Mask with sour cream and sage essential oil from hair loss and stimulate hair growth.

To prepare the mask for long hair, you will need:
- 3 tablespoons grapeseed oil (can be others. Natural oil)
- 2 tablespoons sour cream
- 15 drops of essential oil of sage
Beneficial effects: Em sage, which strengthens the roots, stimulates growth, struggling with the fallout.
Sour cream, which nourishes the hair and ensures their smoothness, fills the cavity, resulting from damage.
Vegetable oil smoothes, softens, nourishes with vitamins
After the whole mixture is uniformly applied to the hair, not tight plait braid. And covered her head with plastic wrap.
Keep any natural mask with vegetable and essential oils should be as long as possible. Even if it will be on my head for several days, no harm, continuous use. But few can afford it. So just try to maintain therapeutic mixture as long as possible. For example, from 2 to 6 hours.
Such a mask can be done to the hair 1 - 2 times a week. With a marked loss of hair, I would recommend a course lasting 2 - 3 months. As a mask for hair growth with essential oils can be safely used constantly. For example, one time per week, alternating it with the other home agents.