Petersburg journalists answered "defenders" Dmitry Kiselev

Petersburg journalists issued a response letter to the employees of the TV channel "Russia-1", called on the Russian media community to support the Russian Federation Dmitry Kiselev, whose name appeared in the "black list of the EU." Subscribe the appeal Petersburg colleagues can any journalist.
& quot; ... the EU imposed a ban on its territory to the profession for one of the most famous journalists of our country. In our view, this decision no logic or sense. Freedom of speech and movement declared the European Union as a basic and essential values of European civilization. What has changed? & Quot; - Outraged employees "Russia-1».
"In Europe, there were taboo subjects, personal position in journalism punishable, expertise and judgment are no longer needed for the evaluation of the media?" - Asks the author of the message. At the moment, under the text handling is 67 signatures.
In his reply the representatives of the St. Petersburg State media calling colleagues channel to draw attention to the situation with freedom of speech in their own country. As examples of the lead authors of the letter situation with blocking Internet portals "Grani.Ru" and "Kasparov.Ru" crackdown "Heathcliff" an attempt to deprive the certificate of registration IA "Rosbalt", the pressure on the TV channel "Rain" on the part of providers.
Petersburg journalists reminded the Russian authorities have repeatedly violated the freedom of expression and movement of journalists, expelling from the Russian Federation of Journalists (Natalia Morar in 2007, Luke Harding in 2011, David Satter 2014), arrested in 2013 turned out to be a photojournalist Denis bruises, runs on the board "Arctic Sunrise».
"Entirely sharing your concerns about the independence of judgment and freedom of speech and other foundations of our professional activity, offer immediate professional solidarity in order to begin with Russia - say the authors of the letter. - We think that for us it is much more important than the issue of freedom of expression in the European Union. And after that, we promise not to fish or cut bait, go along with you and Europe, and other regions of the world where most journalists uncomfortable ».
Rule-making and enforcement pogrom enforcement are obviously more of a threat to "the basics" rather than imposed on Mr. Kiselyov sanctions, for all their undoubted brutality, the authors of the messages.
Lenizdat.Ru treatment results in the full version:
Dear colleagues - the authors' treatment of journalists channel "Russia» »!
We were pleasantly surprised to learn that you, too, is concerned about issues of freedom of expression and movement, the presence of the prohibited punishable by personal positions in journalism, extrajudicial "estimates" of journalistic creativity. "Today, under the threat turned out to be the foundation of our professional activity - independence of mind and freedom of speech" - you write boldly, and we are ready to agree with nearly every word. In addition to excess, for our taste, the word 'today ».
"The basis of our professional activity" have been threatened explicitly before. Over the years, the authorities consistently and purposefully limits the space for freedom of expression and freedom of opinion, to independent journalism. And in the last couple of years, this process has got completely grotesque. Aggressive protective rule-making and enforcement pogrom are obviously more of a threat to "the basics" rather than imposed on Mr. Kiselyov sanctions, for all their undoubted brutality.
But none of you is never not bothered. Anyway, it was difficult for us to guess. Neither the adoption of a heap of laws restricting the professional activity and actually reducing forbidden by the Constitution censorship or expulsion from the Russian Federation of Journalists (Natalia Morar in 2007, Luke Harding in 2011, David Satter in 2014), or the arrest of a photojournalist, were on board the "Arctic Sunrise "no court review the licenses of" Rosbalt ", or closing without any court" Grand "and the site" Kasparov.Ru "no acceleration" tapes "or slow strangulation" Rain "- none of these, as well as from many is not listed, you are not disturbed and forced to recall the professional solidarity.
According to the Glasnost Defense Foundation, in our country being only in 2013 killed four Russian journalists have been reported: 71 cases of attacks on media censorship 77 cases, 28 cases of criminal prosecution of journalists. 84 journalists have been detained by law enforcement and intelligence agencies. There are serious reasons to doubt the completeness of the statistics, but there is no reason to doubt that this is sufficient to incomplete statistics huge professional anxiety.
But you have found it does not. While the "journalist" Dmitry Kiselyov is not banned from entering the EU territory.
