Parents !!!
[quote] Learn the varieties of weeping [/ quote]
[quote] Changes the height of your child may be crying yavlyatsya sign of pain or serious zabolevaniyayu.Poka your crumb a few days you get used to the altitude, the intensity and the volume of its placha.Po as it will podrostaet you nauchetes Edge separation, which needs and desires the child expresses his plachem.Esli child screams and screeches incessantly call vrachu.Eto may indicate any infection or minor injury, such as a hair tourniquet or damage the cornea.
[/ quote]
[quote] The urgency Act! [/ quote]
[quote] Those of you whose children have grown up a bit, give the child may yell a few minutes, no matter what his newborn bespokoit.No with this number does not take place, especially if you know that your child is able to weep, and an hour or two .Nemedlenno take action, not only he will go zhdite.Kak cry, he will no longer be remembered that caused his nedovolstvo.Posle first one or two minutes, he will continue to cry simply by inertia, and it will reassure garazdo harder. [/ quote]
[quote] The main (root) reflex [/ quote]
[quote] & lt; & lt; radically & gt; & gt; reflex called innate reflex that is that the baby's head is rotated in the direction from which it touched scheki.Veroyatno, a mechanism that allows the child to grasp the nipple and get their portion moloka.Eto very important reflex, and you can bring it into action by simply tapping a finger cheeks rebёnka.Uzhe one it can ostonovit crying, but you have to give the child posasat your finger or breast, bottle, or cooked in advance, if you resort to this method (otherwise you will just tease him).
This reflex is triggered up to eight-ten-vozrosta.K the time sight and hearing of the child has developed enough to let them know about the beginning of the feeding.
[/ quote]
[quote] machine [/ quote]
[quote] All young children fall asleep in mashinah.Vozmozhno due to vibration, possibly due to communication noise, due to the fresh air, perhaps because of all of this together, or even because of any faktora.Glavnoe what works When the clock 2:30 am, and you know perfectly well that weeping may last for another hour, ask yourself the question, what is worse: out of the house for a twenty-minute trip by car or even an hour listening to the crying?
The choice, I think, is clear. [/ Quote]
[quote] Vibrating toys [/ quote]
[quote] The child still can not really play, and will not be able in the next few months-but there are toys that are reogiruet child in the first months zhizni.Eto toys that he can keep himself in hand.
Ocheno good soothing vibrating bear (or puppy, or Hippo) .Some children like them, because they mimic sounds they hear while in the womb, some - because of their pleasant posasat the tab (these toys are made of matter and not their fur, so you do not have to fear that a child's mouth can get into the villi). [/ quote]
[quote] -------------------------------------------- [/ quote ]
[quote] Dear Parents, we will try to continue to publish certain information on the education of children if you have any questions about this or that problem please contact us and we will help you postorayus [/ quote]
[quote] With respect DOSENG.ORG [/ quote]

[quote] Learn the varieties of weeping [/ quote]
[quote] Changes the height of your child may be crying yavlyatsya sign of pain or serious zabolevaniyayu.Poka your crumb a few days you get used to the altitude, the intensity and the volume of its placha.Po as it will podrostaet you nauchetes Edge separation, which needs and desires the child expresses his plachem.Esli child screams and screeches incessantly call vrachu.Eto may indicate any infection or minor injury, such as a hair tourniquet or damage the cornea.
[/ quote]
[quote] The urgency Act! [/ quote]
[quote] Those of you whose children have grown up a bit, give the child may yell a few minutes, no matter what his newborn bespokoit.No with this number does not take place, especially if you know that your child is able to weep, and an hour or two .Nemedlenno take action, not only he will go zhdite.Kak cry, he will no longer be remembered that caused his nedovolstvo.Posle first one or two minutes, he will continue to cry simply by inertia, and it will reassure garazdo harder. [/ quote]
[quote] The main (root) reflex [/ quote]
[quote] & lt; & lt; radically & gt; & gt; reflex called innate reflex that is that the baby's head is rotated in the direction from which it touched scheki.Veroyatno, a mechanism that allows the child to grasp the nipple and get their portion moloka.Eto very important reflex, and you can bring it into action by simply tapping a finger cheeks rebёnka.Uzhe one it can ostonovit crying, but you have to give the child posasat your finger or breast, bottle, or cooked in advance, if you resort to this method (otherwise you will just tease him).
This reflex is triggered up to eight-ten-vozrosta.K the time sight and hearing of the child has developed enough to let them know about the beginning of the feeding.
[/ quote]
[quote] machine [/ quote]
[quote] All young children fall asleep in mashinah.Vozmozhno due to vibration, possibly due to communication noise, due to the fresh air, perhaps because of all of this together, or even because of any faktora.Glavnoe what works When the clock 2:30 am, and you know perfectly well that weeping may last for another hour, ask yourself the question, what is worse: out of the house for a twenty-minute trip by car or even an hour listening to the crying?
The choice, I think, is clear. [/ Quote]
[quote] Vibrating toys [/ quote]
[quote] The child still can not really play, and will not be able in the next few months-but there are toys that are reogiruet child in the first months zhizni.Eto toys that he can keep himself in hand.
Ocheno good soothing vibrating bear (or puppy, or Hippo) .Some children like them, because they mimic sounds they hear while in the womb, some - because of their pleasant posasat the tab (these toys are made of matter and not their fur, so you do not have to fear that a child's mouth can get into the villi). [/ quote]
[quote] -------------------------------------------- [/ quote ]
[quote] Dear Parents, we will try to continue to publish certain information on the education of children if you have any questions about this or that problem please contact us and we will help you postorayus [/ quote]
[quote] With respect DOSENG.ORG [/ quote]