10 necessities of life, which my mother taught.

1. My mother taught me - to overcome the impossible: "Shut your mouth and eat soup».
2. My mother taught me - to respect the work of others: "If you're going to kill each other, go out into the street, I just washed the floor».
3. My mother taught me - to believe in God: "Pray that this stuff to wash».
4. My mother taught me - to think logically, "Because I said so, that's why».
5. My mother taught me - to think about the consequences: "There is now thrown out the window, I will not take you with me to the store».
6. My mother taught me - resistance: "Do not go out from the table until doesh».
7. My mother explained to me - cause-effect relationships: "If you do not stop bawling, I'll spank».
8. My mother taught me - do not be jealous, "Let the world millions of children who are not so lucky with his parents, how do you».
9. My mother taught me - "If you do not eat vegetables, never grow up».
10. My mother taught me - boldly look into the future: "Oh, wait a minute, at home I talk to you."
23 principles of life, the knowledge of which will help you to build a harmonious relationship and succeed