Video footage of fire journalists "Vesti"

The crew of "Vesti" Alexander Sladkov, which suffered during the shelling of Tskhinvali under the convoy, handed to the Editor footage.

Reporter and his team accompanied the column of the 58th Army, which was moving in the direction of Tskhinvali. The march was many kilometers, the column was more than a day, on the outskirts of Tskhinvali fired her.

Alexander Sladkov wounded in the leg, the operator Leonid Losev received two bullets in the arm, Video Igor Uklein wounded. Also wounded commander of the 58th Army, Lieutenant-General Anatoly Khrulev. The wounded were taken by helicopter to a hospital in Vladikavkaz, where he underwent surgery. The dangers to their lives there.
On Saturday afternoon in South Ossetia suffered correspondent of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Aleksandr Kots, who was in the conflict zone. He received two wounds in the arm.