And the smoke of burnt-spammers us sweet and pleasant
- Hello, doctor.
- Last name, place of work?
- Petrov, working in the electronic marketing.
- Sorry? This company is the title?
- I have work. E-marketing. Advertising on the Internet, direct mail ...
- AAAA. What do you have?
- You know, doctor, I have a small problem ...
- A small penis? We suggest you increase it for free!
- What do you mean? No, you know ...
- Do not yulite here! Minor problems - a small penis. Enlardzh IT odds fries!
- Doctor, stop it! Normally I have everything.
- A problem?
- They are small!
- We will increase the odds of fries?
- We will not! Shrink will.
- Penis?
- Problems!
- You have problems? Come for a two-day seminar psychiatrists Alapayevsk be held on November 10th. The program ...
- You are going to listen to me?
- Yes Yes?
- The doctor at me here on the little finger ...
- ABOUT!!! Do you want to increase your odds of a little finger fries? To the size of your thumb? Thumb Peter Tsereteli first job? Fort fries of course! Without registering.
- I've got a pimple appeared some ...
- Come on, Come on? Oh, how little you have it ...
- Stop! Do not increase it!
- And here you are, and wrong, my friend!
- I do not understand ... recommend the increase it?
- No. You said, "Stop", whereas in American English it is necessary to say "Gestapo!". Want to brush up on American English?
- You gave the Hippocratic Oath! You're going to help me?
- Easily! And fast! We can help you! Register the company! For three days!
- It hurts a little finger! I have! What to do?!
- It is necessary to have a rest! You need to relax! Tours Sunday in Kazakhstan. Departure from Alma-Ata ...
- Doctor!!!
- Sit down and listen !!!
- Yeah ... (sob) you remove something without reading ...
- I'm your little finger squeezed a pimple on without looking - we're even!
- Oh ... And the truth. Is that all?
- No, not all. Pay a visit. With your $ 300?
- Skooolko ?? For the pimple?
- For traffic dead! But I have a pimple squeezed odds fries. Without registering.
- Last name, place of work?
- Petrov, working in the electronic marketing.
- Sorry? This company is the title?
- I have work. E-marketing. Advertising on the Internet, direct mail ...
- AAAA. What do you have?
- You know, doctor, I have a small problem ...
- A small penis? We suggest you increase it for free!
- What do you mean? No, you know ...
- Do not yulite here! Minor problems - a small penis. Enlardzh IT odds fries!
- Doctor, stop it! Normally I have everything.
- A problem?
- They are small!
- We will increase the odds of fries?
- We will not! Shrink will.
- Penis?
- Problems!
- You have problems? Come for a two-day seminar psychiatrists Alapayevsk be held on November 10th. The program ...
- You are going to listen to me?
- Yes Yes?
- The doctor at me here on the little finger ...
- ABOUT!!! Do you want to increase your odds of a little finger fries? To the size of your thumb? Thumb Peter Tsereteli first job? Fort fries of course! Without registering.
- I've got a pimple appeared some ...
- Come on, Come on? Oh, how little you have it ...
- Stop! Do not increase it!
- And here you are, and wrong, my friend!
- I do not understand ... recommend the increase it?
- No. You said, "Stop", whereas in American English it is necessary to say "Gestapo!". Want to brush up on American English?
- You gave the Hippocratic Oath! You're going to help me?
- Easily! And fast! We can help you! Register the company! For three days!
- It hurts a little finger! I have! What to do?!
- It is necessary to have a rest! You need to relax! Tours Sunday in Kazakhstan. Departure from Alma-Ata ...
- Doctor!!!
- Sit down and listen !!!
- Yeah ... (sob) you remove something without reading ...
- I'm your little finger squeezed a pimple on without looking - we're even!
- Oh ... And the truth. Is that all?
- No, not all. Pay a visit. With your $ 300?
- Skooolko ?? For the pimple?
- For traffic dead! But I have a pimple squeezed odds fries. Without registering.