Who odious? Cemil? Well, sorry
Do Rushka roof blew off thoroughly.
UN Security Council already and "gathering" and "propaganda show," and "low-grade event", and a gathering of some obscure politicians. And all because at the Security Council heard a longtime leader of the Crimean Tatars, Mustafa Cemil, which Putin's spokesman described as "odious».
From what it fright Cemil - odious? He told the truth. Everything is as it was. And not how solemnly swear Fuhrer of the Russian people and its six in the Security Council.
What kind of good relations with the native population can now speak Russian when performance of the leader of the Crimean Tatar people was flamed, and the leader called "odious". The next step - the next deportation? No wonder the Crimea former "vostokovtsev» Submit.
Tantrum Rashy - very revealing. In its representatives lie nobody believes. Left hysteria and splutter ...
On Monday, at the informal meeting of the UN Security Council in New York, convened at the initiative of representatives of Ukraine and Lithuania, gave Mustafa Cemil, the former head of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis and one of the leaders of the Crimean Tatar community in Crimea. Cemil called a referendum in the Crimea "cynical", "so-called" and "absurd».
Zavedanie Security Council held on the formula "Arria", which applies Security Council to discuss the complex political issues in a confidential mode. The correspondent of "Voice of America" was able to record only the first part of the speech that said at this meeting Mustafa Cemil *. Shortly after the start of the press were asked to leave the meeting room.
"It is absurd to decide on the membership of a particular country on the basis of a local referendum. The right to self-determination can only be indigenous, and those are in the Crimea Crimean Tatars. But Tatars boycotted the referendum, "- said Cemil during his speech.
He also added that, according to him, did not participate in the referendum, 82 per cent of inhabitants of the Crimea, as reported by the Russian authorities, and only 32, 4 percent.
According to him, it was a cynical assertion of the Russian authorities about the oppression of Russian in the Crimea, as most local government leaders are Russian, as well as most of the schools in the Crimea.
"First, in the Crimea invaded the Cossacks, they seized government offices and parliament - said Mustafa Cemil. - Then, in the Crimea, Russian troops entered. Russian authorities justified their actions by saying that Ukraine established Bandera power. But this is not true ».
Cemil noted that relations with the authorities of the Crimean Tatars deposed President Viktor Yanukovych also were poor. "Yanukovych regime was corrupt, - he said. - The Crimean Tatars were considered as the main opposition to him. They did not vote for Yanukovych, and therefore were poorly represented in government ».
Earlier Cemil said that the Crimean Tatars want to hold its own referendum, the results of which decisions will be made about a part of what country these people will go. At the second session of the Crimean Tatar Kurultaja, held last weekend in Bakhchisarai, it was decided to establish a national-territorial autonomy of the Crimean Tatar. However, the question of the composition in which country - Ukraine or Russia - is still open.
At the informal meeting of the Security Council on Monday did not attend several permanent representatives of the Security Council, including Russia and China.
Russian mission in this regard has released a statement which said: "We note the abuse in the use of" Arria formula ". This undermines the prestige of the UN Security Council. Categorically refuse to associate with the Security Council today organized a delegation of Lithuanian propaganda show inviting odious figures. This gathering obviously can not give any objective information about the situation in Crimea - one of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Of course, the Russian delegation will ignore this shoddy event ».
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UN Security Council already and "gathering" and "propaganda show," and "low-grade event", and a gathering of some obscure politicians. And all because at the Security Council heard a longtime leader of the Crimean Tatars, Mustafa Cemil, which Putin's spokesman described as "odious».
From what it fright Cemil - odious? He told the truth. Everything is as it was. And not how solemnly swear Fuhrer of the Russian people and its six in the Security Council.
What kind of good relations with the native population can now speak Russian when performance of the leader of the Crimean Tatar people was flamed, and the leader called "odious". The next step - the next deportation? No wonder the Crimea former "vostokovtsev» Submit.
Tantrum Rashy - very revealing. In its representatives lie nobody believes. Left hysteria and splutter ...
On Monday, at the informal meeting of the UN Security Council in New York, convened at the initiative of representatives of Ukraine and Lithuania, gave Mustafa Cemil, the former head of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis and one of the leaders of the Crimean Tatar community in Crimea. Cemil called a referendum in the Crimea "cynical", "so-called" and "absurd».
Zavedanie Security Council held on the formula "Arria", which applies Security Council to discuss the complex political issues in a confidential mode. The correspondent of "Voice of America" was able to record only the first part of the speech that said at this meeting Mustafa Cemil *. Shortly after the start of the press were asked to leave the meeting room.
"It is absurd to decide on the membership of a particular country on the basis of a local referendum. The right to self-determination can only be indigenous, and those are in the Crimea Crimean Tatars. But Tatars boycotted the referendum, "- said Cemil during his speech.
He also added that, according to him, did not participate in the referendum, 82 per cent of inhabitants of the Crimea, as reported by the Russian authorities, and only 32, 4 percent.
According to him, it was a cynical assertion of the Russian authorities about the oppression of Russian in the Crimea, as most local government leaders are Russian, as well as most of the schools in the Crimea.
"First, in the Crimea invaded the Cossacks, they seized government offices and parliament - said Mustafa Cemil. - Then, in the Crimea, Russian troops entered. Russian authorities justified their actions by saying that Ukraine established Bandera power. But this is not true ».
Cemil noted that relations with the authorities of the Crimean Tatars deposed President Viktor Yanukovych also were poor. "Yanukovych regime was corrupt, - he said. - The Crimean Tatars were considered as the main opposition to him. They did not vote for Yanukovych, and therefore were poorly represented in government ».
Earlier Cemil said that the Crimean Tatars want to hold its own referendum, the results of which decisions will be made about a part of what country these people will go. At the second session of the Crimean Tatar Kurultaja, held last weekend in Bakhchisarai, it was decided to establish a national-territorial autonomy of the Crimean Tatar. However, the question of the composition in which country - Ukraine or Russia - is still open.
At the informal meeting of the Security Council on Monday did not attend several permanent representatives of the Security Council, including Russia and China.
Russian mission in this regard has released a statement which said: "We note the abuse in the use of" Arria formula ". This undermines the prestige of the UN Security Council. Categorically refuse to associate with the Security Council today organized a delegation of Lithuanian propaganda show inviting odious figures. This gathering obviously can not give any objective information about the situation in Crimea - one of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Of course, the Russian delegation will ignore this shoddy event ».
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