. The machine is easy and cheap to buy, in the neighboring emirate of Sharjah has a large car market. But take away the car with him will be very expensive, high taxes and duties.
59. Second-hand machines up to you usually have several owners and have a decent run, expensive and poor quality service. With spare parts is no problem. Drinking machine complies, they do not protect, and do not particularly care for them.

60. Arabs lead just awful and rude, especially young people, blink lights, pruned, and respect on the road, there is no general.
61. Accidents are many, but we have no one waiting for the cops, by law you have to clean your car off the road as soon as possible, or it will be a very big fine.
62. If you are a tourist, it is possible to ride under international law, if a resident of Dubai need to get right. We must go to a driving school and learn from scratch, take exams, and all this whatever your experience. This is another way to cut the state loot with visitors, the overall cost of obtaining rights of approximately $ 2,000.
63. Penalties for breaking the rules more, especially for exceeding the speed limit in the city is full of cameras, but on the highways all go, but who can. All penalties usually have to pay during the passage of the annual re-registration of cars. Situations where some Arab pays tens of thousands of dollars in fines - not uncommon, but they are not soared.
64. Limitation on speed - 120 kilometers per hour. The roads are not just good, they were perfect, but the country is such that the asphalt ends abruptly, and goes on a dirt road - had not yet built.

65. Traffic lights a little, mostly isolation, traffic lights intervals compared to our long and allowed to turn right on red, as a rule, there is a special congress.
66. Petrol expensive diesel prices just space for several hundred percent more expensive than gasoline. Import passenger diesel vehicles is prohibited and it only works construction machinery, which is owned by construction companies, so the government cuts with their extra money.
67. Dubai is divided into 2 parts extended narrow Gulf - Dubai Creek. Old Town - Deira Dubai and the new town of Bur Dubai. Many tourists call this bay channel, but it is fundamentally not true.
68. The water in the Gulf because of the heavy traffic is very dirty and the heat just stinks.
69. The move from one bank to another in 5 minutes on open boat - Abreu just 1 dirham (about 8 rubles).

70. The entire coast of the so-called old town of Deira - a solid port, small commercial vessels are in several rows, loading and unloading of goods is carried out round the clock.
71. Russian tourists the most is in Deira, rent a house there is cheaper and there are more cheap shops, a lot of signs in Russian. There are quarter, which sells fur coats and fur, if you go and say in Russian - to you immediately run up barkers and offer their goods.
72. In Deira are several world-famous sites, in particular, gold souk and spice market, one smoothly into the other. Generally, Deira - a huge market consisting of hundreds or thousands of small shops. But the goods rather monotonous.
73. Bargaining can and should be just the way, you can bring down the price by 30-40% and will negotiate with you as long as you do not pass the bar lower, and you will lose interest, and everything will start first
74. Tourists in the markets is very deceiving bag of spices in the market can cost several times more expensive than the grocery, the quality is the same.

75. With gold is the same - the history of the price, you can throw very much.
76. Most of the gifts, as usual, made in China and is expensive, this Dubai souvenir - a glass frame in the sand, in the form of a picture, or an hourglass.
77. There is still a fish market, which can be found not only by location but also by smell, but if you're just a tourist there to do nothing special, just stinks from head to toe.
78. Russian tourists behave as elsewhere in the world and immediately stand out from the crowd: thick aunt in dimensionless shirts with giant bags running around Deira and buying up all the cheap shops, men in hats, slippers and athletic pants are generally seen our immediately.