Abandoned cars in Dubai
This photo is abandoned cars, in which the host was not found. The car (Ferrari Enzo), like many others, left to rot in the heat, confiscated by the local police and, most likely, will be put "under the hammer».
However, this machine - not the only one. Now in the Middle East are thousands of abandoned luxury and expensive cars. The reason is that many foreigners after the bankruptcy of their businesses or unsuccessful completion of real estate transactions have left the region, literally throwing everything. Recall model Ferrari Enzo was produced from 2002 to 2005 total made 400 copies. Price some specimens reach 1 million. Dollars.
Ferrari Enzo, thrown in Dubai
That is why the British motorist and hurried away, leaving expensive car in the lurch. However, he is not the only one who had to flee from the Dubai Police and did not even record for the amount owed. Another motorist, who left the exact same supercar over a year ago, the UAE authorities should amount equivalent to 144, 5 th. Euro. All found the car in Dubai (129 units) will be auctioned. Among them - 23 of expensive luxury car.
Total amount of fines that "earn" their owners, ranging from 20 3 to 20 6 th. Euro equivalent.
Ferrari Enzo, whose owner does not pay the fine for the equivalent of 144, 5 th. Euro and leave sports car parked
Prolitsiya Dubai reports that 10 cars left the citizens of the UAE, seven - the Europeans, and one threw a Russian citizen. Total in Dubai has been five auctions for the sale of abandoned cars. The total amount received for the implementation of the found cars amounted to 2 million euros
If you had to be in Dubai or in general in the United Arab Emirates, then you probably noticed that there exists a certain car culture: the latest and coolest model - a key indicator of status. However, Dubai, like the rest of the world, too, has experienced hard times.
Foreign investors, mainly British, willing to invest in countries with high oil revenues and a thriving real estate market. Wealthy expats spend crazy money to buy the latest models of Italian and German sports cars in order to emphasize its status as millionaires.
And then descended the economic crisis and all bubbles burst.
Thousands of the most luxurious cars that you can imagine, were not wanted - from that moment as Dubai overtook financial collapse. They are gathering dust thrown hosts, and local expats who left town in a hurry, because were not able to pay off the huge debt
Realizing that made huge loans in the bank they do not overpower (and outstanding debt or returned check considered a criminal offense in Dubai), the owners of luxury cars in a panic rushed to the airport and flew away, never to return.
Countless Ferrari, Porsche, BMW, Mercedes, and more modest cars are orphaned in the parking lot Dubai International Airport. Glasses on the front of some vehicles owners left the loan documents and notes of apology. Some left to right with the keys, and still nobody before them any business.
Dubai residents complain that dusty cars occupy parking spaces at the airport and the yacht club and spoil the whole look. One plus - Ferrari discounted now afford here almost everyone.
Source: nibler.ru

However, this machine - not the only one. Now in the Middle East are thousands of abandoned luxury and expensive cars. The reason is that many foreigners after the bankruptcy of their businesses or unsuccessful completion of real estate transactions have left the region, literally throwing everything. Recall model Ferrari Enzo was produced from 2002 to 2005 total made 400 copies. Price some specimens reach 1 million. Dollars.

Ferrari Enzo, thrown in Dubai
That is why the British motorist and hurried away, leaving expensive car in the lurch. However, he is not the only one who had to flee from the Dubai Police and did not even record for the amount owed. Another motorist, who left the exact same supercar over a year ago, the UAE authorities should amount equivalent to 144, 5 th. Euro. All found the car in Dubai (129 units) will be auctioned. Among them - 23 of expensive luxury car.
Total amount of fines that "earn" their owners, ranging from 20 3 to 20 6 th. Euro equivalent.

Ferrari Enzo, whose owner does not pay the fine for the equivalent of 144, 5 th. Euro and leave sports car parked
Prolitsiya Dubai reports that 10 cars left the citizens of the UAE, seven - the Europeans, and one threw a Russian citizen. Total in Dubai has been five auctions for the sale of abandoned cars. The total amount received for the implementation of the found cars amounted to 2 million euros

If you had to be in Dubai or in general in the United Arab Emirates, then you probably noticed that there exists a certain car culture: the latest and coolest model - a key indicator of status. However, Dubai, like the rest of the world, too, has experienced hard times.

Foreign investors, mainly British, willing to invest in countries with high oil revenues and a thriving real estate market. Wealthy expats spend crazy money to buy the latest models of Italian and German sports cars in order to emphasize its status as millionaires.
And then descended the economic crisis and all bubbles burst.

Thousands of the most luxurious cars that you can imagine, were not wanted - from that moment as Dubai overtook financial collapse. They are gathering dust thrown hosts, and local expats who left town in a hurry, because were not able to pay off the huge debt

Realizing that made huge loans in the bank they do not overpower (and outstanding debt or returned check considered a criminal offense in Dubai), the owners of luxury cars in a panic rushed to the airport and flew away, never to return.

Countless Ferrari, Porsche, BMW, Mercedes, and more modest cars are orphaned in the parking lot Dubai International Airport. Glasses on the front of some vehicles owners left the loan documents and notes of apology. Some left to right with the keys, and still nobody before them any business.

Dubai residents complain that dusty cars occupy parking spaces at the airport and the yacht club and spoil the whole look. One plus - Ferrari discounted now afford here almost everyone.

Source: nibler.ru