The word "journalist" put in quotes wrong empty audacity; we just do not know - Do yourself a journalist, Mr. Kiselev sample 2014. Kiselev, 1999, as it is known, lightly stated: "The people you see on the screen, often can not be called journalists - often it's just agitators. The task of the journalist - showing the true proportions of the world, the whole picture of the world. " Meanwhile, in 2014, a product of the evolution of vocational declared: "The objectivity - it is a myth that we offer and impose. Time passed distilled impartial journalism. Russia needs love. " Therefore it is logical to assume that Mr K. voluntarily pereobulsya in agitators. This is certainly their right, but not the fact that the agitators can claim to professional solidarity of journalists. Only professional solidarity agitators.
But given that the authors of the appeal continue to consider themselves journalists, "all of us, and every journalist working in the world today, I would like to hear honest answers to the following questions ...". Excuse me for a quote - it is better because you will not write anyway. And the question is only one:
1. Why do you have freedom of speech in the European Union are concerned much more than freedom of speech in Russia, where we are, in fact, work?
And we are not going to ask you: Are there any taboo subjects? Is punishable whether personal position? Do we need expertise and judgment to assess the activity of a journalist? We think that we have known the answers to these questions. Know them and you, we are in this somehow believe.
So, dear friends and colleagues!
Entirely sharing your concerns about the independence of judgment and freedom of speech and other foundations of our professional activity, we offer immediate professional solidarity in order to start with Russia. We think that for us it is much more important than the issue of freedom of expression in the European Union. And after that, we promise not to fish or cut bait, go along with you and Europe, and other regions of the world where most journalists uncomfortable.
This treatment is not a propaganda demarche. We are ready to immediately begin to cooperate with reputable and respected peers to develop joint steps to protect freedom of speech and anti-censorship.
Let us once again pleasantly surprised, waiting for any response.
Lev Lurie, a Russian historian and publicist
Diana Katchalov, chief editor of "Novaya Gazeta in St. Petersburg»
Andrei Yershov, Deputy Chairman of the Union of Journalists of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, the chief editor of the newspaper "Kommersant-St.-Petersburg»
Vladimir Petrov, journalist, secretary of the Union of Journalists of St. Petersburg and Leningrad
Tatiana Likhanova, a columnist for "Novaya Gazeta in St. Petersburg»
Gregory Kunis, CEO "My area»
Sergey Schelin journalist
Victor Rezunkov journalist
Maxim Kuzahmetov, commercial director of media "MK in St. Petersburg" and "City 812»
Svetlana Gavrilin journalist
Alice Kustikova, chief editor Lenizdat.Ru
Konstantin Krylov, journalist
Philip Korbat journalist
Irina Zhuravleva, correspondent Lenizdat.Ru
Andrew Menshenin leading radio Fontanka.FM
Alexander Garmazhapova journalist
Paul Bunting, chief editor of "LenoblNews»
Dmitry Zhvania journalist
Andrei Pronin, journalist and editor of "Sobaka.ru»
Alla Borisova, journalist
Daniel Kotsyubinsky, freelance journalist
Artem Filatov, journalist
Nikolai Ovchinnikov, journalist
Maria Berezina, journalist
Vasily Romanov, the chief editor of "Business News Agency»
Igor Sidorov, honorary chairman of the St. Petersburg Union of Journalists
Marina Shishkina, journalist
Irina Matyas journalist
Victoria Makarenko sob.korr "Novaya Gazeta" in Rostov-on-Don
Dmitry Kartcev journalist
Dmitry Ratnikov journalist
Daniel Lurie, editor
Galina Kuzmina, journalist
Sergei planes journalist
Natalia Kirilova, journalist, editor in chief of the news agency "Volny Island»
Boris Vishnevsky, a journalist
Olga Kondratova, columnist and member of ICW
Valery Gribanov, deputy chief editor of "Kommersant-SPb»
Marina Gordeeva, journalist
Vera Fedorova, journalist, member of the Russian Union of Journalists
Who odious? Cemil? Well, sorry
Popontovatsya and waking. Russia began secretly to the terms of the United States to resolve the crisis in Ukraine