Miracle Mask, accelerating the growth of hair.

Used within 1 month 1 time per week.
Hair grew by about 15 cm.!
Mask recipe is very simple and is based on the fact that mustard "bakes»,
warming the scalp and causing a rush of blood to the hair follicles:
2 tablespoons dry mustard powder (sold in the department of La Spezia) diluted with hot water
2 tablespoons hot water
1 egg yolk
2 tablespoons olive (peach, burdock and any other cosmetic oils)
2 teaspoons of sugar (more sugar, the "meaner" mustard)
Apply to the parting, trying to fall on the scalp without affecting the tips, especially dry (you can for the best effect masks lubricate dry hair ends warmed any cosmetic oils). Head wrap or cellophane package, top dress warm hat, scarf, or tie a towel. Who as used!
Necessary to wait 15 minutes to 1 hour, depending on how much "was hot." If tolerated, it is best to look like as 1:00, dreaming of a luxurious long spit. And if you really "fire" on the head, it is only 15-20 minutes.
CAUTION 15 minutes have to sit out the first time be sure, even if it seems that on the head there was a nuclear war. 15 minutes no harm your scalp and hair will not (tested many), and used to it, you then half an hour and an hour after sitting.
Mask should be done 1 time per week, maximum 2 times with very oily hair (a little mask removes excess sebum).
After a rinse with lukewarm water, then rinse your hair with shampoo. You can apply for the best effect of any balm or finished mask activator of hair growth. Very good line of "Golden Silk". Accelerating the growth of the components is even better to soak into the preheated scalp.
If you really want to quickly grow long hair, mask, do at least 1 month. In addition, the mask with mustard really accelerates hair growth, strengthens them, gives more volume and density, it also solves the problem of oily hair, hair is less messy. Tips dry or colored hair necessarily apply oil or purchase ready-mask.
Many men after regular use of this mask with mustard began to appear on the new hair receding hairline, hair became thicker, even if they were rare before.
Try this wonderful mask! When you see the results, you will not be stopped!
Mask with sour cream and sage essential oil from hair loss and stimulate hair growth.
Terms hair care.