15 things that should make a girl of 25 years.
1. To live at least a month in a strange city.
2. hate pizza, Coca-Cola and other food adolescence. To love finally soup.
3. Buy yourself a designer dress.
4. learn to walk on his heels so as not to fall, even in black ice.
5. A stay in a very expensive restaurant.
6. Complete all levels of the favorite computer games and stop them playing.
7. The first declaration of love to the boy.
8. Go to one blind date.
9. To work on some dumb job: promo-girl, a distributor of cosmetics, the operator on the phone.
10. Go out of the house with the scandal.
11. To live one.
12. To live with her boyfriend.
13. Make peace with my parents and go to him for dinner on Saturdays.
14. fly on weekends abroad. Mindlessly spend a lot of money.
15. Try to perform some ridiculous advice of a glossy magazine like "how to achieve orgasm in a minute."