How to protect your eyes from the influence of the monitor

How to protect your eyes from the influence of the monitor
1. First, make a choice in favor of TFT-monitor or plasma screen, if you still use a conventional CRT-monitor or CRT TVs. The fact is that conventional monitors and TVs blink every second. It is easy to see when the TV show included a computer, remember? Therefore it is better to use a high frequency monitor (refresh rate of at least 75 Hz, and a grain size of not more than 0, 28 mm) and plasma display panels, they are much less eyestrain.
2. Second, try to make a picture as clear. Fortunately now all modern TVs and monitors have a special adjustment function definition. To the TV screen there was no noise, do not take your own money and set quality external antenna or satellite dish. And with constant and frequent use of the computer is necessary to choose a graphics card, do not distort the real picture. In addition, note the VGA-monitor cable, that it can be a source of additional noise.
For those who spend much time at the computer may be advisable to set a higher brightness for viewing pictures and videos, and lower for word. But remember - the human eye perceives only the average brightness of the screen image, so put too high or low brightness is still useless. So generally increase or decrease the brightness to be applied within reasonable limits and only relative to the mean image brightness. In addition, it is recommended more frequently clean your monitor screen, it is a layer of dust or dirt can be one of the causes of low-quality image.
3. Thirdly, working on the computer at night, be sure to include artificial lighting, the best fluorescent lamp, the light which is as close to estesstvenno daylight. This is especially true if you are quite a lot, and often work with a keyboard, since the scant coverage your eyes constantly have to strain to see the characters needed. Use only readable fonts. If you are not clear, do not hurt your eyes, just increase the point size.
An additional lighting fully applies to TV viewing in the dark. Include some scattered light - floor lamp, wall lamp. But just look to his light is not reflected on the screen. Just behind it is necessary to watch the afternoon in the sun. If the sun's rays fall on the screen, the window shutter or zaveste least tyulyu.
4. Fourth, choose the correct distance from the monitor. It should not be less than 45 cm, and your eyes should be approximately at the level of the upper edge of the monitor. In addition, the slope of the monitor must be such that its lower part was closer to you than the top.
TV is recommended that at least two or three meters away from the screen. The closer you are located to the screen, the more strain your eyes to focus the transmitted image. And be sure to overcame a TV in the sitting position. In no case did not go to one side, on the back, etc. Various distance and the incline level of the eyes to the screen significantly impair vision.
5. Fifthly, use special protective glasses with lenses, filters. But do not believe those sellers who say their goggles fit for everybody. These points are selected ophthalmologist only individually in accordance with the special procedures of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health, respectively, they can cost 200-300 rubles, to be of the same type. After all, as you know, your health is better not to save.
6. Sixth, from time to time need to divert your eyes on foreign objects in the room, and every hour to do a little break for five to ten minutes. The fact is that when we watch TV or work at the computer, our eyes blink six times less than in normal conditions. It is fraught with drying of the cornea, as the eye much less washed tear fluid.
Therefore, during the break, it is recommended to do a small gym for your eyes. Stand at the window, look into the distance, and then quickly focus your eyes on the tip of the nose. And so ten times. Then blinked rapidly for 20-30 seconds. Another exercise is to: dramatically "throw" look up - left - down - right. Just repeat 10-15 times. Then let your eyes just relax, look at the clouds on the horizon. Close your eyes, feel the muscles of the eye and retina rasslablinyutsya.
Well, the last. Start taking vitamin A. It is responsible for eye sensitivity to bright light and sharp change of image. Maybe you paid attention when you leave the winter on the street - from the abundance of sparkling snow you start squinting from severe cramps in his eyes. The second symptom - watery eyes from the headwind. If you present these symptoms lack of Vitamin A in the body, it is time for you to look into the pharmacy. Only use the instructions in the manual, since excess vitamin is also no good does not.
That's it. We have tested all the basic simple rules that will help you a long time to keep your eyes healthy and nutritious.
Source: www.mirsovetov.ru